Chapter 40

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N~ my body feels like a log. I think I also had a shallow sleep.
But, I have to make the breakfast, don’t I? I want to at least eat a proper soup. Yesterday was a regrettable one.

I think I had put dried meat in the pot…… stock broke out on the side and the meat became soft.
Then, let’s tear the meat finely. And put back into the pot.
And put the pot on the fire.
Parboil cow thistle with a little salt in a different pot and wring it out. Then, cut into small pieces.
Let’s try a bit of the cow thistle. Un, the bitterness has been considerably suppressed. This will become the color of the soup. Because it has a texture, it will also fill up? Fufu.
Now then, let’s try the soup.
Because dried meat has some salt, it seems that I can finish with just a little of the remaining seaweed salt.
Let’s finish it after everyone wakes up.

I have to learn magic as soon as possible……
I have to wash the pot, don’t I? I have water kept in a barrel for meals, but washing it with that…… but, the tea……

Ah…… it’s dirty……


…… acha…… Baachan……

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「Who is it? Shin-chan?」

「Baachan, are you alright?」

Ah…… it’s…… Ivar……

「I’m all right, Ivar. I’m just sleepy because I got up early」

I answer Ivar while feeling a tad giddy. Keep it together, what are you doing making him worry. I scold myself.

「Really? Are you really alright?」

Ah…… I really made him worry……
Then, let’s show him a spirited smile.
Look, sweet smile.

「Fufu. I’m fine, I made you worry, didn’t I?」

「I…… I’m glad…… you…… weren’t waking…… coll…… ap…… se…… d……」

「I’m all right. I’m sorry. I just thought to make a breakfast」


「It’s just right since Ivar is awake. I wanted to clean the small pot and boil water in it. Can you do it?」

「Small pot? Dirty?」

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「Yes. I parboiled the cow thistle in it, you see. Tea with remains of cow thistle is not delicious」



Fuu…… the moment Ivar turned around, I felt overwhelmed…… no, not yet…… n, zuki…… zuki, nn…… fuu, I’m alright. It’s nothing. Let’s take medicine later.

I shake my head at the current situation…… let’s obediently sleep in the carriage after the breakfast. It seems I overdid myself a little……


While sitting down and waiting for the hot water, everyone has woken up.
I stand up, put the chopped cow thistle in the pot and complete the soup. Un, it smells appetizing.

「Good morning, the breakfast is ready」

I prepare the tea as well. Although I say that, it’s just mugwort leaves in hot water. Naturally, I separate it from the fire after a little while. So it’s not too bitter.

When I hand everyone the soup and tea, Elm and Sapin lower their heads apologetically.
It’s fine already, I’m not angry anymore.
Shien smiles wryly, Iris and Ivar seem to be dispirited.

「Saa, let’s eat」

It appears no one will eat if I don’t start.

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I eat a mouthful of the soup. Haa, warm soup is delicious. The flavor also seems to be alright. I have considerably thinned it out when boiling. Well, I forgot that youngsters would rather like it a little stronger. The taste of the meat is proper with a slight accent of cow thistle’s bitterness. The meat is very tender too.

Tea has the nostalgic taste of Japanese mugwort. Fuu.

What is it? Everyone is looking at me…… hey, eat up.

「Thank you for the meal」

I put my hands together. Un, today’s breakfast was delicious as well.


「Elm, we are departing today, aren’t we?」

「Yeah…… are you all right? It seems you have collapsed a little while ago, but……」

「Ara, you saw? I’m all right. I just woke up too early and fell asleep again」

「It didn’t seem like that……」

「Please don’t mind such thing. I would like to arrive in the village earlier. How long will it take?」

「If we go at the same speed as before, it would be the day after tomorrow……」

「If you go as fast as possible?」

「Somewhere around tomorrow night……」

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「It won’t be possible to arrive today then?」

「Not possible」

「I see……」

「Why? May I ask?」

「No, I just thought there’s not enough food」

「There’s another reason, right?」

「No. It’s alright, there’s no other reason」

Although Elm looks worried, I will be alright for two more days.

「Then, shall we clean up and depart?」

「Let’s do that. Ah, I will sleep a lot today」

「Ah…… I understand. Please, sleep as much as possible」

He seems to understand, doesn’t he? Un, there’s a slightly unpleasant feeling throughout my body…… I feel sluggish and painful. There seems to be no fever, though.

I washed the water bag Iris let me drink from before and dissolved brown sugar and salt in it. So I can drink anytime.


Saa, let’s depart.

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