“Just in time!”

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The corners of Wu Hong’s mouth raised, and without dodging, he stretched out his hand and slapped it at the fat monk.

In the process of slapping over, Wu Hong’s palm turned golden.

“Golden body, goodness! Lord Wu Hong has actually condensed a golden body!”

“It’s too strong, and it’s too powerful! I’m afraid that when the Buddha Road opens this time, there will definitely be a seat for Lord Wu Hong in the Buddha position!”

Exclaims continued to ring out.

The crowd of spectators all stared at Wu Hong.

Worship was written all over his face.


A crisp sound rang out.

The fat monk’s body flew out backward like a broken kite and hit the ground heavily.


A mouthful of fresh blood spat out from his mouth.

The fat monk struggled to stand up, pointing at Wu Hong, his face full of anger.

Wu Hong looked at the fat monk and looked slightly stunned.

“Not dead? How is this possible?”

How much power he used, he knew very well.

Even if a Fifth Grade Demigod, there was absolutely no problem.

On the other hand, he was only a first-grade Demigod, so how could he resist?

“I just don’t believe it!”

 Wu Hong smiled coldly and walked towards the fat monk step by step, at the same time secretly drawing 10% of his power.

This time, even if it was a seventh-grade Demigod, he could still be whipped to death.

He stood in front of the fat monk and looked at him from a high position.

“Blame it on you for eating meat in front of me!”

Wu Hong waved his right hand and struck down at the fat monk.

“What a skill!”

At this moment, a sound rang out.

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This sound directly shattered the power of Wu Hong’s swing.

When he looked back.

Only to see a monk come over from the crowd.

This person’s body, seemingly without any power fluctuations, looked as ordinary as a mortal’s.

This monk was no other than Pu Hui.

“Who are you?” Wu Hong turned his head, looked at Pu Hui, and frowned slightly.

Pu Hui folded his hands, “My monk’s Dharma name is Pu Hui. I don’t know why the monk is killing my Buddhist disciples?”

“The children of the Buddhist sect? I pooh! He is obviously a devil!”

“How is he qualified to be a Buddhist disciple after breaking so many precepts?”

Before Wu Hong started, the onlookers, one after another, pointed at the fat monk and opened their mouths in anger.

“Oh ……”

Pu Hui smiled faintly, “Whether it is the children of the Buddha, is it not for you and others to say?”

“This ……” Everyone was dumbfounded.

“The precepts and clear rules, who created them?” Pu Hui asked.

“Naturally, it is Buddha Rulai!”

“Buddha Rulai? Have you ever heard of it?”

“You still rely on word of mouth!”

“The Buddha said, “Be compassionate. If you can cross over, cross over!”

“You want to slaughter the disciples of this sect for the sake of a moment’s pleasure! Have you not broken the precepts and rules?”

“Aren’t you also devils and must be executed?”

With a single word, the crowd blushed and lowered their heads.

The color of shame was written all over everyone’s face.

“As long as there is goodness in your heart and goodness in your deeds, you are my Buddhist disciples!”

Speaking here, Pu Hui’s right hand pointed directly at Wu Hong, “And he, who has not shaved his head, has even practiced other dao!”

“Such a person, how is he ever a disciple of my Buddhist sect?”

“He came to the Buddha kingdom, only to obtain a seat of Buddha!”

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“Moreover, he uses secret magic demonic sounds to mess with people’s minds, and he is the real devil!”

Pu Hui’s voice echoed, shaking people’s ears to a roar.

Many people came to their senses.

Wu Hong’s secret method was broken. His face was ugly, pointing at Pu Hui, “What I cultivate is the Hallowed Buddha Dao!”

” You are the real devil for your devilish words!”

After saying that, Wu Hong’s right hand emerged with golden light and pounced straight at Pu Hui.

“Hoo ……”

The air around distorted extremely fast.

The terrifying aura made those who see it become numb.

When Pu Hui saw this scene, he did not change his expression, did not rush to extend his palm, and pressed forward.

“Buzz ……”

A Buddhist seal flew out from the palm of his hand, and in an instant, it blasted into Wu Hong’s body.

“Boom ……”

There was a loud sound.

Wu Hong’s body stomped straight back and directly crashed to the ground.

He struggled to stand up with a face of shame and anger.

“I’ll fight with you!”

With a roar, Wu Hong’s whole body quickly lit up with golden light.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a golden light Luohan.

That indestructible aura came rushing in.

“You devil, helping the enemy to do evil, let’s die together today!”

Wu Hong’s voice was icy cold, and he was about to rush forward when.


A soft cry boomed, causing both Wu Hong and Pu Hui’s faces to change slightly.


On Pu Hui’s face, a look of trepidation appeared.

I didn’t expect the tiny Mana City to have a Buddha guarding it.

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“The Mana City competition is about to open. You and others must not cause any more trouble; otherwise, you will be killed without pardon!”

A booming voice shook everyone’s ears.

Everyone’s eyes showed scruples, and lowered their heads one after another.

“Humph ……”

Wu Hong’s face showed reluctance, pointing at Pu Hui, “Little monk, I remember you. This matter is not over!”

“Master, you have broken another precept, delusion!” Pu Hui said.

“You ……”

Wu Hong’s chest stagnated, unhappily dropped his hand, turned around, and quickly left.

“Thank you for saving my life, master!”

The two fat monks came to Puhui and performed a Buddhist salute.

“No need to be polite!”

After saying that, Pu Hui quickly went away. The crowd looked at Pu Hui, their faces changing.

Worship, awe, doubt ……

Various emotions were written all over their faces.

“Who is he? With a Buddha seal, he actually blasted Wu Hong back?”

“I don’t recognize him, and he doesn’t seem to have any fame!”

“No fame? With such a strong strength, he must be at least at the Eighth Grade Demigod Realm, right? This kind of person will have no fame in the three realms?”

“Maybe that high priest is low-profile!”

Such voices constantly resounded.

Among the crowd.

Sun Hao looked at this scene and smiled, and nodded.

This Pu Hui was not only highly enlightened but also had a sound mind.

It looks like he correctly judged the person.

” y lord, Wu Hong is gone!” The Six-Eared Macaque pointed at Wu Hong’s back and said.

“Can’t go. We will go to him later!” Sun Hao said with a smile.

“Okay, my lord!”

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In an inn.

“Wow, Lord Wu Hong is coming over. So handsome!”

“Handsome, my ass, he was blown back today by a little monk named Puhui!”

“What? Did a little monk knock him back? Then he’s too weak, right?”

“That’s not true!”

Wu Hong walked into the inn and heard these voices, and with a sweep of his fierce light, he stared directly at the person who was chewing his words.


“What are you looking at, not convinced? If you’re not afraid to die, come and beat me up!”

“Seeing him angry makes me feel damn good!”

The corners of many people’s mouths rose beyond arrogant.

Wu Hong’s fists clenched and clicked.

Finally, reluctantly, he let go of his hands.

He secretly took note of these people’s appearance, and his killing intent was hidden in his heart.

After regaining his calm appearance, he walked back to his room.

“Hoo ……”

With a wave of his right hand, he laid a formation of isolation.

“Ah ……”

Wu Hong roared in anger, his bloodshot eyes staring dead ahead.

“Pu Hui, you wait for me!”

“Don’t let me meet you; otherwise, I will make you look ugly!”

It was a long time before Wu Hong gradually calmed down.


Wu Hong raised his eyebrows and looked up, and he could not help but contract his pupils, and his face changed dramatically.

Somehow, in the room, unexpectedly, there was one more person.

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