Chapter 14: The Call From Hell (End)

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Different from Qin Xingyan, Xu Shenxing just looked at them and felt ridiculous from the beginning till now.

At first, he had been well prepared to have a hard fight with the criminal, but when he really saw his enemy, he found that ghost master… seemed to be pretty weak…

Regardless of that Galaxy Gun, which was placed on a Planet fortress and almost burned Xu Shenxing to a cinder when he was involved in the strife in Centaur. Even when he was in another world, the four kings under the throne of the evil overlord (Actually, four kings were five people) were also much stronger than the ghost master.

No, he thought that he shouldn’t underestimate his enemy. Perhaps the people who had extraordinary powers on this earth all liked to hide their powers and give others a surprise.

Xu Shenxing told himself when he saw Qin Xingyan’s expression as if she was shouting “Omg, we are dead!”.

“Anyway, let me go on a test first.”

He whispered, then waved his hand, summoning his sword from another world.

The Holy Sword – Durandal.

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“Do you still want to struggle? I welcome it. Anyway, more intense your struggle, more despair will in your heart, then your taste will be more delicious…”

The monster saw a common sword which with no Spirit Qi suddenly appeared in Xu Shenxing’s hand, then laughed with sibilant breathing, walking towards Xu Shenxing. It was so powerful and huge that the whole basement trembled and quaked under his footsteps; it crushed the reinforced concrete columns as if they were some tofu – these columns couldn’t even impede one second of his step.

At this moment, Xu Shenxing brandished his sword towards the monster, who was still twenty meters away.

The next moment, the world was sliced into two pieces.

Seeing the place where Xu Shenxing brandished his sword as the boundary, the whole space was divided into two parts; it was even caused spatial dislocation between the two parts.

Before everyone understood what was happening, the error correction of the world had pieced the misplaced space back, but there was a person still maintained the state of dislocation.

It was that monster Shenxing selected as his target.

As if its time had stopped, it still kept its act of striding; the upper part and lower part of its body were probably misplaced nearly half a meter. Xu Shenxing’s seemed common brandish slitted it into two pieces – together with its horrific breath and its sense of pressure.

Even it had practiced itself in the netherworld for over a hundred years and had an almost indestructible soul, when it faced this sword, which could split the world as if the world was a paper, it was completely crushed and destroyed. It hadn’t even had a chance to scream because it all happened so quickly.

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After a moment, its huge body, which had lost its life and malposed, shattered into several pieces before collapsing on the ground like a statue.


Xu Shenxing’s face twitched.

So it was really a weak, not pretending.

By the way, he recently didn’t practice his power anymore, but it seemed that his destructive power still got stronger. This wasn’t good at all.

“Impossible… How could this be?!”

Obviously, Qiao Hui had been severely stimulated by the event happened in front of his eyes. He found his endeavor was as futile as drawing water with a bamboo basket.

He was pretty sure that his master who could even be called as “Demon” wasn’t that weak. He was so powerful that he could almost absorb boundless energy from the entire netherworld – even if he was facing an uncommonly powerful person who had already reached the Golden Elixir, in theory, he would still be the person who had the last laugh.

If this ghost master wasn’t afraid of getting involved in karma, he could even change the world structure all by himself!

However, what was going on with that guy?! Who was he?! What happened when he brandished his sword?! God damn it! No matter how you looked at it, it was just a common sword!

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“No… stay away! Ahhhhhhhh!!!”

When Qiao Hui saw Xu Shenxing walked towards him, he was so scared and shrieked without thinking, “Stop him! I order you to stop him!”

If someone who had clairvoyant here, he would find a semitransparent child appeared behind Xu Shenxing. The child was about five or six years old; he didn’t have nose and ears, and his eyes and mouth were leaking blood.

He was Qiao Hui’s spirit ghost, and people generally referred to this situation as “Be possessed by the ghost.”

As the best ghost master in his generation, his spirit ghost was more powerful than his incapability counterpart’s. The people who were possessed by his spirit ghost would unable to move, then died suddenly after a moment. Even if someone could drive away his spirit ghost, the person would still have a serious illness; even if the person had supernatural abilities, he would also act slowly as if the person was burdened with a mountain after be possessed by his spirit ghost.

However, it seemed like Xu Shenxing didn’t have any feeling; he kept walking towards Qiao Hui, step by step.

One after another spirit ghosts climbed onto Xu Shenxing’s back, but they still couldn’t stop his strides towards Qiao Hui.

Xu Shenxing stomped on the defense magic circles, which were set up around the sacrificial altar, and the defense magic circles were immediately destroyed.  He came up to Qiao Hui – who was too scared to even move any part of his body – and raised his sword – where there were two spirit ghosts hanging on it – brandishing towards Qiao Hui.

However, before the blade of the sword reached Qiao Hui’s head, Xu Shenxing suddenly stopped. He shook his hand to dispel the swordwind, which could have sliced Qiao Hui into minced meat; but now, it just blew off Joe Hui’s a few hairs.

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Qiao Hui was already stunned at the moment Xu Shenxing brandished towards him.

“If I killed him, I can’t give Xiao Zhengyi a satisfactory answer…” Xu Shenxing muttered, then glanced back to Qin Xingyan and asked, “Can you erase his memory?”

“Ah…” Until then, Qin Xingyan came to her mind back to earth from a series of unforeseen events. She winked her eyes, thought for a moment, then shook his head, “If he was an ordinary person, I can erase his memory, even add some false memories in his brain. But his power is stronger than me, so I can’t do that.”

Xu Shenxing nodded after he heard her words, “Oh, it’s easy.”

He put away the Holy sword as he said, then picked up a reinforcing bar and stabbed it in Qiao Hui’s chest. Qiao Hui immediately woke up because of the pain, but before he said something, Xu Shenxing slapped on his face and made him go faint again.

Qin Xingyan found that the reinforcing bar turned into golden in an instant, and then restored to its original color after a flash of light.

“All done. From now on, his energy… eh, I mean, he can’t use his abilities anymore.” Xu Shenxing drew out the bar. Qiao Hui woke up again because of his action, but still before he said anything, Xu Shenxing slapped on his face and made him go faint again.

Even Qin Xingyan also felt a little sympathy for him.

However, according to Xu Shenxing’s advice, she still gave Qiao Hui an urgent treatment to prevent his death because of excessive bleeding, then began to erase and change his memories… Fortunately, even he had lost his all abilities; his body was still stronger than ordinary people. After some efforts, he survived.

Afterward, Xu Shenxing made a phone call to Xiao Zhengyi.

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