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Kanade Vs Kokkochief

After I <Identified> the details about Lexa’s ability, I glanced at her face before telling her about it, and she seemed unable to hide her unusual anxiety feeling.

She was very restless. Too restless, to the point she did something that she usually never did in front of me, she was continuously stroking her hair with her nail. She was continuously whirling the tip of her twin-tail with her fingertips.

I absolutely wanted to take a picture of her but, I wanted take a video more, after recording the video, then I’d show it to Lexa. Then, with her face dyed red she would angrily say “When did you take such a thing!”, I could easily imagine it.

As I thought, Lexa was very fun to tease right?!

Oops, it wasn’t the time to imagining such a thing. I should tell Lexa about her ability first.

“Lexa, I’ve understood the details of your ability.”

“Ho- how was it? Could it be really something useless after all?”

“No, according to my conjecture, if you use it properly you could also use this ability in battle.”

“For real!? Please tell me about the detail more!”

Oh, at last she smiled. This was the smile I wanted to see!

“Of course, Lexa, your connection ability is….”

At the time I was about to tell Lexa about its details…

“There are several Kokkopipos coming… desu!”

Runoir who was looking out the surrounding shouted such, noticing that there were some Kokkopipos approaching.

“Mou, even though it’s at the interesting part! Runo-chan, where do they come from?”

“From behind… desu, Lexa-san. The distance is around 30 meters… desu.”

Runoir was even able to estimate the distance. She was so capable.

The kokko group was still a distance away. Since we wanted to raise our level too, it should be the time I and Lexa dealt with them.

“Lexa, we will take care of them. Runoir, you stay away for now. When there’s a change of the situation, I’ll leave the backing to you.”

“Very well! Let’s do it!”

“Roger… desu. Please be careful… desu.”

While we were waiting for them to show themselves, they were gazing at us from between the gaps of the trees, we could confirm the appearance of four Kokkopipos.

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“Wai, there are four of it! I’ll take care the two at the left!”

“Roger. If it’s too hard for you then just tell me. I’ll definitely come to save you.”

“T- thank you. It isn’t the time for chatting!”

“They’re coming.”

Finally the Kokko groups came out of the tree’s shadow and made a move toward here.

…the one at the right end looked far bigger than the other Kokkopipos.

Since I was bothered by it so I <Identify> it.


Don Kokkopipo | Male


Level                         : 26

HP                              : 105

MP                             : 0


Attack Power         : 54

Defense Power      : 35

Agility                       : 49

Charm                      : 6

Luck                          : 14


Ability                       : Cut, skewer


What! Don Kokkopipo!

Its level wasn’t even comparable to an ordinary Kokkopipo.

“Kanade-san! That monster is the boss of these kokko… desu!”

Boss, was it something like their leader? Let’s called it Kokkochief.

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Without overlooking the instant opportunity when I was <Identifying> it, Don Kokkopipo bent its body and stuck out its tusk. Then, with a powerful kick to the ground, charging like a rocket, it approached my chest.

“Kanade! Watch out!”

“Avoid it desu!”


Lexa’s POV



 Without me and Runo-chan noticed it, Don Kokkopipo was already in front of Kanade, and while writhing in suffer, it rolled over to the ground. Bluish blood was flowing out of both its eyes and neck…. What happened?

Since the other Kokkopipo seemed not understand what happened either, they stopped their legs.

Then Kanade calmly stabbed his bronze sword at Don Kokkopipo’s chest, and finished it off.

“There are still three left, don’t let your guard down Lexa.”

Wait! It wasn’t like I was letting my guard down, it was just there were too many thing to retort about! Wasn’t Runo-chan dumbfounded too!

“The remaining three, as planned I’ll take care two if it, and the last one should be dealt by Runo-chan. Kanade please just stand firmly there.”


Afterward, without any much resistance, the remaining three Kokkos were subjugated by us.


Kanade’s POV


“Then, Kanade, what did you do at just now? For me, it looked like the Don Kokkopipo suddenly collapsed though….”

“I didn’t understand what happened too… desu. I’m curious about it… desu.”

After subjugating all of the Kokko and stripped the Don Kokkopipo, Lexa and Runoir threw such questions to me.

What should I do? I just stopped the time and then stabed the kokkochief’s eyes and neck with sword but…. <Time stop>, since I could easily aim at my opponent’s weakness so it’s very convenient. Also, it would be perfect if I could extend the stopped time though.

Would it be okay if I just told them “I stopped the time”? I’d already quite trusted Lexa and Runoir, I even considered them as my comrades. But, this and that were something different. As a mysterious man, quiet and cool, now let’s just tell them that it was just something like special moves.

“That was something like my special moves that could only be used once in five minutes.”

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“Special moves?”

“What is it… desu?”

What, was there no concept of special moves in this world?

“In the first place, it was similar like at the first time I met you right, Lexa.”

“Ah, was that about the time you instantly killed those two goblins?”

“That’s right.”

“At that time I was too focused to fight the goblins, so actually I didn’t see it. And so practically it was the first time I saw it.”

“An attack with… speed that couldn’t be followed by eyes… nodesu?”

Lexa, you once confidently said that you saw it, didn’t you? Well, whatever.

But I was grateful that both Lexa and Runoir were misunderstand about it. This, it was better to just follow this flow.

“That’s right, that was an attack that couldn’t even be followed by eyes. It’s okay if you want to praise me.”

“As I thought you are amazing, Kanade!”

“Amazing… desu! Master(Shishou)!”

Both of them really believed it. They were too gullible which even made me worry.

What Runoir said, she said Master but, statuses-wise Runoir’s was still higher than mine though. The world sure was mysterious.

At this rate, it seemed like they would be easily fooled by a bad person.

Ah, come to think of it, after subjugating the Kokkochief, I heard a sound notification that my level had increased.

Come out, status.


Saotome Kanade Male Celestial Being | 16 years old


Level                         : 4

HP                              : 72

MP                             : 94


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Attack Power         : 55 (+2) (+4)

Defense Power      : 48

Agility                       : 59

Charm                      : 60

Luck                          : 50


Weapons                 : Stick (Attack Power +2)

                                      Bronze Sword (Attack Power +4)


【Ultimate Ability】

Time Stop (5s)

【Special Ability】

Identify, Almighty Infinite Box, Empty(3)




Other Worlder, Hero, Grandson of The Ultimate God.


Is seemed that my level had increased by two. What? Outside my prediction, my statuses values increased considerably high. Even with Celestial Being’s effect the increase was amazing. Was the status’s growth not constant? Like when my level increased from level one to level two, I thought the growth would be the same but that seemed wasn’t the case. Could it be, was it depending to the monster we subjugated?

Rather than leveling up by killing a lot of small fries, there’s a possibility that by defeating a strong opponent your status would increase more. Maybe it’s similar like a prize after clearing a trial. How’s that Dr. <Identify>. Please give me your enlightenment.

『The statuses growth at each levels up』

When you leveled up, your condition, place, luck etc, there were many elements that may affect your statuses growth. And, the stronger the monster you defeat, the higher your statuses would grow.


I see….

At least, it was already a certain that the stronger the monster, the higher your status would increase! Thank you very much, Doctor.

Nevertheless, five seconds limit of the stopped time was very tight! Depending on its holder’s growth, when would it extend?

There was no one to answer my question.

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