Sou woke up by the gentle sunlight shining upon his face through the gaps of the window.

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It was an unfamiliar ceiling……

「That’s right. This is a different world.」

Sou got up slowly while muttering a very unusual dialogue. Naturally, he felt weak for waking up after sleeping for about 10 hours. He stayed in the same spot, dozing off for 3 minutes and then stand up. He gradually sober up and at the same time, a knock came at door.

「Saotome-sama, it’s time to get up.」

This voice…… aa, the maid from yesterday.

「Aa, I’m already awake.」

「I would like to confirm today’s schedule, may I come in?」

「Go ahead.」

The door opened and came in the maid who delivered my food and showed me to my room. I’m only but a high school student until yesterday so I’m still not used to the polite treatment. I wonder if this maid really think of us as heroes even though we suddenly popped up out of nowhere. No, they probably didn’t believe and just doing their job. Even if we’re not heroes the reception probably wouldn’t change.

「Good morning.」


「The schedule for today is, after breakfast we are to guide you to the throne room for ability appraisal. After being appraised, we are to guide you to the training grounds for you to accurately grasp your abilities. Do you have any questions?」

「No, it’s alright. I’m just a little nervous.」

「It doesn’t look like it……」

「I don’t have much expression.」

By our exchange just now, it seems all the member of the class will be gathered in the throne room like yesterday after breakfast.

「Heroes, good morning. Were all of you able to sleep well last night? Our plan is to let everyone know their own abilities immediately.」

「Good morning, Moses-san. What do we need to do to know our abilities?」

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Sawaki is also in his Hero-ish composure today. I’m itching to know my ability as soon as possible so I can have a peace of mind.

「Before we perform the appraisal, it’s better if everyone confirm it yourselves first. So, please try to strongly think the word status.」

「Is that all? Alright, let’s do it everyone!」

No, that’s not it. It should be more exciting than that. All we have to do is strongly think the word status? If I’m lucky, I could’ve found out my ability yesterday……

Oh well. Let’s try it for the time being. Status!


Saotome Sou | Male | Celestial | 16 years old

Level: 1
HP: 15
MP: 20

Attack power: 12
Defense: 10
Speed: 15
Charm: 60
Luck: 50

Ultimate Ability

Time stop (5s)

Special ability



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Otherworlder, Hero, Grandson of the ultimate god.


The information is displayed in front of me. It’s like a game!

N? What? ……oooooh!? T-T-Time stop!? This is a cheat ability! If I have this ability then I can do anything!

Oh, it says 5s. Does it mean 5 seconds? Let’s confirm it later. Still, grandpa god…… really gave me a dangerous one. But grandpa god didn’t seem to know it’d be this kind of ability……

I’m also interested in the special ability, empty. I wonder what it means. Anyway, let’s see what happened to the other guys.

When I looked around, everyone of the class is starring at an empty space in front of them.This is amazingly surreal. It seems, my status is not visible to the other guys. Uhm, technically it doesn’t need appraisal to see it.

I must concentrate to grasp my abilities. It’s regrettable. My Magic……none. I’m particularly disappointed about it because, since coming to this world, what I’m looking forward the most is to use magic secretly but it turned out I don’t have it! Well, there’s no reason to give up yet……

The Title……eh, grandpa god is the ultimate god? I don’t know what ultimate god is but I think it’s amazing. Probably. Anyway, so it was named ultimate ability because it was bestowed by the ultimate god. Well, my useless knowledge have increased.

「Awesome! I have three special abilities!」

「Me too!」

「My ability is a charm1. Cute~!」

「Magic absorption, interesting.」

After confirming their statuses, the guys from the class began to make a commotion and discussed their abilities with one another. I wonder if it’s just my imagination but……I seem to know everyone’s special abilities and all the three abilities at that. Don’t tell me this is the effect of my special ability, empty? I don’t quite get it……

「Heroes, are you finished confirming your abilities? Well then, let’s appraise everyone’s abilities so we can give you advice if there were similar abilities in the past. We’ll take this black crystal around and each of you will have to place your hand over it.」

It’s bad. The time has finally come. I don’t know how much of my status this crystal can appraise, if it’s from my ultimate ability, special ability, magic, title, and or everything through my race. Grandpa god, I need help. Your grandson is already in a pinch!

Such prayer was also in vain because my turn has come……

「Then, please place your hand.」

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I hold out my hand slowly over the black crystal of appraisal with my heart pounding and a cold sweat trickled down my spine.

「This is……」

Old man Moses is at a loss for words. Dangerous, Dan•ge•rou•s.

「I hate to say it but it will be difficult to fight the great demon king with this…… You have no special ability or magic……」


What? It means, my ultimate ability didn’t show up? I became worried so I looked over at my status reflected at the crystal of appraisal――


Saotome Sou | Male

Level: 1
HP: 15
MP: 20

Attack power: 12
Defense: 10
Speed: 15

Special ability



Such a small amount of information! I’m offended to be considered as a small fry but I was saved this time. Speaking of which, the ultimate ability and celestial race only appeared in legends. That’s probably why the crystal of appraisal couldn’t appraise it. Aa, It was a needless worry.2

「Hero, please wait while I talk to His Majesty.」

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Moses said so and disappeared from this place. That moment, an intense atmosphere focused upon me.

Wow. Great. The boys turned to me with a triumphant look. Sawaki looked at me with eyes of pity, like watching a chick that can die at any moment while Maezono’s entourage is looking at me with eyes like a dead fish rather than the usual stern eyes full of power. That kind of feeling. Shimada is the same as ever, staring at Sawaki.

For some reason, the girls are having a complex look. They looked like they are hesitating if they should call out to me. It feels like they want to say a deepest condolence. Oh, if I could just say「To tell you the truth, I can stop time」.

「So-Sou-kun! Me and Kotomi-chan will protect you!」

「Yeah! Ability and Magic doesn’t matter, Saotome-kun is Saotome-kun!」

It had been declared that I will be protected by girls. I’m thankful for the kindness and encouragement but at the same time my life is smashed……

「I’m alright. Thank you both.」


Although I heard a lot of men clicked their tongue, ignore it, ignore it!

「Sorry, I made you wait. The other ones, please have the maids guide you to the training grounds. Saotome-sama, His Majesty wants to talk to you. Please come with me.」


「Saotome……don’t worry, it’s okay. Please be relieved that I will defeat the great demon king in your behalf!」


Moses finally returned and told me to meet the King. At the same time, Sawaki……did a strong tsukkomi that naturally I couldn’t retort. Oh, did you really have to beat me until I’m down?3

Thus, I was guided to the throne room.

Translator notes and reference:

1呪い can mean spell, charm, curse, incantation, enchantment and etc. I chose charm because of the word ‘cute’ that followed but I might be wrong

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