Iris all right, I wonder? No, she’s surely fine. I should do what I’m good at in the meanwhile.

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Among the things I got earlier, I think this is the freshest, but most suitable to make tea.
Ufufu. I put water in a small bowl and wash the leaf. I bite off a little bit. Un. This is a mint. A refreshing fragrance and slightly bitter taste.
I was it clean and boil water in a pot. I put the leaf in once the water is boiling and take it off the fire. I put just a little bit of brown sugar in and stir with a spoon and prepare another pot. Right, right, there was no filter, was there? N~to…… that’s right, I bought some cloth, didn’t I? I take it out from the pocket. Then, I cut it with scissors into slightly larger size than the pot. I cover the pot with the cloth and start pouring the tea over to the second pot.
It’s done. The mint tea.
Pour into cup, h, hot!! Fu~ fu~. Nod.
A pleasant, refreshing drink. A slight sweetness of the brown sugar. How calming. Fuu.
Indeed, tea is nice.

N~…… I would like a strainer. To dry leaves and to filter tea as well.
Should I try making one if I find a bamboo or a vine?
Maa, I hope I can find them.
I hope it’s soon, though…… they don’t seem to be in this area, do they……

Still not done yet?

Since there’s time, let’s wash everything. Wipe the moisture.
Tie them up with a string into a bundle.
Un, let’s hang it on the carriage to dry.

Since there are silver hair on the underside of the leaves,『Mugwort』?
Yellow petals and the fragrance, it’s『Chrysanthemum』.
The little white flower is『Chamomile』.
The refreshing smelling leaf is a『Mint』.
The whitish pink flower blooming on the tree is a『Rose』.
The pink flower which bloomed near the shrub of a tree is『Sweetbrier』
Next, I also found『Perilla』and『Rosemary』looking like herbs.

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They all look like the things, but let’s not mind it. Elm has told me that they are not poisonous, after all.


Ara, Iris, and others have returned. It seems she has calmed down. Excellent. Saa, let’s have lunch.




☆☆☆ Elm’s Agony 2☆☆☆

Although we got on the carriage, we are advancing slowly. According to Eva, she has already detected several enemies.
There are probably a lot of fools. After leisurely advancing for a while, it was time for a break.
Even though we have prepared for the day, we are on travel, after all. It’s just bread and dried meat.
Thereupon, Koyu-sama tells us to prepare a stove. She’s a noble, after all…… her tone is polite, but I’m used to orders. It can’t be helped, so I make a stove from stones and sticks and put a small pot on it.
Then, she suddenly takes out the rye bread and raw meat. Wh, what is she doing? She threw something into the pot……
Ha? She gave us some as well? Raw meat sandwich…… a raw meat of unknown origins……
Pot and water…… us as well……
Koyu-sama tastes it. Poison?! No, that face is saying delicious……
I try a mouthful. Slightly salted meat and bread’s acidity…… also…… something sweet? It’s delicious? I try with a greater bite…… un. Delicious. I finished without knowing.
Also, the hot water…… looking at Koyu-sama, she gave it a taste than absentmindedly nodded…… she’s made a strange action, but maa, I will drink.
One sip and hold it in my mouth…… refreshingly delicious. A cooling sensation is spreading in my mouth……
Haa, just what kind of person is she?

I want to eat more, I endure forcibly.

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First of all, let’s get to work.
I have Sapin to stealthily hide, board the carriage and depart.


We slowly advance on the highway.


Eva raises her finger. Ah, they are coming. The numbers? Eh? More than 20? That’s slightly too much…… ma, we have to do the same.


Yosh, let’s return to our resting place!!

Arrows have been shot. They start earlier than expected. Will it be not possible to return to that place? It’s just a slightly ahead, but…… it doesn’t look like we will reach the place Sapin is hiding at. We have to engage here…… I signal Eva with my finger and brandish my sword.

The carriage stops, I remove the fittings from the horse and let it escape. I earnestly cut down my opponents. I don’t hold back. Eva hides and finishes off the archers. I hope Sapin gets here in time……
One after another, I cut them down……
At the time I was about to cut down another one, something came suddenly flying. It hit my opponent, and both stopped moving. Ha? A person flew over?
M, maa, yosh. Let’s tie them up for the time being.
Everyone in the vicinity has collapsed.
Is it over?
Both the sound and presence of battle has vanished. I feel like it has ended too suddenly, but I tie up and gather the bandits.

It seems that Sapin has finally arrived.
「Looks like it has ended」
「Yeah, sorry, could you retrieve the horse and let the town know? There’s quite a lot, we might not be enough to bring them in alone」

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「Understood. I will be right back」
「We will be camping here today」



When I return to the carriage, Iris is sitting down, and Shien is chatting with Koyu-sama. Iris is…… holding her head?
Maa, first of all.

「Koyu-sama, are you all right?」

「Yes, I’m all right」

「Hey, listen a bit」

「Yeah? What happened?」

「Iris head was hit, and Baasan made a guy fly……」


「Baasan’s magical power is over 900」

「Ha? She can use it? I haven’t heard about that」

「As expected. She herself doesn’t know」

「Ha? Doesn’t know? What?」

「Everything and anything. Maa, let’s clean up this mess first」

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「Right. Let’s have her explain properly after…… ah, let’s make a camp here today」

「Ara. Then, is it all right to prepare the dinner?」

「…… Feel free……」

The employer wants to prepare the meal…… d, don’t mind it…… get used to it, me.

She takes out items from somewhere again. It seems to be a magic bag, but how much capacity it has?

『Onyo(Onion)』『Kyoro(Carrot)』『Teru(Potato)』『Shitoru(Pumpkin)』『Powa(Spring Onion)』『Farii(Wheat Flour)』

How much did she buy? The large amount, was true. If she keeps on offering us, the dried meat will be the last on the travel…… of…… of course, we have been planning to hunt on the way……


Ha? What is she making…… just now, what did she put in? I don’t care anymore…… let’s think about it later.


「How about tea?」

She offers me a cup while saying such. It’s the thing I drank at lunch. Fuu. Delicious. Calming……

「Hey, Baasan……」

Shien makes a proposal to Koyu-sama. Of course, I’m in agreement. Iris also begged her by saying that her common sense is different from ours.
We will have a lot to hear once Sapin returns.

Koyu-sama who was lost in thoughts leaned against Iris and fell asleep. Feeling at peace. She must trust her a lot, Iris.


Oh, Sapin has returned.

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