I stood restlessly in front of the inn. I couldn’t help that I had to put on nicer clothes than usual. It was almost the time where she should arrive. And I was already regretting not prioritizing buying normal clothes instead of armor.

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Ahhh, I was so nervous. I could hear my heart beating loudly. Had my heart rate ever risen this high since I was murdered? Thinking of it like that, it made me think I was off to die once again… I scratch the back of my head in irritation every time such stupid thoughts enter my mind, and this repeats itself several times. Finally, I hear a voice from behind me.
“You will go bald if you scratch your scalp so much.”


It was the same voice she always had. I quickly turned around. The person I was waiting for. Daniela.


“I wouldn’t want that.”

“Hehe. Neither would I.”


What did that mean… I give her another look. She did not look the same today, because she was now wearing the gothic lolita dress I had bought for her at the Goblin’s Boutique. It was a black and red outfit that completely transformed her. But, it was very cute.


“You decided to wear it, the dress.”


I said, partially stunned. Daniela looked down at the dress and then back at me with a slightly embarrassed expression.


“…Does it not suit me?”


I don’t know if I have ever regretted not having a camera as much as I did now. I wanted to go back to Japan for the first time, even. It wasn’t fair that I could not immortalize this image!


“It suits you very well! You look incredibly cute.”

“Hehe. I see. Thank you.”


She smiled, and my heart felt like it would burst. Did my AGI affect my pulse?


“Well, do not just stand there like an idiot. Are we not going to the armorer?”


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She said, and with a most natural motion, grabbed me by the arm. I could hardly fathom the powerful appeal of this adventurer who I relied on and nearly tripped over myself as she pulled me. Daniela did not miss this and laughed infectiously.


□   □   □   □


“It seems very busy today…”

“Is it? It appears to be much the same to me…”


Apparently, the town was unusually lively in my head alone. Daniela was as calm as ever. There was something about her now that seemed liberated, but I wasn’t sure what she was thinking. And I had still to hear an answer to my confession.


“I am quite hungry now… I did not get to eat breakfast thanks to you.”

“Ah, sorry about that…let’s find a place to eat.”

“Yes. Then…that place looks good. My instincts are demanding that we go there.”


Daniela pointed to a coffee shop which had an open terrace. Normally, Daniela had a tendency to choose stores based on the size of servings, but it appeared that she wanted to act like a proper lady today.


“Alright then. You sit here, Daniela. I’ll go and order something you’d probably like.”

“Ah, I will leave it to you then. Do not let me down.”


She looked at me then, but I found it hard to meet her eyes. I guess I was embarrassed. I could only imagine how my face must burn a bright red right now. I entered the store in order to hide it from her.


It was quite spacious inside, with low chairs and tables lined up. A good place to relax and kill time. The kind of store that you might spend hours at and do nothing if you came alone. I checked the menu at the counter and decided to order some sandwiches.

I scan the store and its customers. There was an old man reading a book, an old woman who was knitting. A woman who was writing something, a sleeping adventurer…wait, isn’t that Rex? What was he doing here?


“Are you alright?”

“Mm… Ah, sorry. It looks like I fell as…oh, Asagi. Aghh..aa… And I was having such a good nap.”

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“Hey, Rex. I know it’s quiet in here, but is that smart?”


I chuckle as he stretches his arms and yawns. Though, I could totally understand how someone would want to sleep in this atmosphere.

“So, this is an unusual place to bump into you.”

“Uh, yeah. Daniela wanted to come here.”

“Hoho…I see I see.”



He looked at me with the most annoying grin on his face once I said her name. It almost made me want to punch him, but as he was probably thinking exactly what I was thinking, I could only sulk.


“So you two are, together after all then?”

“Ahh, I knew you would ask. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t say we have that kind of relationship yet.”


“…This morning…I told her.”


Oh, this was really awkward. It had been quite a while since I’ve had talks like these with male friends. Rex’s grin got even bigger as he stood up bashed me on the should several times.


“Well, you must make a full report, if things go well. And even if they do not, make a report anyway!”

“Stupid bastard. If things don’t go well, I’m leaving this city.”

“Ah, do not be so pathetic. Have some confidence!”


He had another go at my shoulder before picking up his bag and leaving, saying, ‘There’s a place I need to stop by now, got to go!’ That bastard, he looked very intent on spreading the word!

I clicked my tongue and regretted that I had woken him up. I was regretting a lot today, it seemed. Daniela was waiting quietly outside when I came out and took the chair in front of her.


“I just saw Rex come out the door. He looked surprised to see me, but he just waved and then immediately ran towards the guild.”

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“Ahh…that…he’s going to tell everyone.”

“Tell everyone what?”

“About…ah…you know… Us?”

“You do not sound too sure…”


You know, that thing. I couldn’t say ‘our relationship,’ when we were not even dating, could I?


“Is there something that would greatly trouble you, if word got out about it, Asagi?”

“No, not really…umm..ahhh…”

“You seem very indecisive.”


Daniela laughs. I felt like I was being toyed with now. But she was right that I wasn’t being clear. I couldn’t really continue like this.


“Alright then. I will ask you plainly.”

“Aye, that would be preferable.”

“Tell me. Your answer. Would you say that it is good or bad? I don’t know if my heart can take this any longer.”

“But it has only been an hour. Asagi, you are not very strong mentally, eh?”


I had no answer for that. Yes, maybe my mind was like tofu.


“What did you think when you saw me like this?”

“I told you. You look very cute.”

“Hehe. Thank you. These are clothes that you gave me. Your confession…or explanation, hearing it brought on an urge to wear this. I was overwhelmed by an emotion that destroyed any reason. I wanted to be enveloped by you.”


Hearing those words made my face go bright red. I wondered if steam was starting to rise from my head.

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“In other words, in regard to the answer being good or bad…well, I intended for the fact that I put these clothes on to be the answer.”


The answer had been in front of me as far back as when I waited in front of the inn. Daniela’s hands tenderly wrapped around my own as they rested on the table.


“Well, if you truly want me to put it into words, I have no problem doing so.”

“…Yes, I want you to say it. I want to hear.”


I look straight into her eyes. She too looks straight into mine. Her small mouth opens, and she crafts the words that I had wanted to hear.


“I love you too.”


It was as if all other sound had disappeared from the world. Only her words existed to me. But that only lasted for an instant, and the noises of the streets returned. I was now overwhelmed by an emotion that I had to put into words.


“Thank you, Daniela. Let’s stay together, always.”

“I know that it is nothing new, but I am an elf, you are human. Our lifespans will not be the same. Are you really fine with that?”

“Yes, I’m sorry that I’ll have to die first. But I hope that I can live on in your heart.”


We look long at each other, confirming to the other how we felt. And when our emotions had reached their peak, our faces closed in, lips against lips…


“Your food is ready!”


Plates descended right in front of our eyes and the rose-tinted atmosphere was shattered. I looked to the side to see the waiter looking down at us. It was almost impressive how someone could have such a large, professional smile, all the while his temples seemed to be twitching with rage. I realized what we were just about to do in public, and pulled back with embarrassment before addressing the waiter.


“Th-thank you.”

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