Once again, I boarded the carriage. Now then, let’s depart.

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Just like in the morning, Elm and Eva are in the driving seats. Sapin and Shien are riding horses on both sides of the carriage.

I must prevent causing trouble for Iris as much as possible, don’t I?
But you see, just riding is boring, right?

「Nee, Iris? Just riding is boring, I wonder if there is something we could do……」

「Please behave as much as possible……」


As much as possible, behaving……


Ah, that’s right. If there’s nothing I can do, don’t I just have to talk to Iris? That’s right, I will be living in this world from now on.
In that case…… right, this is a foreign land, and I’m a castaway. Something like Robinson Crusoe. Fortunately, I have both baggage and money. All that’s left is to learn about this world. It would be nice if Iris and others could understand my common sense, but I’m the one who will live here from now on, am I not?
If that’s the case, I must first learn the general knowledge of this world. It’s just that I will immediately forget it even after learning……
What should I do, I wonder……

Maa, I will memorize it after hearing it many times. Probably……

「Iris…… I have a request, but would it be alright to ask?」


「Right now you see, I have thought about it. It would be bad thing to learn magic in this shaky thing, right?」

「That’s correct……」

「Then, won’t you tell me about this country’s history, economy or some interesting things?」

「History? Economy? Is it?」

「Right! Also, old folklore?」

「You want to hear that from me……」

「Eh? Ah, that’s wrong. Umm, haven’t you heard anything from your mother when you were little? Legends…… umm, fairy tales? Or something?」

「Fairy tales? Is it? That is……」

「Umm…… adventures you have heard from people in the neighborhood? Mysterious stories?」

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「I think that Elm or Shien would be more knowledgeable about adventure talk, but?」

「Umm…… various stories including that. Ah, stories about heroes, or tales of demon kings…… stories you would hear as a little child」

「Heroes…… Demon Kings……」

「I, I won’t force you?」

Iris is lost in thoughts.

「Ah, stories about cooking are fine as well」

「Cooking…… what do you mean?」

「I’m talking about the dishes Iris has eaten until now」

「Cooking is not my forte……」

「Just the dishes you have eaten are fine. What kind of meat is there? What fish have you eaten? Vegetables? Fruits? What’s Iris’s favorite?」

「Yesterday morning’s soup was delicious. It was the best one I have eaten so far……」

「Ara. You were okay with such simple dish?」

「Si, simple……」

「That’s right. It’s just cut and boiled」

「I think that Koyu-sama’s dishes are delicious」

「Ara, that makes me happy. Nee, what does Iris and other usually eat?」

「Usually, is it? We generally eat hard bread and dried meat while on travel」

「How about vegetables?」

「We occasionally have some fruit」

「There’s no vegetables then?」

「Yes. They don’t last long, so」

「Then, when you are not on a travel?」

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「We eat from stalls or in the inn’s dining room」

「What do they sell?」

「Things like the meat and fruit water we had had the other day when we were together and soup. Vegetables are cooked together with the meat once in a while」

「How about seasoning? Is it the salty taste like in that inn or at that stall?」

「It’s like that for us」

「Iris went to school, right? Was it in the school like that as well?」

「It was generally similar to the meals I usually eat」

「Fuun…… generally, that means there was a different taste, right?」

「Yes. I have not eaten it, but the food of high-class people seemed to be different」

「The dining hall itself was different, wasn’t it?」

「Yes. Commoners and nobles ate in different rooms」

「Then, how do you think the taste was different?」

「It stank, I think……」

「The fragrance…… huh……」

I wonder if there were condiments?

「Then, what about beverages?」

「Usually, water」

「When it’s not usually?」

「Fruit water for me…… the men, alcohol? I think?」

「There isn’t tea?」

「It’s very expensive so……」

「The tea leaves itself, huh?」

「Ah, yes. Only wealthy merchants and high ranked nobles drink it」

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「Is there a store?」

「Thre is. But…… I have never entered it」

「I understand. Then, let’s buy some next time, okay? What I want to drink」

「…… Yes……」

Iris’s eyes look slightly into the distance. I wonder why?
Ah, also, that ingredient?

「Iris? Have you eaten an egg before?」


「Right. I have not seen it at the market」

「Eggs….. they are edible?」

「You don’t eat them? Eh?」

「Eh? I mean……」

Un. Right, I have to hear this properly.

「We eat them in my country」

「Eh? Eeh~!!」

「Haa. Is that so? You don’t eat them?」

「I mean, when you hold an egg the magic beasts usually go into frenzy, you know?!」

「…… Are you saying that there are no ordinary birds?」

「Birds…… why birds?」

「Because I want to eat a bird’s egg……」

Ah…… the talk went wrong even here……

「There are birds, right?」


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「Do you eat birds?」


「How do you obtain them?」

「They apparently occasionally catch them……」

「Who catches them?」

「Hunters and adventurers」

「Iris is also an adventurer, right? Can you catch a bird?」

「I have never received the request. Aren’t they flying, after all?」

「You can’t catch what’s flying?」

「I don’t intentionally hunt them…… tte」

「Eggs? What about the bird’s eggs……」

「You may find them in the nest if you are lucky」

「What about the nest?」

「Generally…… I don’t look for them」

「How regrettable…… the delicious meals have decreased by few」

Gata, gatagata!!
I, Iris…… you should not stand up inside the carriage……
A, are you all right? Iris’s movements are startling.

「Iris…… are you all right?」

「Delicious, you said? You can make many delicious things?」

「Eh? Yes, I should be able to? Sweets, bread, snacks……」

…… …… Iris…… Iris~…… she has turned into a statue……
She can’t hear me, can she?

「Iris, I can’t do it without fresh eggs~」

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