“What? No?”

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“How can you use such underhanded tactics?”

“Vile and poisonous, is this still a person of the Buddhist path?”

The crowd looked at the host on the viewing platform and kept accusing and rebuking.

The host stood in place, his face ugly, lowered his head, and said nothing.


Wu Hong softly shouted, and the crowd quieted down again.

“Since no rule says you can’t use poison, are you all saying it’s too much for me to use underhanded means?”

“I, Wu Hong, walk upright, walk straight. If anyone dares to discredit me, my Wu family is not one to be imprudent!”

Wu Hong’s gaze swept, but all those who touched it lowered their heads, not daring to look at it squarely.

When Wu Hong looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth rose.

He looked back at the host and smiled, “What, do you want me to announce the winner?”

The host’s body trembled and recovered from the shock.

He took a few steps forward and said loudly through the sound amplification array, “I announce that the Mana City Buddha Road Competition winner is ……”


Before the host finished, a sound rang out from the competition arena.

Like a boulder falling into the water, this sound stirred up layers of ripples.


A cry of alarm rang out.

The crowd narrowed their eyes and looked, and their faces couldn’t help but change greatly, and surprises filled their faces.

“Master Pu Hui is okay?”

“My God, he’s not even hurt by the God-devouring poison!”

“Amazing, this time, the champion is Master Pu Hui!”

The exclaims kept coming.

When Wu Hong saw the crowd’s reaction, he also curbed his smile at the corner of his mouth.

Turning around and looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn’t help but stare at the scene with wide eyes.

“How is this possible?” Wu Hong muttered.

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Only to see.

Pu Hui had already stood up, and the God-devouring poison on his body had long since disappeared.

“Buzz ……”

On his body, ten Buddha seals circled around him.

Golden light spilled from his body all around; he looked like a Buddha, and it was very sacred.

“Ten Buddha seals? This …… what is this?”

“Isn’t it true that one person can only condense one Buddha seal? How can this be?”

“That’s not true, and many geniuses can condense two to three Buddha seals, and some monstrous geniuses can even condense four to five Buddha seals! It’s the first time I’ve seen ten like this!”

“In that case, isn’t Master Pu Hui a supreme genius?!”

Exclaims of astonishment continued to ring out.

Wu Hong looked at Pu Hui. He opened his mouth but did not spit out a word for half a day.

The scene in front of him was simply unimaginable and unimaginable.

“This …… this is never possible!”

Wu Hong rubbed his eyes, unwilling to believe everything in front of him.

However, those ten Buddhist seals strongly stimulated his nerves.

The inner heart was like being hit by a shocking wave, and could not calm down at all.

“Buzz ……”


A sound rang out.

Wisps of golden light gushed out from the ten Buddhist seals.

These golden lights burrowed out like silk threads and were connected and knotted together with the nearest Buddha seals.

Ten Buddha seals connected through the golden threads in less than a moment, superimposed on each other and exploded with frightening power.

His power was instantly enhanced tenfold.

“My Buddha, this …… is the bonding!”

“What? This is the bondage, the heavens!”

“This …… this Pu Hui is also too terrifying!”

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The crowd looked at this scene, muttering, half a day without reaction.


Wu Hong opened his mouth, and not a single word was spat out.

He looked at Pu Hui; horror filled his face.

“You and I have not finished the competition; this is only the beginning!”

Pu Hui looked at Wu Hong from a high position and walked toward him step by step.


 Wu Hong opened his mouth and did not utter a single word.

A deadly crisis enveloped his whole body.

Without any hesitation, Wu Hong took a step and fled quickly.

“Hehe ……”

Pu Hui laughed coldly, and two golden lights burst out from his eyes.

A shocking killing intent surged up from his body and enveloped Wu Hong.

“Phew ……”

A coldness spread all over Wu Hong’s body from the bottom of his feet.

Wu Hong’s body trembled, his footsteps lurched, and he fell to the ground on his buttocks.

“Stomp ……”

Pu Hui, step by step towards Wu Hong, each step will make Wu Hong’s heart beat violently once.

“You …… what do you want?”

Sensing the irresistible force on Pu Hui’s body, Wu Hong’s face showed panic.

“You want to kill me? You still ask me what for?” Pu Hui said coldly.

“You want to kill me?” Wu Hong’s expression was stagnant.

“That’s natural!” Pu Hui said indifferently.

When these words came out, there was dead silence all around.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Pu Hui, full of disbelief.

“Did I hear it right? Pu Hui said he wanted to kill Wu Hong?”

“I didn’t hear wrong! But doesn’t Pu Hui know Wu Hong’s identity? He is the son of Wu Tai!”

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“Yes, if he is killed, Pu Hui will be hunted down by the entire Cultivator Alliance, and some bounty hunters will not let him go!”

“I heard that Wu Hong’s cousin, Wu Tan, has also come to the Kingdom of Buddha, and it is said that the two of them have a very good relationship.

“Master Pu Hui, don’t be impulsive; it’s not worth killing him!”

Voices of advice kept ringing out.

Wu Hong looked at Pu Hui and was stunned in place.

He pulled out his ears, revealing a look of disbelief.


Wu Hong grinned and pointed his finger at Pu Hui, “You said you would kill me?”

“You know who I am?”

“Do you know what you’re talking about?”

“You know ……”

The words had not yet fallen.

“Boom ……”

A golden fist blasted directly into Wu Hong’s face.

“Puff ……”

A mouthful of fresh blood mixed with teeth spurted from Wu Hong’s mouth and spilled to the earth.

Wu Hong’s entire face was deformed, and he fell heavily to the ground, spitting blood.

One blow caused serious injuries.

This punch directly woke up Wu Hong.

He looked at Pu Hui, and his eyes were filled with panic.

He could confirm that this Pu Hui would definitely kill him.

A death crisis loomed over his heart.

Wu Hong looked at Pu Hui step by step, and his face changed dramatically.

“Pu Hui, don’t …… not kill me, please!”

“Master Pu Hui, I was wrong!”

“Please spare my life!”

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However, there was no effect.

Pu Hui’s speed did not decrease and came quickly.

“Hoo ……”

Ten Buddhist seals, enveloped in Pu Hui’s fist, aimed at Wu Hong and blasted down.

Seeing the irresistible force, Wu Hong was terrified to the extreme, and with all his strength, he roared.

“Fifteenth Ancestor, save me ……”

This cry started.

“Buzz ……”

The sky trembled.

A golden transparent palm took shape rapidly and pressed on Pu Hui’s body at once.

“Phew ……”

Pu Hui’s body, like a broken kite, flew backward out.

A terrifying force rampantly destroyed his body.

Pu Hui sensed that his body seemed to burst open and was extremely uncomfortable.

“Buddha Fa Tian, disciple …… disciple is incompetent and will go first!”

Pu Hui’s face turned red, his whole body’s skin swelled rapidly, and as he watched, he was about to burst open.

Asoft power enveloped the body at this time, dissolving that bursting power.

Pu Hui slowly landed on the ground, revealing a face of surprise.

“Buddha Fa Tian saved me?”

Pu Hui muttered and looked up but saw a red-robed man standing mid-air.

A divine spirit’s mighty pressure emanated from him, making people feel awe at the sight.

“Fifteen ancestors!”

Seeing the red-robed man, Wu Hong ran forward with a surprised look on his face.

“Humph, useless thing, spoiling my good deed!”

After saying that, the red-robed man backhanded a slap, smacking Wu Hong with a dumbfounded face.

“Fifteenth Ancestor?”

Wu Hong covered his face, aggrieved to the extreme.

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