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Chapter 8: The Call From Hell (6)


“It started around two hundred years ago… It was on a bright and sunny morning; on that day, I finally obtained enough faith strength in order to become the God of Land. At that moment, even the heaven and earth all cheered for me, beautiful flowers fell and wonderful music resounded out from the clouds…”

“Can you just get to the point?” Xu Shenxing interrupted the God of Land’s as he demanded. Xu Shenxing had a premonition that it was going to be an extremely long story.

“Alas, you young people are always so impatient…Three days ago, another group of people also came here. Similarly to you, they were also prepared to explore the ‘haunted house’, and at that time, I was hidden under the ground as usual. I don’t know where they are from but several spirit ghosts suddenly appeared and kidnapped one of the girls. It all happened so quickly, they disappeared before I even realized it.”

“Spirit ghost?”

Xu Shenxing frowned. He considered studying Chinese supernatural, otherwise he couldn’t understand many terms others used.

“Have you never heard of spirit ghosts? Your strength is decent, but you never heard of this…? What a strange person…” The God of Land smacked her lips and said, “To put it simply, a spirit ghost is a type of man-made wraith. It’s very easy to create; find an suitable child, dig out his eyes, sever his hands, legs, tongue, nose and ears, then slowly kill him by maltreating him. After his death, extract his heart blood, and refine it. Afterwards, you should have a spirit ghost. This is the simplest, and the most common way to enslave a ghost.”

“So basically, I can treat the the controllers of spirit ghosts as heartless bastards, right?”

Although the words of the God of Land were still mixed with many terms, this time, Xu Shenxing actually understood its meaning.

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“Well, if a spirit ghost is masterless, there is a way to restore it… but I don’t believe the perpetrator would tie his hands and wait to be captured.” It seemed that the God of Land also loathed the spirit ghost’s master.

“Can you find his location?” Xu Shenxing asked.

After all, it was the God of Land of Jiangjin City. It was very possible that it knew the hiding place of the suspect.

“It’s no problem to tell you that person’s general location like ‘He is in this building!’, but don’t expect too much. I don’t want to be killed by that maniac simply because I’m too close to him.” The God of Land said, and reached out its hand, “Besides, you have to pay another 500 RMB for this information.”

“Why are you so greedy…you’re the God of Land…”

However, considering he can get the information of his enemy’s location so easy, its demand was very cheap.

“No problem. After you release my classmates, ask any girl to give you money… I mean anyone except that golden hair little girl, the unusual little girl.”

Xu Shenxing decisively decided to push Qin Xingyan to the front as the scapegoat.

“The golden hair little girl? Which little girl?” The God of Land didn’t seem to understand Xu Shenxing words. Before Xu Shenxing answered its question, the God of Land suddenly shrieked, “Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! When did you come in? Get out of here! No! My snacks! My dinner and my supper! …Wait! Would you at least leave my xbox one alone?!”

The mud person shouted and twisted its body, as if a character from “The Scream”1 suddenly came to life. Suddenly, it froze. It shattered into several pieces before collapsing on the ground as if it was dried mud.

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Due to the fact it all happened so fast, Xu Shenxing was unable figure out what happening. He hastily ran up the small mound, trying to find traces of the mud person.

Before he could found anything, another small mound appeared on the ground. A small head popped out from the mound as if it were a mushroom.

“Ah!” Her bright golden hair quickly gave away her identity. Moli gazed at Xu Shenxing as she spoke with a straight face, “Landlord. I’m stuck.”

Xu Shenxing was completely speechless in face of this situation.

After he pulled Moli out of the ground, he found that she was carrying another girl in her arms.

She seemed like a very ordinary otaku girl. She had a mushroom haircut and it seemed to be only a little older than Moli. She wore a baggy T-shirt over her body and a pair of plastic slippers over her feet. At this moment, she was in a mess, struggling to break free from Moli’s grasp.

After Xu Shenxing dug out Moli and the girl, but Moli suddenly released her grasp, causing the little otaku girl drop down to the ground in surprise. Moli patted the leaves of grass and dust on her head, paying no attention to the otaku girl.

“How… how… how dare you to do such a thing to the God of Land?! You will be punished by the heavens!” The black hair little girl turned around, helplessly looking at them. She incoherently blustered out a threat and tried to create some distance from Moli.

It seemed that she was the real appearance of the mud person – the God of Land.

Moli tugged at Xu Shenxing’s clothes, pointing to the mushroom head girl and began to plead, her eyes full of hope, “Landlord, can I keep her?”

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“No, no pets are allowed in the apartment.”

Xu Shenxing earnestly rejected her request.

“I… I’m not a pet!”

The God of Land feebly protested to Xu Shenxing with tears in her eyes.

Compared with the arrogance tone of the mud person, her real appearance was unexpectedly weak.

The financial situation of the Sakura Apartment wasn’t very good, Xu Shenxing also didn’t want to house another freeloader. Besides, he needed her help, so it wasn’t a wise choice to offend her.

“Anyways, please help me!” Xu Shenxing asked with hearty smile, “As the price for offending you, I will treat you to spicy hot pot; let me think… how about that kind of six RMB?” 2

“…As a God, is my mental damage compensation worth only six RMB?! Moreover, I feel that some malice is hidden in your words.”

“Please ask for money to that only girl who is different to others.”

“And you even don’t want to pay for six RMB!”

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Even she was the God of Land, she was also shocked by Xu Shenxing’s stinginess.

However, this also helped slightly lower her guard towards Xu Shenxing.

“I know. I won’t break my promise.” She finally stood up from the ground. Under the moonlight, Xu Shenxing saw several words printed on her T-shirt, “Lose once you go to work” 3. She said seriously, “However, Just once. Don’t bother me again afterwards.”

“Landlord! Can I eat her?”

“You can’t eat anything strange. She will make you have a diarrhea.”

“I’m not food! You two, listen to me! Ah ah ah ah ah – !”

The pathetic God of Land shouted with tears.


“The scream” is a painting. It’s a picture of an abstract human shouting and twisting  his body. Six RMB’s worth of spicy hot pot: It’s a kind of sexually suggestive. Once a woman posted a topic on the Internet about her experience met with an Internet friend – They fucked thirteen times for a whole night, but that man only treated her to eat six RMB’s worth of spicy hot pot as a reward.  Lose once you go to work: A famous comment of a Japanese otaku in a TV show. 

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