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I didn't recognize him at first, but I soon realized who he was.


Hubert! It was Hubert, Lancer's second brother. He was the brother I had often played with as a child.


I hadn't seen him in years, and he'd grown double in size, so I almost didn't recognise him.


Hubert put his arm around Lancer's shoulders and chuckled loudly.


"Your Highness, my brother has no experience in the Imperial Palace, so his court etiquette is lacking. I hope you will look upon him leniently."


"Get off me."


Lancer shot a cold glare at his brother.


Hubert ignored him and bowed before the Crown Prince.


"Yes, as you can see, he's very inexperienced. Hoho... Now come on, Lancer. Father is looking for you."


Although Huhert was speaking in a cheerful tone, I realised that he was deeply nervous; his voice was unsteady as if it could break at any moment.


'Lancer, what's wrong with you? What if the Crown Prince is angry and puts our family at a disadvantage?'


Because that was what he was thinking.


I mean, if your brother is running his mouth against the Crown Prince, as an older brother, it's hard not to break out in a cold sweat.


I stared at Hubert in pity.


He finally acknowledges me and gives me the 'help me' signal.


"Long time no see, Skyla."


'Please help me, Skyla.'


Lancer's complexion worsened as he was being held down by Hubert.


It seems like if this situation continued any longer, we would lose control of Lancer.


Inevitably, I decided to push Lancer away completely.


"Lancer, please leave us alone."


"But, Skyla-"


"Please, leave us alone."


I raised my voice at Lancer, who was unwilling to leave me be.


"I don't like what you're doing right now."


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My words seemed to hurt Lancer, he looked at me with his lower lip pursed as if he was about to cry.


I felt bad for him, but there were more pressing matters at hand.


"Let's go, Your Highness."


Taking the Crown Prince's hand, I tore my eyes away from Lancer.


I couldn't even imagine what expression he was having. And I didn't want to know.


Again, It wasn't that I didn't feel sorry for him, but I had more important things to do than placate him at the moment


Let's just get this over with.


We'll just have to get through this ball.


On this night, the Crown Prince and I will naturally become engaged, and as a result, I will be able to inherit the title of Duke of Kaerun, which I have long desired.


Once that is accomplished, I will part ways with the Crown Prince, and Lancer will know about this when that happens.


Until then, I'll have to fool him a little.


With those thoughts in mind, I moved to the centre of the ballroom with the Crown Prince.


Soft music began to drift into the ballroom, drowning out the small disturbance that occurred earlier.


Soon, the crowd slowly subsided.


One by one, people began to move to the sweet melodies by the band that began to play again.


The sounds of people laughing and talking could be heard, and a gentle atmosphere enveloped the ballroom.


The Crown Prince and I were seated in a small hall at the centre of the ballroom. The floor was carpeted instead of the usual slippery marble.


I could see the crowd gathering around me and the Crown Prince.


But no one stepped inside the hall, because imperial etiquette dictates that the royal family must dance with their partners first, and only then can the other nobles dance.


Seeing that the Crown Prince and I stood, the leader of the orchestra gave a signal to the instrumentalists.


Soon, a slower, more suitable tempo for dancing began to play.


"Are you a good dancer?"


"I dance as much as I can."


I placed my hand on one of his shoulders.


He seemed intrigued by my answer.

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"Rumour has it that you're a terrible dancer because you rarely appear at social gatherings."


"Who on earth would spread such a mean rumour?"


"The Princess's friends said so."


"You must have misheard."


The Crown Prince smirked and took my hand gently in his.


"Why, is the princess confident in her dancing abilities?"




I tightened my grip on the Crown Prince's hand.


"I don't have any friends."


The music began to play for a slow waltz. With one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand, I began to sway slowly with the rhythm.


"Do you think my answer is strange?"


"It's certainly strange coming from the mouth of a Princess who should certainly be socially active."


'I like it, you're a pleasure to talk to.'




For a moment, I froze in place.




Thanks to this, the Crown Prince, who was trying to follow the waltz step, lost his balance.




The Crown Prince fell to the floor of the hall.


"Y-Your Highness!"


Startled, I quickly knelt next to him.


When I did so, I could hear the sound of laughter. It was too weak to be heard by the usual person, but my ears, fully conscious of my surroundings, did not miss it.




I whipped my head around to see a familiar face in the crowd from the direction of the sound.


It was Lady Aronia.


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I narrowed my eyes and glared at her. It was a warning to stop before she'll regret it.


She lowered her gaze and slipped back into the crowd.


"Your Highness."


I hastily tried to help the fallen Crown Prince to his feet.


To my relief, the carpet was softer than I had expected.


He fell lightly and shrugged as if it was no big deal, "Don't worry about it. As I've said before, I have a chronic condition that makes me prone to falling."


Yes, Your Highness, you do indeed have a chronic condition.


"I apologise for stopping abruptly."


Still, somewhat at fault, I offered him a polite apology.


The Crown Prince merely let out a hearty chuckle.


"No, it's okay, I can see that the Princess isn't much of a dancer."




I pressed my lips together in embarrassment.


The crown prince pushed himself up as if he couldn't see the crowd watching him with concern.


"You shouldn't stop like that in the middle of a dance."


"I apologise."


But it couldn't be helped when I heard the Crown Prince's thoughts earlier.


I wasn't mistaken, I couldn't hear his thoughts since our first meeting, but just a few tens of seconds ago, I heard him clearly.


What's going on?


I could hear almost anyone's thoughts.


Until now, the only person I hadn't been able to hear was Lancer, and I had always assumed that it was because he was an archmage, so my ability wouldn't work on him.


Then, when I met the Crown Prince at the palace, I couldn't hear his thoughts at all.


Of course, I've always known that I can't always hear other people's thoughts.


Sometimes, for example, I couldn't hear Phoebe.


Similarly, there were times when I couldn't hear a single line from my parents' thoughts.


But never, not once, did I not hear a single thought from someone after being with them for hours, until the Crown Prince.

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So I assumed that he, like Lancer, was a "special" person whose thoughts I couldn't hear.


But now, all of a sudden, I can hear him.


I wonder why.


"Let's start over."


Having readjusted the collar of his suit, the Crown Prince extended his hand to me again.


"I apologise for not being… enough."


"No, you needn't apologise. It's a refreshing experience."


A refreshing experience?


"It's very interesting to see the imperfect you when you're known for always doing everything perfectly. It makes me like you even more."


'I think I'm really starting to like you.'


"...Are you making fun of me?"


I placed my hand on his shoulder again, and he let out a shallow laugh.


"I'm serious."


The rest of his thoughts were lost on me after that.


I regained my breath and began to waltz with him.


I certainly never lied to him. I wasn't a good enough dancer to be able to boast about it, but I wasn't a bad dancer either, at least not enough to be a disgrace to my family in this situation.


I did miss a step earlier because I was surprised.


That little mishap earlier was unacceptable to me. I couldn't make any more mistakes.


It was never for the honour of the House of Kaerun. I was simply afraid of what other shameful nicknames might be thrown at me in society in the future.


"Have you ever waltzed?"


I nodded in response to the Crown Prince's question.


"That's unexpected. The waltz is not usually danced unless it's a formal ball."


"I didn't say I danced it at the ball."


At my point, the Crown Prince smirked.


There were hints of fascination in his eyes, which shone like jewels.


"Then, where and with whom did you dance it?"

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