I asked Master Daniela:

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“So. What do you think we should do?”

“Indeed…I am in agreement with you, Asagi. But if you think about this from the perspective of the Adventurers, the orcs building a country could mean war. Though, it would not be a problem if they really would live quietly in peace.”


I’m not too surprised… No, that was totally expected. I was not from here, and to be completely honest, this development was something that I had read in a novel before, and I had hopes based off of that. This idea that monsters who were once hated by humans now trying to change the way that they lived. I wished that it was possible. However, it had clearly not been the case with the Assault Kobold. That was immediate death.


“I think that it would be great if everyone could live peacefully. Asagi, thank you, but…”

“No, I’m just too optimistic. Don’t worry about it, Arthur.”


I should look at reality. This was another world. It was a world for humans. It was not a great place for monsters. That was reality.


“I think that you should focus on creating an environment where you can live without interacting with humans instead of creating a country.”


Daniela said.


“I see… What about making buildings that can move?”


I was thinking about nomadic people. A lifestyle where you could raise your animals while moving from place to place. Constantly moving like that would ensure that you did not run out of food for your livestock… Well, you couldn’t plant crops or anything, but I doubted orcs cared much about that.


“Hmm. Raising livestock and not staying in the same place…I like that idea!”


Arthur nodded as he considered this possibility for the future of the orcs.


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“Eating is very important for us. Orcs are very fond of meat.”

“All worldly troubles are nothing if you have meat.”


Daniela said with a perceptive nod. She was probably thinking about the meat at the Anthill.


“The problem is if there are any orcs who would agree to such a thing that are still alive.”

“I do not believe that to be a problem. Did you see that there were two paths when you came here?”


There was. We had taken the stairs to the left, based on Daniela’s intuition. The right side had a flat path that led straight…


“That was used to escape to a place far off from here. When making this settlement, I wanted there to be an escape route to the valley floor in case of an emergency. But then we encountered the hole moles. And so we had them dig the holes for us…”


Arthur said with a dark expression.


“Mordred’s movements became most strange… And so I commanded the hole moles without telling him. I wanted them to dig a separate passage in case we needed to escape. I had only told a few trusted orcs who did not wish to fight. Surely they would have used it to escape once Mordred started his coup.”


We had indeed seen several other footprints leading to this place. You had to follow the wall quite a bit to find them. The hidden door would have been hard to find otherwise. They must have taken their times after he was captured to escape during the night. And now there was no one in the settlement. In other words, those footprints were the last of the group.


“I met them when they passed through here. I told them to leave without me as I would go later. And so I have been waiting here for the right chance.”

“…Wait a minute. So what was this cell made for?”


They only needed an escape route. There was no need to create this cell.


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“I wanted to keep Mordred in here. I thought that he might have a change of heart after being confined for a while… It is rather ironic that it would be me who was left here.”


He said with a self-deprecating smile and then sighed. I see…he wanted to see if he could start over. Arthur. He wasn’t going to kill someone who tried to rebel but give them another chance.


“Hmm…This is what we will do then. First, Arthur. You must escape. We Adventurers will deal with Mordred.”

“I suppose things will only grow complicated if I am there…I am sorry.”

“Do not be. You must run away and follow your people. And live freely.”

“Yeah. That would be for the best. A moving building… I’m sure you could think of something?”

“Aye. In fact, I have a few ideas. I look forward to trying them.”


Daniela watched as Arthur talked almost gleefully, and she laughed. To think that he was looking towards the future with such optimism. I don’t know if he was just being positive or if he was… Well, it was all up to us now.


“Still, perhaps it is all finished.”

“Yes… the path that leads to the valley floor. Mordred is likely hiding there. There is nowhere else to go.”

“Humans are capable. He will definitely be discovered and hunted down. Even without knowledge of what happened, orcs are orcs.”


It was sad, but that was the reality. I wanted Arthur to live. Without being seen, choosing to live freely and peacefully with his people.


“Now, we should be going soon. Do you have any belongings, Arthur?”

“My sword should be here. No…Mordred has likely taken it. I will probably never see it again.”


Sword…Arthur’s sword, huh?


“So, does this sword have a name by any chance?”

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“Hm? Yes, it is the Excalibur.”

“The Excalibur…”


So, pretty much everything…


“By the way, Arthur. Were you given that name by anyone in particular?”

“No, I wasn’t. I named myself. When I decided that I would become a king, the name flashed in my brain.”

“Then what about Mordred? Is he an abnormally evolved being as well?”

“He is not. He is just an orc. Well, perhaps he has evolved more than the ordinary orc… His name too had flashed in my brain, just when I learned that he was planning to betray me.”


It was a rather vague explanation, and also quite annoying. But was that all there was to it…? There was some intelligence they had been bestowed with. Could it have been from my world?


“Can we leave now?”

“Ah, forgive me. I have given up on the sword. I do not need it to be myself. Let us go.”

“If I am able to find the Excalibur, I will come and give it to you. If we meet again.”

“Hehe. Thank you, Asagi. But I have no hope of that happening.”


You could have just a little at least!


We carefully ascended the wet staircase until we reached the branching path. Arthur would be free if he went to the right. He could escape from here without the humans seeing him.


“Daniela will cover the hole when we get out of here.”

“Aye, thank you. You have done much for me, Asagi.”

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“Don’t worry about it. And be safe.”

“Aye. And you take care as well, Daniela.”


We tightly shook hands. Orcs had very large hands…but he was gentle.

Arthur slowly walked away. He turned around after a moment and waved. I waved back. Eventually, he was far enough that even the magic lamps were not enough to see him.


“…So, we have some things to do now.”

“Aye, Arthur is one thing, but orcs who take up arms against humans are our enemies.”


We started to walk. In the opposite direction as Arthur. We would leave this hole and return to the settlement. There was a tunnel that led to the valley floor that we had to find. Mordred would be at the end of the other side. And we would kill him. There would be other orcs there who followed him. I had killed a number of orcs in the valley already, but not nearly equal to the number that had escaped. There would likely be a base along the way as well.

That would be the place of the last battle with the orcs.


 □   □   □   □


I followed after Daniela, my arms full with the magic lanterns. If we were going to bury this place anyway, then it would be a waste to leave them here. That was what I thought as I picked up each one as we walked. Asagi Kamiyashiro was a man who was haunted by the ghost of un-wastefulness.

Finally, I picked up the last one and we came out of the hole. I put them down in the bushes nearby. I would come back with the hollow bag before we left this place… I mean, it would be no trouble with Legs of the Forest Wolf. I was a fast runner.


“Asagi, you are brilliant.”

“What’s that? You’re making me blush.”

“Do not worry, it was sarcasm.”



Alright, now Daniela would bury the hole and we could return to the settlement. Virgil would be there, so we would have to explain the situation to him and search for the tunnel. I could only hope that they hadn’t found it already. I wanted to retrieve Arthur’s sword if I could.

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