Well then, I had finished receiving my weapons. I also ate at a random street stall. I thought I saw someone who resembled Daniela walking towards the park with an armful of street food, but maybe it was just me. My imagination, I guess.

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I was thinking about what to do next, when certain words suddenly came back to me.

“‘Legs of the Forest Wolf,’ use it well.”

Yes, Beowulf’s enchantment. But what was an enchantment? I returned to my room at the Spring Wind inn in order to find out.

“Status open.”

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Name: Asagi Kamiyashiro

Race: Human

Job: Adventurer (Rank: E)

LV: 33

HP: 324/324


STR: 129  VIT: 122

AGI: 375  DEX: 162

INT: 134  LUK: 14

Skills: ‘Jack of all Trades, Master of None,’ Presence Detection, Legs of the Forest Wolf, One-handed Sword, Short Sword, Spear

Magic: Ice, Water, Fire

Quest: None

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Party: Daniela Villesilf

Equipment: Head – None

Body – Leather Armor

Arms – Leather Gloves

Legs – None

Feet – Leather Shoes

Weapons – Steel Sword

– Steel Short Sword

Accessories – None

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Hmm, just as I thought. It was displayed as a skill.

On whether or not it was a normal skill or a unique skill, well, it looked very much like the later. Unless Beowulf went around giving this skill to everyone.

Thanks to ‘Jack of all Trades,’ I was able to understand how to use it. And ultimately, the skill known as the ‘Legs of the Forest Wolf’ was a perfect match for me.

Just as usual there was a 4-part split screen displayed in my brain, and I could see silver and green tinted wind whirling around my legs. I imagined that I was running, and just like the wind, I began to move so fast that it looked like I was flying. In another screen I was vaulting and changing direction while still in the air. This skill was broken…

Too broken, I think. I wasn’t confident that I could even use it. Also, I would probably get motion sickness. I’m sure a true protagonist would have no trouble figuring it out, but that wasn’t too likely here.

Well, at least I understood what it was. It was fucking amazing.

The other thing I was wondering about was enchantments. So there was such a thing? But who could I learn more from?

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I roll around in my bed and think.

“Ahh…if only there was internet here…”

I think for a while and then mumble with frustration. Then I realize something.

“I could look it up in the library!”

Not that I knew that there was one here. But a bookstore would do as well. The sun had already reached its peak for the day, so I better get started. I dashed out of my room and went to look for Maris, the innkeeper. However, she was nowhere to be found.

I gave up looking and went outside, and there she was, doing the laundry.

“Mrs. Maris.”

“Oh, hello Asagi. What is it?”

She was hanging a large bed sheet onto a clothesline as she turned around to look at me.

“I just wanted to ask, is there a library or even a bookstore in this town?”

“Mmm… Books are very expensive you know. I don’t think you will find any around here. You must go to the capital if you want any.”

How disappointing. Right… I guess they didn’t have any printing technology here yet, unlike modern Japan. Books were probably hand-written then. Well, there was nothing I could do. Should I go? To the capital.

“Though, there is an old man in this town who loves books.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, but he is a strange one.”

She says and chuckles. I would tolerate any crazy old man or woman at this point. Bring it on.

“So, how can I meet this person?”

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“Leave it to me. I shall write a letter for you.”

Good old Maris. She was so well connected. I thanked her and then returned to my room prepare to go out again. When I finished and went downstairs, she had finished writing the letter and handed it to me. She also gave me a map.

“Here you go. Now, run along!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Maris. See you later.”

I bowed and left the inn behind me. Now, what kind of person would he be?

□ □ □ □

“What’s this? Who are you? What do you want?”

“Yes, uh, I heard that you like to collect books. There is something that I wish to search for, but I don’t have the connections. And so I asked Maris, the innkeeper of the inn I’m staying at, and she sent me to you.”

“Ahh, a friend of Maris, eh? And what is your name?”

“I’m Asagi Kamiyashiro.”

“Asagi, huh. It is a good name.”

That was our first exchange.

The old man that Maris had introduced me to, was called Macbel, and he was incredibly old. His hair was completely white and his curved back was supported by a walking stick that he held. Other than that, though, he was quite healthy looking.

His house was on the outskirts of the town. It was close to the walls and was a clumsily built, large building in an open area. He lived alone here. Well, he did have several servants, including the person who had shown me to the waiting room. I also saw a few when I was being shown to his library and we greeted each other.

The room was dark, with curtains drawn in order to protect the books.

“This is where I store them. Please be careful when handling them.”

“Yes, of course. Thank you.”

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I entered the room as Macbel opened the door and I immediately became speechless. I was kind of awestruck. There was an incredible amount of books lined up in front of me. I look back at Macbel in surprise and he burst into laughter as if he could no longer hold it back.

“Hahakaka! You should see yourself! Are you surprised? Eh?”

“…I have no words. I did not expect this many books.”


He was in a good mood. But why did this old man have so many books? Was he just rich or something?

“Hehe, I know what you are thinking. You are wondering why an old man like me has so many books, aren’t you? Well, it is money. And connections. I was the former librarian at the royal palace. After I retired, I bought as many transcripted books as I could at a cheap price.”

“I see…”

I was sure that even those books must have been expensive at such an age. But I suppose money and his position as librarian had allowed him to create such a collection as this. It made sense.

“I’ve retired from public life now, but even so, I am formerly from a marquis family. It was not hard to borrow some money.”

Oh, so he was a person of status. My sudden awkwardness must be a remnant of the part-timer in me, who worked for minimum wage.

“Hakaka! There is no need to be polite! I am nothing but an old wizened man with a fondness for books. And it is not as if I was the Marquis. I preferred books over politics. I forced my way into the position of librarian.”

I really didn’t know anything about marquis families or status, other than that they were important people. His story seemed a little unlikely to me, but it must be true if that’s what he says.

“Well, I’m sure you’re more interested in books than my boring story. There is nothing in this world that should be prioritized over books.”

Apparently, he really liked books. Well, best not keep him waiting then. Let’s cut to the chase.

“I want to learn about enchanting.”

“Enchanting, hmm. That is a most interesting subject you are interested in. In that case…”

I followed the old man as he began to move. I wondered if he did have anything that would tell me something. With a small hope in my chest, I followed after him in the dim-lit room.

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