Well then. While Daniela had chosen her new clothes, I had yet to choose mine. And I was not about to go to the guild until I changed from my convenient store uniform and debuted by new fashion look for this world.

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I reopen the guidebook in front of ‘Goblin’s Boutique.’

I’m flipping through the pages in the blind hope that everything will be alright as long as I have this. The book informs me that there is a men’s clothing store nearby. In fact, it was also partnered with an armor shop as well. Which would allow me to buy inner and outerwear with the armor. Obviously, things could get a little expensive, but I had planned to get new armor anyway, so this was rather timely.


“So, what do you think about this store?”

“Hmm, it looks less hostile compared to the last one. I do not see why not?”


And so we went out into the main street before crossing to the other side of the road and turning a corner. Here we inspected the exterior of the store, the ‘Paw Armor Shop.’ This was on the backside of the main street. On the front side, the store had a sign that read ‘Paw Clothes and Accessories Shop.’ People who wanted clothes entered from the main street, and people who wanted armor entered from the backstreet. Apparently, some of the rougher adventurers didn’t like being seen entering a clothing store.

The name ‘Paw’ was a little strange, but we decided to go inside.


“Hello. We would like to see some armor please.”

“Welcome! Welcome to the Paw Armor Shop!”


We addressed the clerk behind the counter and receive an energetic welcome. Hmm, good reply. I couldn’t help but evaluate through the eyes of a part-time clerk who worked the night shift.


“Are you the one who will be wearing the armor then?”

“Yes. I’d like to get a new set. If you have any suggestions.”

“Of course… As you are currently wearing light armor, we shall start our search from there!”


We were led through the store. There was a good variety of armor in the light armor section. And here a certain t-shirt caught my eye. The product was inside a glass case, but it looked like an ordinary shirt. Yet the price that was written on a plaque was enough to make my eyeballs pop out of their sockets. There were three extra zeroes compared to everything else.


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“Ohh, this one, yes. It has an enchantment cast on it. It grants you double AGI. It is the only piece of equipment in existence that has successfully allowed you to do this with AGI.”


Well, that was insane. Um… Should they really be putting something so valuable here?


“Hehe. It is to be auctioned off this weekend. To be honest, it is hard finding someone who will buy it due to the price. Plus, our security here is top notch. And there is also magic cast over this case.”

“I see… The world is full of fantastic artifacts.”

“The world is a big place.”


We continue to stare at the expensive shirt. My AGI would skyrocket if could wear this.


“Excuse me, but…”


The clerk called me suddenly so I turned to look. He had a big smile on his face.

I had a bad feeling about this.


“Would you like to try it on?”

“Are you serious… I doubt you could catch me if I took off with it! Hehe.”

“Oh, there is no need to worry! This shirt has multiple spells that allow us to monitor, locate and control from a distance. Even if you did run, we would be able to easily recover the shirt, even if you were left dying in the process!”

“I’d rather not wear something so ominous!”

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I couldn’t help but say, half-jokingly. I’m sure he’d forgive me. But the thing was starting to sound like a twisted iron maiden. Only an idiot would want it now.


“Oh, but you should know that I do not just allow anyone to wear it. I have perceived that you are a most honest gentleman.”

“I’m sure that’s not a lie…”

“No, no, I would never lie. Yes, I have a skill that helps in this regard.”


The clerk says with a sly wink. I felt no pleasure in being winked at by a man, but if he really did have a skill for it, then maybe he was right? I really did not know.


“Daniela, what do you think?”

“Hmm? If it may end up as part of your new set, then you should try it on.”

“It won’t. That price…”


But, since my partner thought it was okay, maybe I could try it… The anti-theft measures were horrifying, but this would still be a new experience!

“Fine, I’ll try it.”

“I knew you would! Now, please give me your status card.”


My sole form of identification was taken as a guarantee. This guy was not going to let anything slip.


And so I tried the shirt on in a fitting room. Hmm… It felt like any other shirt, texture-wise. Like it was a 100% cotton. I put on my uniform and light armor over it and came out of the room.

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“Now, please come out over here.”


The clerk called and we step out of the store. There were fewer people out on this side of the street, so we were less likely to bump into anyone.


“In order to activate the AGI multiplier, you must run just a little bit of magical energy through it. I will clear this area of people, so please wait just a moment.”


So saying, the clerk told the people nearby of the effect of the shirt and told them to watch from a distance. Everyone looked toward me with curiosity. Apparently, this live demonstration was a regular event, with a deliberate intent to advertise. The onlookers called over more people, and they all lined up to watch. There were even people sticking their heads out of the windows of other buildings to get a better look. This was becoming a little embarrassing.


“Ahh, go ahead now! Run straight from where you are!”


Now that the clerk had advertised, I mean, secured the safety of the street, he went over to Daniela.


“Likely, the result will be unbelievable. I may need your help.”

“Leave it to me.”


Daniela’s blunt reply made her seem very reliable. Good, I guess I could relax and test this thing out.


“Alright, here I go.”


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I said as I waved a hand. Then I pressed my heel into the ground. Magic flowed into the shirt just as I began to run.

Everything around me seemed to disappear. In an instant, I was right in front of the crowd of people. This multiplier was a bit of a cheat, huh? Most of the spectators were still looking at the store. The few who were the closest to me realized where I was and they looked at me with shock.

Then a belated gust of wind blew through the streets. I turned around just in time to feel it catch up to me. The wind was so strong that it carried other things with it. You could hear screams erupt everywhere. But it quickly died down and the backstreet returned to its calm state. Finally, the rest of the people see me and point. “There, there he is!” Then the people near the store realize it and look toward me. I smile cordially and jog back to the front of the store.


“Sorry about that. It caught me by surprise, I didn’t expect it to be so fast.”

“No… I am the one who is surprised…”


The clerk mumbles with a stunned expression and a head full of disheveled hair.


“Asagi, everyone is so shocked.”

Daniela laughs. She could laugh because she already knew what my original AGI was like. Hearing her, the crowd of people seemed to have snapped out of it, as they erupted into applause.


“Oooohhh!! That was amazing!!”

“Hey, did you see the moment when he disappeared!?”

“Damn, I never saw anyone disappear before…”

“Did he just cause that blast of wind? How is that possible!”

“That was unbelievable!”



Their voices shouted. There was clapping and whistling. It was like a festival. I didn’t like to be the sudden center of attention, but there was a satisfaction in my AGI being the root of it. It was the only thing I was proud of. The cheering increased even more once I waved at them and smiled.

For now, I just wanted to return to the store and change out of this. It was probably because I had no idea when the stunned-looking clerk might accidentally trigger the security device, causing me to explode.

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