“Hey…you do realize how late it is?”

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I heard a voice from below. And so I tore my eyes off of the night sky and looked down at the people on the surface. Mister Saragi and several guards were standing there. We shouldn’t keep them waiting…


“Good evening, Saragi. I see you brought a small party with you.”

“Idiot! The others are waiting in the abandoned village. Damn it. So you really did kill it by yourself.”


Saragi threw an arm around my shoulder while Daniela supported me from the other side. He then began to jab me in the ribs.


“Agh, that hurts.”

“Hahaha! I’m sure it’s just a tickle compared to what the Loup-garou did to you?”

“No, it really stings.”


He was targetting my bones, which sent waves of pain throughout my entire body.


“Hey, Saragi. Do you want to die?”

“I’m just joking… Look, there is a place where we can rest back in the village. Let’s go.”


I sensed something odd between them. Did Daniela have a grasp on some weakness of his…?


Daniela then helped me up onto a horse that was by the river. She then got up in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her. When I embraced her tightly, she turned her head and kissed me on the forehead.


“I’m glad you look well.”

“Aye. I showered in potions and ate street food to regain my blood and energy.”

“You are so much wilder than me.”

“You are too brittle, Asagi.”


Daniela said that I must eat more and become strong. Well, I did need to do one of those things. If I wanted to survive, anyway. Still, I was satisfied as long as she was next to me.


I had thought about it before, but this time, I had been so close to losing what was actually important. My indiscretion had invited the danger. But I fought the Loup-garou. Perhaps it wasn’t the best fight, but I still beat it. In that case, I had to improve on being able to kill things definitely and not letting my guard down until I was sure.


And so the adventures of Asagi Kamiyashiro would continue.


  □   □   □   □


A bonfire had been lit in the village and the area was filled with a warm glow. The night was cold, but the fire would make things comfortable enough.

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We dismounted the horses and went under the tent. …Hmm, it smelled of something. But there was nothing there.


“First, your wounds must be treated.”


Daniela said as she looked down at me after I had taken a seat.



“Yes, Miss Daniela.”


A guard came in with a bag. So she was Kanatsuki.


“You must be Kanatsuki. I feel like you’ve helped us a lot recently. Thank you.”

“No, it is just my job.”


She smiled humbly. It was cute…



“Uh, it’s nothing.”


Daniela had a stern look.


“So, what are you going to do?”


I quickly changed the subject.


“I will begin treatment of your wounds. First, that left eye…”


She pulled out a sewing kit from the bag.


“I must stitch it up.”

“Wa-wait a second.”


She’s going to pierce me with that thing?


“Sorry. I don’t really like being pierced with things. It’s a pet peeve of mine…”

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“But, your wound…”

“I know. Potions. Do you have any potions?”

“Miss Daniela used all of them.”



She did say something about showering in them… Did she take a potion bath?


I glanced at her but she looked away.


“I wouldn’t need that much…”

“…I shall go search.”


Kanatsuki bowed and left the tent. As we were now alone, I decided to press for answers.


“Showering in potions, did you?”

“I meant every word. I wanted to go and help you, but I had too many wounds. So I showered in them and rubbed them into my skin. They would not have let me come otherwise. I had to tear off all my clothes while riding the cart…”

“You did what! Weren’t you still outside!?”


The guards all saw her naked!


“Yes. It could hardly be helped. It was an emergency.”

“It’s still an emergency. An unfortunate event is going to prevent a lot of soldiers from going home.”

“Wait, you stupid bastard. Put down that sword!”


Daniela grabbed me as I held the ancient elven sword. I lost my balance and fell down on the floor. She quickly mounted me and held me to the ground.


“Don’t stop me, Daniela. This is, uh, necessary violence.”

“They came all this way just to help you, you know? Were you always this stupid?”

“Tsk… But…”

“It is not as if there is less of me now. You will always be able to see me.”


She whispered into my ear. I felt like my brain was starting to melt.


We looked at each other in a daze. She continued to whisper sweet words. As my eyes swam around the roof of the tent, they suddenly stopped on Kanatsuki’s face. She looked at us with an embarrassed expression, but there was nothing I could do. 

Ultimately, it took a few minutes before Daniela was satisfied and I was able to get up and away from Kanatsuki’s stare.

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“Phew. I hope you understand now?”

“Yes…it’s very clear now…”


Now that Daniela was off of me, Kanatsuki finally stepped foot into the tent.


“Uh, I was able to find a few spare potions…”

“Hmm? Ah, that is some suspiciously good timing.”



Kanatsuki turned red and shivered under Daniela’s observation.


“Right, potions, potions. Here, I’ll take them.”



I quickly changed the subject again and accepted the bag. I opened it saw a number of small bottles. Yes, it would be enough.


I then took out a bottle that had the brightest color. Potions were more effective the brighter they were. And I had determined it was best not to use a moderately strong one if I didn’t want to have scars.


“Daniela. Get me the hollow bag.”



I took out some string from the bag and used it to tie my hair. It had grown much too long…

Oh, well. The wound was what was important now. And so I took out a pot and poured the potion inside. I had to empty a few bottles that were just as potent until I had enough to wash my face with. The left side of my face began to sting and burn. That meant it was healing. And so I continued to wash. Once I no longer felt the burning heat, I raised my face.


“How is it? Is it gone?”




I looked at Daniela and Kanatsuki, but both of them hesitated. I guess not… Ah, well…


“There is one line that starts above your left eye and goes down to your cheek.”

“I see… I really didn’t want anything permanent on my face…”

“…Asagi, look at me.”


Daniela said as I sighed with disappointment. When I looked up, Daniela had raised the hem of her shirt.

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My eyes widened.



“…What do you think? Do you hate it?”
“…Are they bigger?”


Daniela looked a little embarrassed and then smacked me in the face. I thought it was funny…


“Thank you. I know what you meant by it.”

“That hurt.”

“…In any case, we are the same. That is what I wanted to say. I was not trying to show you anything else. Well, perhaps they have become a little…”


Daniela looked away. I stretched out my hand and traced my fingers against her skin. She twitched but did not move. She was strong…


“Thanks, Daniela. I get what you mean now.”



She readjusted her clothes and sat down next to me before gently touching the scar.


“Just think of it as a sign of prestige.”

“Yeah…I’ll be positive about it.”


Besides, maybe third-rate Adventurers would stop trying to harass me now. I had been a little anxious about that, as we were heading to the capital. So this might end up being a good countermeasure.


“There are still a few smaller wounds to deal with.”

“Right. Thank you, Miss Kanatsuki. I’ll buy the rest.”

“N-no. It’s fine…”


She looked at us awkwardly. I was puzzled at first but then realized she had witnessed the exchange earlier and even I turned red.

As we all sat there in mutual embarrassment, Saragi came to see how we were doing. He took one look at us and laughed.


Ah, this was peace… It was all finished now… I felt it deeply at that moment.


And like that, all rumors of a fearsome Loup-garou stopped.


So, that’s finally chapter 200! Hope you enjoyed it! I kind of expect the series to end at around 350 chapters. So there’s still a ways to go. Anyway, consider writing a review or rating the series if you enjoy it. Thanks for reading.

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