Adlus was rushed to the medical room due to his sudden magic energy deficiency. As for me, while I wasn’t holding back, I had enough energy left, and so I returned to my seat.

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“Welcome back.”



 The manager looked a little annoyed as she watched us.


“You have the face of someone who’s not remotely surprised that he won.”

“Hehe. Why shouldn’t I?”


That guy targeted Daniela. I couldn’t let that go. An insult to me wouldn’t have meant much, but this was different. Well, he had lost after everything he had said and done. It was unlikely he would be walking around with the same attitude now.


“So, you really were that strong. I’m impressed.”

“You were strong enough to get a recommendation too, Heinrich. Besides, I had some luck with this fight. My style worked really well against Adlus.”

“Haha. That’s interesting, given how you hate his guts.”

“Hehe. Yeah.”


Heinrich shook my hand and then slapped me hard on the back. Still, it really was true that Adlus had been a good fit for me. Though, they say that you shouldn’t let your guard down after a victory, so I would continue to follow the other fights. I had already missed one, after all.


“Uh, I already forgot the order. Who’s next?”

“Ah, it is me. But…”


Daniela stood up. But then she quickly sat back down.

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“My opponent seems to be absent.”

“…Ah, Miss Levee.”


The bloodthirsty ‘Light Dew.’ She had been pierced in the stomach by Bandi’s spear and was sent to the medical room. I suppose she and Adlus were currently enjoying each other’s company.

But that meant that the next fight could not take place. How long would it take for the wound to heal? I had been badly injured during my fight with a wyvern once. I was taken to the guardhouse medical room and treated there. And I was mostly healed by the afternoon of the following day…


As we waited and wondered what would happen, the door of the medical room opened and several people came out. They went to the referee and exchanged a few words before leaving again. After that, I looked towards the Emperor and saw that someone was whispering into his ear. I tapped Daniela on the shoulder and pointed towards them. After a few nods, the Emperor stood up.


“Listen! Levee Badi’s injuries in the previous fight were more serious than expected! It would hardly be fair to continue like this! Therefore, the fight will be postponed until tomorrow!”


I see. Well, there was no point in sending her out if the wound would just open up again right away. And she’d be full of regret if she lost like that. She was obsessed with battle, after all.


“So that means the final battle that was planned for tomorrow will also be pushed back! We have decided to put one day of rest in between. So the battle will occur three days from now! That means that this tournament has been extended for two days!”


The audience seemed pleased to hear that the festivities would be lasting for a while longer. I could understand that. I almost wanted to join them. Of course, Daniela grabbed my arm and yanked me back down before I could.


“And so, the Imperial Auction that was to be held after the tournament will now be held two days from now!”


Ah, that’s right. It was supposed to be after the tournament. And since they put in a day of rest before the final fight, the auction would be on the same day. So the day of resting and restoring your energy was also the day of the auction…basically, I wouldn’t be able to rest at all! 


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  □   □   □   □


And then the day arrived. The day of the auction, that is. And so I had come to the venue along with Daniela and Lemon.


What? Daniela’s fight? She won that, obviously.

Still, I hadn’t expected Levee to pull that trick out of nowhere. It nearly took Daniela out of the game. However, Daniela’s experience in combat allowed her to recover spectacularly and launch a counterattack. Levee ended up being blown out of the boundary. It was a neat way to use wind magic… I took a few tips myself.

But Levee still impressed me. Hell, Daniela had to spend the night in the medical room. She still had bandages on her head, but the wounds were all pretty much closed. It wasn’t likely to affect her in the fight tomorrow.


Asagi, your fight was amazing! Besides, I was sitting in the front row towards your back. So I thought I was going to die!”

“You’ve told me that about five times already…”

“But really! I think you might have saved my life!”

“Hehe… Uh, I’m glad you’re not dead.”


Lemon was like this ever since we bumped into her. She had yet to cool down after the excitement from the game.


“And your fight was also brilliant, Miss Daniela… I think I fell in love all over again…”


Lemon said with a dazed expression. I could practically see the hearts popping out of her eyes. All over again, huh… Well, it was Daniela. So it couldn’t be helped.


“Ah, but I have lived quite long, you know. You should not find it hard to reach that level with a little more training, Lemon.”

“I doubt I’ll ever reach it… After all, I’ve been a guard for so long.”

“Hey, I was just a clerk in a store. You have what it takes to be much stronger than me.”

“What? You worked in a store!”

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I didn’t say ‘convenience store,’ as they wouldn’t know what that was.


“Yeah. So, you just need to keep gaining experience, and you’ll get there.”

“I see… Yes, I feel more confident already!”


That was good. And it was true. She had a long life ahead of her as an elf. That is, if she didn’t get herself killed. 


We continued to talk like this until we reached the building.

Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of people gathered around it. This wasn’t some kind of secret auction house, after all. Still, it was bound to have some interesting and rare items. It would be fun to watch, even if we didn’t buy anything.


And so the three of us went to the reception desk and informed them that we had an item up for sale.


“Uh, I’m a seller. My name’s Asagi.”

“Ah, yes. I’ve heard about you. …Uh, and who is this?”

“Companions. Can they come in with me?”

“I’m terribly sorry. The stage is only so big…”

“Ah. I see. Yes.”


It was no surprise. I would be on stage with the item and the auctioneer. There might even be a bunny girl assistant. The last thing they’d want would be additional guests to get in their way.


“But you can enter from the back, as they’re here with you.”

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“In that case…”


Lucky us. We wouldn’t have to pay an extra fee to get inside then.


“If you would just put these tags on please… Now, a guide will come and show you around. I hope you find something nice.”

“Thank you.”


And with that, the three of us entered from a door that was on the opposite side of the main entrance. The guide who led the way kept stealing glances at me. It was probably because we were recognized from yesterday’s game. I’d be gaining even more attention after today.


“Please wait in this room. You will be called when it is your turn.”

“All right. Thank you.”


A waiting room… I could only hope there wasn’t anyone like Adlus in there… And so I cautiously opened the door.





I saw one familiar face mixed amongst the other sellers.


“What are you doing here, Manager?”

“I’m here to make some money.”


It was like I couldn’t get rid of her now. I thought as I pushed the door open all of the way.

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