Isekai Shoukan chapter 39: Hero side 8

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"Listen up!! It was suddenly decided yesterday that we shall collect applications to go to a dungeon tomorrow. Roy and several mercenaries I employed from the guild will accompany us to the dungeon. The dungeon we’re going is located in the black beasts forest in the Kweku valley, which is exactly at the boundary of Ragishisu kingdom and Ederu kingdom. I want to make sure that the feces Ederu king doesn’t have such a big attitude anymore. Therefore the degree of difficulty is slightly high. If possible, I don't want any applicants who aren't confident in their power to participate. Is there any question?"


Dijea-san approached us suddenly with a talk of going to a dungeon. Since we were summoned approximately one year passed and the training for today also just end now.


The place where we train is smaller than the room which was used when we were summoned and this room is similar to a school gym in which Dijea-sans voice echoes very well.


We who were approached with a talk to go to a dungeon were exhausted by training, but our tired expression changed completely and we had bright eyes. But more than half of us became sorrowful when they heard about the high difficulty.

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After I stored my sword into the sheath and put it next to me on the floor, I wiped the sweat which has come out in large quantities with the back of my hand, before I stepped up to Reiya who was practicing next to me to talk with him.


“Hey Shippu, what will you do? I think I will only go to the dungeon to make sure of my skills. After I judged my skills worth,I’ll leave the castle and look for Shikoku, I will create my beast girl harem. The demons outside the castle are weak, but it won't be so easy when we go to the beastmen country.”


I declared it to Reiya while chuckling.


“When Tokoyami´s goes, I’ll go too of course. Because we two, intensely trained in combined magic. It would be insignificant if you are alone......well, it was good luck that we get to know this magic by reading in the royal library with Shikoku. It is not good if we not thank Shikoku. Oh, it's that our will confirmation has also ended. Do we go to tell that feces princess?"


Reiya turns the tip of his blade towards Dijea-san while lifting the edge of his mouth when he spoke.


"Okay then, shall I inform that scum princess? The consumption of our magic power was too dangerous so we didn't exercise it and had a series of failure so far when it exploded for some reason, so we may exercise it properly if we go in the dungeon. If we take our combo magic and our nicknames, it will be the first campaign of『The Yamifuu special』"


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I walked towards Dijea-san when I finished my words.


“Osshaa!! Let's kick your ass and kick your ass then kick your ass!!”


After Reiya throws his sword away, he began to run after me who walked already.


It is one year now since the hero summoning and when I confirmed the status of my classmate over a room, I strained my ears and have eavesdropped on the stories of the refusing princess many times, so that I got a new skill named "Attentive ears".


I who had the attentive ears skill heard the conversation of the people belonging to the student council because they were near the refusing princess.


“Hey, Kouki. Do you go to the dungeon?"


Yuki Sagara who is standing beside Midou Kouki asked so with a grin.

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"Of course. If I don't go, I wouldn't know what I´m a hero for. Compared to that......Mo, Mochizuki-san. No matter what happens I will protect you Mochizuki-san, so feel relieved!! So there is nothing to worry!! Please rely on me without reserve!!"


Kouki heard Yuki´s question......and answered promptly. The second year students who belonged to the 5-man student council were always together even by the training.


Hiineharu-senpai was quarreling with Kaede-san on the first day, but their relationship was as before on the next day. No, rather than that their relationship became even closer. It's still mysterious of what they talked and how they made up.


Kouki swore with a slight excitement in his tone towards Kaede and everyone who watched had an amazed expression beside the other three student council members.


Normally Kaede-san has a plain expression on her face when she speaks with Kouki, however, it was different from today because a big smile is floating on her whole face.


“Midou-kun you don’t need to worry about me. I don’t go to the dungeon.”

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When Kaede-san declared so, all members of the student council were astonished. Since the first day, it was Kaede who said she wants to leave the castle, so it was without a question that everyone thought she would go to the dungeon.


“Eeh!? Wh, Why? You said that you wanted to go out of the castle."


After raising a wild cry, Kouki opened his mouth to hear the reason while being upset.


“A reason......? Without going to the dungeon, do you think it's better to be in a castle? I may not be understood concretely, but something very good will happen......I felt it......huhuu.”


Right now Kaede-san has a very big smile on her face. She seems lovely with her hands inside the pockets of her pants.



I, who had the attentive ears skill heard metal against metal rubbing inside Kaede-san’s pants and suddenly something like a chill runs through my body, so I stopped listening to the conversation of the student council and decided not to think deeply about that mysterious sound.

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