A sympathetic inn

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They arrived at Dire as planned and Sou was walking behind a cheerful Lexa as he glanced doubtfully at her.
「That is unexpected.」

「What is unexpected?」

「I thought that the adventurer guild would be the first place you head to.」

「Ohh, about that. I thought about it when we got here…

「Is it perhaps because of the number of people?」

「Correct. It is more crowded than I thought! This town has way to many people!」
So, when we arrived in Dire there were a lot more people than in the royal capital. Is anything going on…?

「Therefore, we should try to find an inn first.」

「Ahh! Well, I would even take a bed that is covered in dust.」

「……Let’s stay at a common inn.」

They went to the east area and were looking for an inn that is not too expensive, but every inn was already fully occupied. Everytime they heard that the inn was full, the dust-covered bed floated into their minds, even though they desperately tried not to. They arrived in front of an shabby inn that let them think that they didn’t want to stay here.

「Ahem, would you like to go inside?」

「Here? Are you serious?」

「We need to compromise. It’s better than having no place to stay.」

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「…… Okay.」
They made up their mind and went inside.

The moment they entered, they were stunned. Because……

「This is a dream. What was that outward appearance?」

「Ahh…… Please slap me.」
The outward appearance was misleading. It was not necessarily luxurious, but it gave a very clean impression. While the two remained standing, a deep voice of a man could be heard.

「Ohh, customers. The reception desk is this way.」
When they looked to the origin of the voice they saw a muscular warrior. He carried a huge axe on his back and wore something that should be called plate armor and was waving his hand. The expressions could not be seen because of his helmet. That was not a good sight for a service oriented industry.

The moment Sou saw the man in the armor he instinctively used 〈Identify〉.

Jack Hamilton | Male | Human | 39 years old

Level: 32
HP: 250
MP: 30

Attack power: 165 (+25)
Defense: 225 (+40)
Speed: 112 (-15)
Charm: 25

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Luck: 15

Weapon: Albions Great Axe (ATK+25)
Armor: Full Plate Armor (DEF+40 SPD-15)

【Special ability】
Elementary Fire Magic
Unswerving Resolve
What!? This person is strong! To be Level 30 is amazing. He has a special ability, magic and he has even a title. That is cleary not the status of an inn receptionist.

「Waa. He is staring at me. Is this his hobby?」
This man who is laughing lightly seems not to be a bad fellow. It’s not the time to stand here frozen. Lexa had a reaction like 「What’s going on here!?」and got here cheeks lightly pinched by Sou.

「Don’t worry. I don’t have that kind of hobby. Do you think that rooms are available?」

「Well, it’s less crowded. The innkeeper should know it. There are not a lot of customers.」
Lexa tsukkomied the old man.

「Why does it have such outward appearance! A customer would not expect such a clean interior!」
It’s just like that. In general, it’s a shame.

「I think, it’s because you would not get very far as an adventurer if you judge everything by the looks. To not be not restricted by appearance is what brings you into this inn. Actually, it is managed by my wife and my adorable daugther. Therefore, it’s not only to make money, you hear that?」

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That’s what the old man said. However, he is an interesting innkeeper.

「Sometimes, people who are not adventurers are comming once in a while. I can see in the eyes of a person if he is an adventurer or not. Like I said, you can’t judge a person by his equipment. It’s true! You must not have clouded eyes. Are you adventurer?」

「I’m an adventurer, but Sou isn’t.」

「Ah, what did you…… My eyes are getting worse……」

「Lexa……. Because I am going to become an adventurer later, therefor I fit into the story of the old man.」


「To tell me that. I don’t need that halfhearted kindness! 」
Does his body armor fiddle with his character?
「More than that, why are in full armor behind the reception desk? That has the same impact as the outward appearance of this inn.」

「The shabby outward appearance and this full plate armor are not equivalent! And I’m not an old man, but Jack Hamilton. Good grief, what terrible kids came. I’m not usually the receptionist. I only toke the place while my wife and daughter are away.」

「To say yourself that the inn looks shabby…… It’s okay. I was scared to think that you accepted that.」

「What is shabby!? Don’t even consider that. For the costumers who entered without being discouraged by the outward apperance, only to find someone in a full body plate armor is amazing, isn’t it?

「We don’t think so!」

「……Well, take it easy!」
Saying that the old man Jack laughed lightly. It seems that his nice character reveals itself a bit. Sou don’t hate this kind of character.
He doesn’t notice it, but Jack and himself share some characteristics.

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「You guys, you seem to have a good relationship. If you two are lovers, there is a double bed room available.」

「We are not Lo, Lo Lo, Lovers!」

「…… We are not lovers.」
Lexa is resembling a cat. It’s sad that it was rejected immediately, but there was no psychological damage because it was kind of cute right now. Dangerous, dangerous. For the time being, let’s aim to flirt with Lexa.
Thinking about it, Sou looked pale.

Moreover, if you see these two from an outsider perspectiv, you would think that they already have a flirtatious aura, but the two themself wouldn’t notice.

「You are not lovers? Then will you have two rooms? It’s 50 copper coins per night per person including breakfast, is that okay?」

「That’s okay. For 5 nights, please.」

「Okay. That’s 5 silver for two people.」
So that means, that 100 copper coins are 1 silver coin. Well, it seems that copper coins are the lowest coin. Thinking about it, 2 silver coins that were handed to the soldier at the gate was quite a rip-off. I should have paused the time to pass the gate. I would deceive Lexa with「This is the extreme of high-speed moving.」or something more suitable afterwards. Oh, even if I regret it, it’s to late now.

After we paid the money, we followd the old man to the rooms on the 2nd floor. We got our two rooms. Lexas room was next to mine.

Sou enters the room immediately and dived into the soft bed. It was more soft and fluffy than he thought. Choosing this inn was the correct choice. While in the bed, there was a knock on the door and without waiting for an answer Lexa came in.
Then, why the knocking!
After entering quickly she said 「Let’s go to the adventurer guild.」
Ahh, that’s right. I completely forgot the adventurer guild……

Sou was satisfied with the bed and completely forgot about it.

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