I went through a few back alleys before finally arriving at the inn. I guess the bastards couldn’t catch me. They clearly weren’t much.

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The bell jingled loudly as I opened the front door and went inside. This sound was now very familiar to me.

“Oh, you’re early today.”

Maris’ face popped out from under the counter.

“Yeah, I’m back. Got chased by a few adventurers on the way.”

“There are still people complaining about you? Really, such people are not fit to be called men!”

“Haha. Well, there are quite a few of them.”

“That’s quite disappointing though…”

We chatted idly for a while, until she handed me the room key.

“Ah, Asagi. It’ll be your second week today. What will you do?”

“Extend, of course.”

“Hahaha. Do you mean to just stay here and live with me?”

“I’d love to do just that, but I want to go out on a journey, once I have enough money…”

“Is that so. Well, I better give up then.”

She chuckled. I don’t know how I would ever be able to repay her. Not just her. Russell, and the Chief. I’ll throw Gardo and Ness in there as well.

After paying the amount for the extension, I then went back to my room, plopped on my bed and took out my status card.

“Status open.”

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◇   ◇   ◇   ◇

Name: Asagi Kamiyashiro

Race: Human

Job: Adventurer (Rank: G)

LV: 15

HP: 218/218

MP: 86/86

STR: 71  VIT: 65

AGI: 228  DEX: 105

INT: 53  LUK: 11

Skills: Jack of all trades, master of none

Magic: None

Current Quests: None

All Equipment: Head – none

Body – Leather armor

Arms – Leather gloves

Legs – None

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Feet – Leather shoes

Weapon – Iron sword

– Iron short sword

Accessories – None

◇   ◇   ◇   ◇

“My level went up… And my AGI broke 200, huh… How high can it go? Though, I don’t know what the average even is.”

There was nothing to do but laugh at how unbalanced it all was, but I couldn’t complain about being fast. Being fast with everything was the trick to living.

I stashed the status card back in my pocket, grabbed a change of clothing and headed off to the public bathing area. The inn had its own baths. Which was great for me. I loved bathing. Taking an early morning bath after a long night of work was the best…

Just as I took off my clothes in the changing room, a few other guests at the inn came in. After a short greeting, I showered and then hopped into the tub.

“Ahhh…that’s reinvigorating…”

I sigh without thinking. Who wouldn’t? You can’t help it. It’s like a phenomenon, I think.

After being warmed through, I quickly get out. I don’t take long baths.

Then it was just a matter of getting dressed, eating dinner and going to bed. I’ve started to really settle down here now, so I tried to spend a little time before bed to reflect on the day and think about my future plans.

Today’s goblin hunting had gone well. The guild house was quiet because of Gardo. If only he were always there. Things got annoying after that. There was a high likelihood that they would try something again outside of the guild house. I better be prepared.

As for the good news, my level went up. Very good. I wanted to reach level 20 before going up to Rank F. So I suppose I had no choice but to go goblin hunting tomorrow as well… I think I’ll head out earlier than usual tomorrow. Better get some sleep then. Yeah, I’ll do that.

I pull the blanket up to my chin and close my eyes. Ahh, it was a stark contrast to sleeping in the trees… I was practically asleep now. Two, three breaths and my consciousness was gone.

◇   ◇   ◇   ◇

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The goblin hunting, or should I say, herb gathering went well the next day. I dug the dirt around the roots so as to cleanly remove the plants before putting them in my bag. Then it was off to chasing goblins until nightfall. Strangely, I never bumped into any other adventurers. I even asked the girl at Reception about this once.

“Ahhh. Well, there aren’t many newcomers here, lately. Everyone else goes out the west gate and to the forest with all the wolves. By the way, Asagi. Did you go deep into the forest? Hmm?

Apparently, I was one of the only ‘Rocks’ around here. It was kind of lonely to not have any contemporaries around, but it also meant no fighting or competing. It was kind of great to be able to work in peace.

Then a few days passed and I had fifteen successful quests under my belt and so was raised to Rank F. Or as they called it, ‘Obsidian.’ I was better than Rock, I guess. But I think they could have spent more time coming up with a name…

Well, this was their old custom, so there was no point in thinking about it. They clearly didn’t.

My level had also passed 20. I felt rewarded for my efforts, but the guild worker had glared at me with a frightening look. It was a look that said, ‘Damn bastard. You’ve gone too far just because people were staying quiet!’ But I could bear it, I was stronger now. Don’t lock eyes, don’t make excuses, stay friendly. That’s all you needed to get out of most scrapes.

“Asagi. Is Mr. Asagi here?”

The guild worker at Rewards, who always helped me, was calling. But I had already received the reward for the herbs…

“Yes, what is it?”

“Mr. Asagi, since your level has reached 20, your rank will be raised to E. Please hand over your status card.”

Hmm? But I only just reached rank F?

“Please hand over your status card.”

“Um, but I was raised to F just now…”

“Ranks can go up through the number of successful quests as well as level count. As you have willfully hopped your way up, I discussed it with the guild master and it was decided that your rank would go up as well. So please, hand over your status card.”

There was something harsh in the way she said it… But really, had I known this I would have raised my level even more.

But she looked like she was about to explode, so I quickly handed over my card. She disappeared in the back room for a moment and then returned. That was quick.

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“Mr. Asagi, you are now Rank E. Commonly called, ‘Crystal.’”

“Thank you.”

I took my card back.

“Please don’t push yourself too hard. There’s no coming back once you die.”

“You’re very kind. You take care of yourself too, miss.”

“Thank you. But my name is not ‘miss.’ I have a proper name, ‘Fiona.’ So please refer to me by that name from now on!”

That was an out of the blue introduction. It was hard to tell how familiar adventurers were supposed to be with guild workers.

“Well then, Fiona. Have a good day.”

“You too, Asagi.”

So saying, she gave me a wink. This girl, was she coming onto me?

That was the idiotic thought in my head as I left the guild house. But, of course, I was alert to my surroundings. There was a thick atmosphere of unease.

In other words, it was time for an all-out dash.

“Ahh! That shit. He’s running away again!!”

“Damn! He’s fast!”

“How dare he talk with Fiona so lightheartedly!!!”

Spite, scorn, envy. Their words were full of it. Unfortunately, I had better things to do right now. So I left them there and set off for the Chief’s smithy.


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