To show my gratitude to Daniela for telling me the secret of her weapons, I decided to tell her an idiotic story from my childhood.

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“…Yeah, so I was so annoyed that I trained alone after that. Which resulted in a fracture…”

“AHAHAHAHA! You were such a fool!”

“Uh, it really you hurt, you know…? Oh, look at the time. We should get some rest and prepare for tomorrow.”

“Ah, yes… Ohh. My stomach hurts…”


Daniela wiped the tears from her eyes and moved towards the bed. I agreed that I had been an idiot back then, but I hadn’t thought she would find the story so funny.


But it was time for us to go to bed. It was dark outside and the clock told me it was 10. I made a trip to the bathroom first, and when I returned, Daniela was already hidden under the blankets.


“Make some room for me…”


I had to peel some of them away. I felt bad doing it when she was sleeping so comfortably, but it was the only way to get in. Just then, Daniela’s pale shoulder came into view.


“No clothes tonight?”

“I did not feel like it.”

“You know we have an early morning?”

“Just a little. All right?”

“Damn it…”


Free as always. Of course, it didn’t end as quickly as she suggested it would.


    □   □   □   □


Perhaps it was just me, but I felt oddly refreshed the following morning. Maybe it was the apt amount of exercise before bed. In any case, it was time for a bath.




Daniela wasn’t there. She actually got up before me…


“…Wait!? Was I late!?”


It just seemed too unlikely that she could have beaten me. So the more likely explanation was that I was late… But then I looked at the clock and saw that it was still six in the morning.


“So she really did get up…”


It was unbelievable. She wouldn’t be amused if I told her that, but it was the truth. Of course, maybe she was like those kids that only got up early before school excursions?

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As I wondered about this strange event, Daniela came out of the bathing room. She was drying her hair and wearing nothing.


“Ah, good morning. Asagi.”

“Morning, Daniela. Lost your clothes?”

“Hmm? When have I ever lost my clothes?”

“Well, maybe I’m losing my mind.”

“That is fine with me.”

“Not me.”


Daniela smirked and posed provocatively. But there was no time for that. We had to get to the arena as soon as possible. I didn’t want to get disqualified for being late.


I quickly washed up and put on my new equipment. It all fit me perfectly. That feeling of magic that was specific to dragons was especially comforting. It felt like a part of your body…it was hard to describe.


“Been wearing dragon for a while now…”


I had started off with my convenient store clothes. But those didn’t last long, and so I had bought an old set of leather armor. I’d ended up in many dangerous situations since then. Thankfully, my level went up quite quickly. I had been lucky again after that when I was able to buy dragon armor at a great discount. Well, some might say it was because of Matsumoto, but I’m just going to call it luck.

It had been indestructible through my many battles after that. But eventually, it was unable to endure the strength of my new abilities, and it broke. However, I was lucky enough to acquire new materials soon after.

And that led to my current equipment. I hadn’t worn it for long, but it did feel the most comfortable so far.


“I think I can win.”


It was like it filled me with power. Perhaps the God Wolf powers went well with the dragon armor?


“Asagi? Are you ready?”

“Yeah, I’m finished.”


Daniela was also wearing her new equipment. Hers was made from the wind dragon that Eve had summoned. As it had been dyed, it wasn’t the same color as mine, but the features were much the same. I used the power of the wind dragon and charge ahead at full speed. While I could also use magic, I preferred to use it at close range.

As for Daniela, she used the power of the wind dragon for magic. It was highly compatible with the wind attribute, obviously, and Daniela said she was practically overflowing with power. But she could also use the rapier and bow. She defended and attacked. She could do it all. 


My opponent today was a mysterious fighter who used a shortsword. As for why I hadn’t noticed the fighter during the game, it must have been due to Presence Block. If you were at a high enough level, you could go unnoticed during battle. Or maybe it was some other unique skill.


“Well, you will not know until you actually fight them.”

“I guess. Ah, there are a lot of people today…”

“Of course, there is.”


Radelia Shvein Arena was crowded. It was the long-awaited main match. The citizens of the empire and the tourists all wore their best clothes as they headed for the arena. Children rushed past us one after another. They were certainly energetic.


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As I smiled and watched, I noticed that people were giving me odd looks. Why? Was I dressed strangely?


“Well, the armor kind of outs you as a competitor.”

“Ah, right.”


That made sense. People were dressing fancy, but they weren’t wearing armor. A few people carried swords for protection, but no one else looked like they were off to battle.


“Maybe we should wave?”

“Yes. I will wave as well.”


The Imperial Sword Tournament was a festival. There was no harm in getting a little carried away. And so we tried waving at the spectators. More people reacted than I expected. The deep shouts of men and the screams of women rang in my ears.


“It’s actually quite off-putting. I regret it already.”

“Yes. Me too.”


Well, that’s a festival for you. We had been spectators at first, but now we were part of the show.


I was ready to fight.


As we weren’t going to watch this time, we were led through a different hallway that would take us to the stage.


“Please wait here a moment.”



But first, we were left in a room without any further explanation. The other competitors were also present. I suppose it was the waiting room… I saw my own opponent, Kapricorn Shteiner, was standing in the back.


Everyone’s eyes turned towards us as we entered. But only one person stood up and walked towards us. The one with the blindingly white outfit. His white cape was a particular eyesore. But perhaps it held some religious significance. I decided that it was better not to make any comment on it.


“Good morning, Daniela. You are as beautiful as ever.”

“Asagi. Looks like there is an empty seat over there.”

“Yeah. But you can take it. I’ll stand.”

“Really? Thank you.”


We walked past the blinding pillar and headed towards the table in the center of the room. Daniela sat down in the empty chair and sighed comfortably. There were drinks and some snacks on the table.


“Asago. This one looks good.”

“I’ve never seen it before. Hand one over.”


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I sat on the table, fully aware that it wasn’t the best display of manners, and began to eat the thing that Daniela had given me. Hmm…it was sweet. And not bad. I might have to buy some later.


“…I have never met someone so persistent in their insolence.”



The man in the cape was shaking.


“I should kill you.”



His face was so distorted as he spun around that I couldn’t help but chuckle. Still, surely the proud light elf wouldn’t mind.

But Adlus didn’t say anything after that. He just folded his arms and leaned against the wall. It would have been better for everyone if he had done that in the first place.


“Ah, what a terrible air you’ve created.”


A voice sounded from next to me. Hmm? I didn’t recognize the person.


“So, you’re Asagi, right? Daniela’s lover.”

“Well, uh, yeah. I am…”

“Ahh, forgive me. I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Henrich Azsilf. Like you, I am here on recommendation.”

“So it’s you. Asagi Kamiyashiro. Nice to meet you.”



He shook my offered hand. Yes, this was the kind of reception I’d expect from such a social interaction.


“I came from a town that is southwest of the imperial capital. It’s rare to be recommended like this you know? It’s a great honor.”

“I see… Uh, sorry if I’m mistaken, but are you an elf?”


He had blue hair and pointed ears that were hard to miss.


“Oh, you really are the lover of an elf, aren’t you? Was it that easy to tell? Yes, I am a blue elf. I’ll be three-hundred and thirty-eight this year.”

“I knew it. So you are ten years older than Daniela.”

“Haha! That was quick. But yes, and I would be about thirty-five in human years!”


I glanced over at Daniela. She was not amused. But I was.


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“If we’re lucky, we’ll fight against each other on the second fight. But my opponent is quite strong, so that’s not too likely.”

“Oh… So he’s not just shiny.”

“Hehe… You do make me laugh, Asagi…!”


He looked embarrassed, as the rest of the room was looking at us. Adlus may have been strong, but he hadn’t made the best impression here, thanks to us. Well, I didn’t really care what others thought. He was straight up trash in my eyes. It felt good to see his reputation tarnished before the fight, even if it was just a little.




Daniela raised her face and looked towards the door. There was a click and the door was opened. It was the same person who had led us here.


“Thank you all for your patience. The stage has been prepared. You will now be introduced in front of the audience. Then there will be an explanation of the rules and the announcement of the prize.”


Announcement of the prize? We had talked about that before, but weren’t sure what it would be. So it had been a secret after all… No wonder.


“So, please follow me.”


And with that, everyone stood up and walked out of the door. As we started to move towards the door, Alenbia Ef Quingeria, the noblewoman, stopped us.


“Um, Mister Asagi, sir.”


“Uh, nevermind… Uh, well… Good luck in the fight.”

“Oh. You too.”


It was always awkward talking to nobles. Well, except for that young girl I had helped. Alenbia didn’t say anything after that and quickly ran on ahead.


“What was that about?”

“Maybe she’s a fan?”

“Haha! Surely not…?”


Just then, I felt something brush against the back of my head.


A chill ran up my spine and I spun around. But there was no one there. When I looked at the door, Kapricorn Shteiner was walking out. He was the last one.


“…What is it?”

“I… It’s nothing.”


It had touched my hair. That sensation… It was like that piercing gaze I had been experiencing. But it was growing more tangible…

Unbelievable thoughts swirled in my head. No. But, no… And there was no point in thinking about it now. Right now, we had to head to the stage.

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