Chapter 65 – The Scolding Ends!

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I heard a surprisingly heavy sigh.
A…… ra…… it was Elm.
Shien and Iris are always sighing, but it’s rare for Elm. He’s always calm and composed. I wonder what happened?

「Koyu-sama, may we confirm once more time?」

「Ara, confirm?」

「Your status」

「It’s fine? Is there something you are worried about?」

「First of all, I’d like to see it again」

「Okay?『Status Open』」

【Job】Rolled up Person
【Magic Attribute】Holy Darkness Space-time Life Creation
【Skills】Green Hands Imagination
【Divine Protection】Divine Protection of Almighty God

「Is this fine? Can you see it properly?」

「Can you confirm one by one?」

「Eh? Yeah, go ahead?」

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「We talked about your age a short while ago, is that right?」

「Eh? Ah, that God-sama has rejuvenated me? Yes, that’s right. I don’t think I’m wrong」

「Your magical power, I feel like it increased since the last time we have checked」

「Yes. Somehow, there’s one more digit, isn’t there?」

「Do you have an opinion on that?」

「U~n…… I don’t understand this well. Anyhow, I also didn’t know about this until a while ago」

「How about the Creation Attribute and Imagination?」

「Umm…… which reminds me, I feel like I heard about it or maybe I didn’t, when he was teaching me how to use magic……」

「What do you mean by that……」

「Umm you see, I couldn’t understand the magic itself. I think I heard such words numerous times while I was being taught, but…… why those became an attribute and skill, I do not understand」

「Such words?」

「That the trick to using magic is to imagine and create」

「Ahh, I see…… that’s what I would like to ask the most, but……」

「What is it?」

「In the end, what magic are you able to use?」

「What magic?」

「Are you able to consciously use offensive or defensive magic?」

「Probably…… I can?」

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「To what degree?」

「You can hurt yourself when working with fire. Wind and water are also the same, right?」

「I mean, I’d like to know what kind of offensive and defensive magic you can use」


「Because guarding you would be difficult if we don’t know」

「Guarding? Why?」

「I want to figure out how to guard you from now on. How much you can fight, how much can you defend yourself? If we get raided, won’t you start panicking? I wouldn’t want to be struck from behind by the person I’m supposed to guard」

「…… Certainly, I won’t be able always to stay calm. But, I wouldn’t do something like attacking you guys……」

「That’s not absolute」

「That’s right, but…… I understand…… I don’t know anything strong enough to attack. What I learned was related to cooking, cleaning, bathing and working in the fields」


「Therefore, I can start a fire to cook? Umm, a hot one and a colder one? I can purify to clean the dirt? I can use the wind to drive out dust? I can gather and warm up water for bathing? Ah, I can isolate a space and make it high temperature inside when making plates」

「In other words…… you can freely manipulate fire? And you can also use water, wind, and space……」

「Let’s see…… probably?」

「Why is it a question?」

「I mean…… I don’t think I can use it so freely……」

「You can change the temperature of fire and freely gather the wind, can’t you?」

「U~n…… it might be better to show you……」

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「Umm, a fire indoors is……」

「Ah, right. Then, the wind?」

「Eh? You intend to do it immediately?」

「Yeah. Umm, there’s dust collected on the floor and ceiling of this room. Right『use as cleaner and duster』」

A small wind crawls around the ceiling. At the same time, the floor too…… right, just like an automatic cleaning robot……
In a short while, the floor and ceiling become pretty as if cleaned. Then, a lump of dust gathers at my feet…… it’s rolling and rolling……

「Next…… the floor, walls, and table beautifully,『purify as if using a wet cloth』」

Yeah, the walls and floor are shining…… it became clean……

「Warm up the tea in the pot that became cold on in a microwave『ding』」

A, ara…… not only the pot, even the tea in the cups has warmed up.
Well…… different things happen when not properly thought, huh……
When thinking about the cold tea, I probably unconsciously thought about the tea in the cups as well.

「Koyu-sama? The chanting……?」

「Un…… I was taught them, but I couldn’t memorize…… I became able to use it like this when thinking of an easy to use way」

「Easy to use…… so, how can you attack with that?」

「I have never thought of attacking, so I don’t know」

「Ha? Ahh. But, what about defense?」

「Yes! That’s okay!」


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「Umm, don’t touch the space around me『defense』」

With a screeching sound, the space around me closed up. I can’t hear a thing from outside.

Elm is touching the boundary of the space. Ah, I think the touched it. He was blown off to the wall……


「Elm! Are you okay?」

Cough, cough, Elm coughs violently……
Iris immediately uses heal.


「Haa~, I, I understand. You can defend yourself…… however, from now on, do it only after receiving a permission first, please. With the exception of emergency! Is that alright?」

「Ah, yes……」

「When you confirm changes to your status, report immediately」


「If there’s anything you don’t understand or something you’d like to do, speak up」

「Y…… es……」



Elm’s anger is…… intensive……
I will listen obediently, okay…… yes.

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