Isekai Shoukan chapter 45: Those who are summoned

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―――――When Iori and the others have arrived at the Ragishisu kingdoms royal palace


"Hu, Huhuhuhuhu, he has come. He has come elder sister. It is finally time!!"


A beautiful girl who wears shrine maiden clothes laughs weirdly while smirking and keep raising her voice――although her eyes follow Iori's figure that is reflected on the big round table, Rifia began to talk.


"Yes, that's right. One year really feels long......but that okay, Iori is really alive and came......cough, what a gaffe. Rifia that vampire is certainly a strong opponent. However I told you that the attribute a clever female with 108 IQ need for being neat is a well brought up tone!! And you soon will be without enemies.Therefore go quickly to meet him!!"


Bitch goddess made a remark to the one year longing and declared highly with a distant look.


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"Yes, that's what I'm doing elder sisters!! Then emm......your modest chest is ballast there............ouch!!!"


The moment Rifia said that the chest is modest, the fake breasts goddess moved behind Rifia and kicked her buttocks. Disregarding the fake breasts goddess who exposed her anger, Rifia has begun to pose words to persuade her with sighs while rubbing her buttocks.


"......Haa, that's why you aren't popular. If you are woman, isn't it necessary to act as elegant and neat lady? If you are not careful of your behavior at least, you will be really mistaken as a man......oouucchh!!!"


The fake breasts goddess made a spin kick once again. This time the arm who rubbed the buttocks was hit and Rifia fell and her hips are struck out to the front. There was also more power in this kick than the first time for some reason and as a result, Rifia´s hips became deep red.


"Ou, Oucchh!! My buttocks will absolutely be swollen!! It is aching very much......cough, my, my hips are screaming. Can't you cut down your barbarous act?"


Rifia who noticed that her behavior and speech have returned corrected it in a hurry. And she still rubbed her hips.


"Rifia became more annoying this year. Get dumped quickly. That vampire and Iori aren´t suitable. Stop your happily act throwing cold water on another person......haa, talking with you became troublesome, so I send you to Ragishisu kingdom"


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The false breasts goddess turns her palm to Rifia, while she has a troubled expression on her face. Immediately after, a light appeared from somewhere and wrapped around Rifia.


"At last I can meet him......finally meeting Iori "Rifia, emergency" be quiet!! Co, Cough, ca, can't you be quiet"


The shout of the heavy make up goddess obstruct the mutter of Rifia who was soaked in deep emotions. There was no sign that it was a joke in her words while she began to talk with a rushed tone.


"Iori was transferred to the devil territory!!"


Rifia has been confused by these words suddenly. However she recover her sense after several seconds and she was upset while asking the false breasts goddess with a shout.


"Ch, Change the transfer destination to the devil territory!!" 


Although the change of destination was requested in a hurry, the cruel word "Impossible" has been returned. And the action that Rifia took next,


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"El, Elder sister!! Let's go together to Ragishisu kingdom!! Don't leave me alone!!"


she begged the bitch goddess rushingly while clinging to her. Although a transfer cannot be cancelled midway, when you cling to a person then he will also be transferred. Rifia clings to the bitch goddess who started to pull her apart panicking.


"Ge, Get away from me Rifia!! I will take Iori away from the side, when Rifia and he are in a good, cough, forget what I said!! Just a minute, why is Rifia soi powerful!? She doesn't go away at all!!"


The bitch goddess tried to escape desperately, but without any chance she is also wrapped up by the light like Rifia.


"I don't separate no matter what!! Don't you want to eat some men in Ragishisu Kingdom!! If you come, I will forget about your remark from just noooww!!"


"Ah, wait a minute!! A least let me apply some cosmetics!! ......No way!? The other transfer hasn't started!! Rifia!! Let me take my cosmeticsss!!"


The bitch goddess shout emptily while she applies cosmetic and disappears with Rifia.


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"Really noisy child......ah, well Kurovia, , , , , . It is that room in which Iori and the others were summoned, I think that there were leavings of energy. One woman noticed it, so I want to check various things before something troublesome occurs, so do you want to go along. Because it has been already processed, it isn't necessary to worry about leavings. Because I'm tired with the change a short while ago, I ask"


After vomiting a sigh once, the heavy make up goddess named Kurovia heard the words from the false breasts goddess, she has begun to raise something while having a lazy expression. Just after having finished saying, she was wrapped in light and has disappeared immediately.


Kurovia transferred into a room that was dyed white and in which she has come many times. Standing before her is the fake boob goddess, or so she says. Her appearance seem to be about 20 years old. It was an adult woman with stretched out black hair to the waist and dark eyes. She had a rough appearance of a T - shirt and a jeans, but her appearance was frighteningly beautiful even from far away.


The appearance was like a cool man, but the moment when the lady who can only be described as beautiful even if Kurovia who thought so judges as the same sex that it suits her both eyes, she blinked her eyes a little, but poise was taken back and conventional words were taken immediately.


"Assuming that questions and explanations are done eventually, could you tell me your name first?"


She didn't know if her words were fascinating, but the lady who was right in front of Kurovia began to talk while lifting the edge of her lips.

"When you ask for someone's name, then isn't it common sense to introduce oneself first!? Although you may do a Tsukkomi, I noticed that I was in this room which I hadn't seen before and my words has been already destroyed by common sense from a root in time......but name――――Saginomiya Sora"

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