Episode 21: Validation and the west side of the island

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"Ah ~, a little more to the left. Enlarge that area a little more ..."



[ Ah, this island, desu? ]



"No, to the left. Umm, scroll a little more to the west-southwest."



 Yes. Currently, Mion has finished creating a character, and is in the start point selection screen.



 If you do it normally, you will select the three countries on the continent of the map, The Grania Empire, the Walst Kingdom, and the Marsis Republic.



 But, zoom in on the map, scroll, zoom in ... By checking the solitary islands on the sea far from the continent one by one, it becomes possible to start on a deserted island, but ...



"Ah, yeah, that's it. Try zooming in on the southern tip of the island."



[ Yes. Ah!! I can choose ... Huh? ]



"It looks like it's no longer possible. Should I look at this as something that only one person can start on the island?"



"It looks like it. Then, is it okay to disclose this information?"



 Now that we know how to do it, we don't have to worry about being attacked by someone recreating their character, so I was relieved. I could say, but,



"Could you wait for a moment ~? Is this the only starting point for the uninhabited island that you found ~?"



"Ah, no, there were more than a dozen places. I chose this place because it seemed to be the best among them."



"Can you tell me another place ~?"



 When I told Mion about another place that was a candidate for runner-up,



[ Ah, I can choose here, desu. ]



"I see ~. It might be better to keep this under wraps ~."



"Why is that?"



 And Bell-buchou.

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"I think there are only about 100 places like this ~. Currently, if you reveal it, wouldn't the uninhabited island start rush begin ~."



 Ah ~ ... if they knew how to do it, they could do it if they had patience.



"I see. Although they tried the uninhabited island start by riding the trend, it would be a problem for the management side if it didn't last and was neglected."



 And Bell-buchou. Will the uninhabited islands that they prepared with much effort be wasted. Maa, I guess that's on purpose too.



"In the case that something happens to go wrong ~, I don't want it to be blamed on Mion-san ~."



"That's right. Let's keep it under wraps. Is it okay to ignore that kind of question?"






[ Yes. ]



 Then, is the verification over. After this, Bell-buchou would naturally be playing IRO, and I wondered if I would play with Lupi again.



"Would you like to start in the Walst Kingdom, Mion-san? Even if you're not good at action, there are production-type things, so there are many ways to enjoy it."



[ Umm ... Can this be suspended? ](TN:Suspended/paused/put on hold.)



 Suspended? I thought as much, but Mion doesn't really want to play IRO.



"You can suspend it ~."



[ Then, I'll suspend it. It may soon be possible to go to Shou-kun's island. ]



 ... Yes.









"Oops, good morning. Lupi."



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 The livestream started while I caught him jumping at me.



[ Hello. ]



"Welcome, Mion."






 Nn? Can Lupi see the camera, too? Maa, since he's become my partner, it's not strange that he can see it.



[ What are you going to do today, desu? ]



"I've only done a shallow exploration on the west side, so today I plan to go deep inside. I was wondering if I could take Lupi and be shown around."



[ I see, desu. ]



 I checked the area where Lupi was injured and lying down before, but there weren't any monsters in particular, and time ran out.


 THe forest was quite deep from there, so it might be a little dangerous if monsters appeared.



"Lupi. I'm going west, so could you guide me?"






 He started walking in the lead as if to leave it to him ... was it okay?


 There's no doubt that there must be something that hurt Lupi. Well, proceed with caution, and if it gets dangerous, let's run away, even if I have to carry him.



 We proceeded through the forest on the west side for a while.



"Was it around here where I found Lupi."






[ It's dark further in ... It's kind of scary, desu. ]



 I nodded at Mion's words. It felt more intimidating than when I came here last time ...



"Then, let's go inside for a bit."


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[ Yes. Please be careful. ]






 The space between the trees was narrow, and the sunlight was blocked by the thick foliage, making it dark. Activating the Presence Blocking skill, I followed behind Lupi and carefully began exploring.










 We went straight north, but there was nothing special. For the time being, there was a long-haired, droopy-eared rabbit called 【Forebit】 that ran away. I wonder if it was a non-act?(TN:Forebit = Forest Rabbit, 'Forebitto'. Non-act = critter or something I guess?)



 And there was a sheer cliff in front of me. It stretched from east to west and was about 20 meters high.


 For the time being, I tried to see if I could climb it, but it seemed impossible without skills. If I had climbing skills or something like that, there might be a chance.



"This cliff seems to continue all the way to the west coast."



 On the left hand side, the cliff continued as it was, and the height of the cliff was getting higher and higher.


 On the other hand, the right hand side went up towards the center of the island, so the cliff was relatively low.



"Should I go to the middle area after all. ... Nn?"



 On the right hand side, something was caught in the Presence Detection and approached.



"Uuuu ..."



 After Lupi's sudden growl ...






 A bear!? So big! It's about 2 meters tall!?


 【Armor Bear】 was written on the popped red nameplate.



"That's bad! Impossible, impossible, impossible!! Run away, Lupi!"



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 I was worried that Lupi woudl rush at it, but he listened to me properly, and even ran in front of me and led me on an escape route.


 As I slipped through the trees, jumped over the fallen trees, and frantically ran to the south, I sensed that it had given up and the reaction disappeared.


 After returning to the safe zone sandy beach, I finally stopped and sat down. Because of being chased, the level of Presence Detection and Presence Blocking had increased ...



"Ha ~, I'm saved. I was really scared ..."



[ Are you OK, desu!? ]



"I'm okay, I'm okay. But, if it weren't for Lupi, I might have chosen the wrong path and gotten caught. Thank you, Lupi."



"Wafu ~."



 Nn ~, was being chased by this bear part of the quest? Was it really a coincidence?


 I opened the map and wrote 'Armor Bear' at the spot I encountered it.



[ Was that bear the one that hurt Lupi-chan, desu? ]



"Ah, I see. Lupi, did that guy hurt you?"






 It looked like it was correct.



"Then, I have to get revenge on it someday."






 With my current level and equipment, it seemed pretty tough, I wondered when it would happen. But, I couldn't even cut trees without defeating it.



"How strong is that bear Monster-wise. Do you know, Mion?"



[ Please wait for a moment. ... It seems that the Monster Level is 12 to 15, desu. ]



"I'm glad I escaped ..."


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