That night, we prepared a last supper. Me and Manager and even Daniela. A few Jades who knew how to cook helped us as well. 

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And once everyone carried their bowls of food, Adlus stood up. We all knew what he was going to say, but we fell silent and listened to the report all the same.

“I’m sure you’ve all heard the news. Tomorrow, we will attack the abandoned city. The number of goblin scouts who roam the outside perimeter is dwindling. We can assume that things are worsening for them in the city.”

Steam rose in the air, as well as the appetizing scent of spices. I could feel it, and so could Daniela.

“It’s not the best thing to bring up around such a splendid meal, but these goblins have continued to eat each other. This means their numbers are declining. That should make things easier for us. But don’t let your guard down. This is a place where the light won’t reach. There will be many obstacles underground. Even your comrades might be an obstacle. And so we must select who will go down there, and who will not.”

Damn, this was getting very long… Daniela was already disassociating. Her eyes were fixed on the meat in front of her.

“First, is Asagi. This plan works because of his presence. Next, is Rindo. Her magic shows its true worth in the darkness. And then we have Daniela. Her magic is in a league of its own. You three will be leading the group that I select. Of course, if things get too dangerous the rest will fight…”

Adlus began to announce the names of the Jades who would be going. With every name he called, the colder our dinner became.

“Daniela, not yet.”

“I cannot wait…”

“He’s almost finished…”

“I might die before then…”

Her face was getting closer to the meat. She seemed like she would starve to death at any moment now.

“…It is these twenty that will be descending into the abandoned city. The rest will stay on the surface in order to take out the goblins who try to escape. Obviously we will try our best to avoid them from getting out, but this is a necessary precaution. You may not have a lot to do, but I ask that you stay vigilant.”

As Daniela approached her limit, I scanned the scene. The others were also fixed on their food.

“…I’m sorry to have to speak for so long, but this is all very important. If you would continue to lend me your ears…”

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At that, the Jades all raised their heads. I looked up at him as well. Not Daniela, though.

Adlus looked at all of us and sighed.

“I am truly sorry that the food you made for us is getting cold… Well, I’ve told you the most important part. If you have any questions, you can ask me later. Now, let’s eat.”


Daniela practically shouted as she picked up her knife. The Jades also nodded and began to eat.

Adlus sighed again and sat down. But no one was paying any attention to him.

Giving a speech before a meal was the worst thing a person could do. What did he expect?

Still, this was a group of brilliant Adventurers, and everyone knew what their role was. A few did walk up to Adlus later with their questions. There was something comforting about being in such good company. Such were my thoughts as I picked up my bag and headed off to Namila Village.

  □   □   □   □

I whistled and the door opened.

“Mister Asagi. Good evening.”

“Hey, Silket. Are the others inside?”

“Yes. We’re having dinner.”

“Ah, so I was too late then.”


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The chief’s house in Namila Village. It was here that Silket and Marcel were staying as they protected the chief’s son, Felz. I had brought food for them, but due to the feast, I was a little late in arriving. As I was one of the people that would be leading a team, I couldn’t slip out too early.

“Oh, it’s Mister Asagi.”



The two looked at me as they stuffed what looked like noodles into their mouths. Felz had sauce all over his face.

“We’re going to launch the attack tomorrow, so we had a special meal. I brought some for you guys, but it looks like I was late.”

“I can still eat more!”

“Me too!”

“I could eat a little…”

They were clearly just being polite… This was embarrassing.

I put down my bag and took out the food and put it on the table. Felz looked at it with shining eyes, which made me a little happy. Though Marcel had a similar look as well.

While it was a little awkward, they ended up eating everything that I had brought. What made me especially happy, was that they really liked the soup that I had made. It was simple but also something I put a lot of effort into, and so it was nice to see that they appreciated it.

And in spite of the fact that I had already eaten, I found myself nibbling as well. It was a pleasant atmosphere, like a family dining around a table. Felz would tell us amusing stories about the village while Marcel would make strange jokes and Silket would make good ones. It was really nice.

“Ahhh…I’m stuffed…”

“I’m glad that you liked it. And you guys ate everything too.”

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“Well, it was all so delicious that I couldn’t stop.”

All four of us had eaten well. Felz must have gotten drowsy after eating so much because he quickly went off to bed. It was just us Adventurers now.

“So, we’ll be invading the nest tomorrow.”

“I thought you would.”

“It was written all over your face.”

I see… I scratched my cheek and laughed.

“Still, I want you to continue to stay here with Felz. Is that alright?”

“Of course! It’s true that I wish I could join the others, but I understand we have an important mission as well.”

“Yes. This is the Namila Liberation Frontline. Protecting this place is part of the job.”

“Thank you. Well, I should go then.”

I got to my feet and Marcel and Silket followed. They were going to see me off. That was nice. I was like their old superior that they were fond of.

I opened the door and stepped out into the cold night air.

“Woah. It’s so cold!”

“It really is…”

“If only you could stay inside…”

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We chuckled.

“Well, we’ll all come back to see you when the battle is over.”

“I understand. We’ll keep this place safe until then.”

“As much as we can, anyway.”

“Thank you. Good luck.”

I said as a tousled Marcel’s hair and patted Silket on the head.

“You were nicer to Silket!”

“You reminded me a little of a dog, and Silket reminded me of a cat. So that might have affected me.”

“You’re terrible!”

She said and then laughed. I almost regretted leaving, but I needed to rest up for tomorrow.

“Well, gotta go!”


“See you later!”

I activated Legs of the God Wolf and rose into the air. The platinum and jade wind pushed me up and launched me back towards the frontline as the two watched. 

It was for them and Felz, and the villagers that fled to the Imperial Capital. And really, for the Imperial Capital as well, that we had to succeed in tomorrow’s mission. It was with this thought in my mind, that I headed for the forest.

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