Chapter 91: Become a God From Today On (3)

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“Ugh …”

Himesaki Mizuki was very melancholy.

The reason for this was naturally from yesterday’s kidnapping case.

The young girl had expected her father to be unconcerned about the matter. If it were usual, Himesaki Mizuki would have been depressed for a while, but today she unexpectedly found that she was not as concerned about her father’s opinion as before.

Instead, she was concerned about the person who had saved her life.

Yesterday, the address he asked for was definitely the Kanishino School, but after arriving at the school, she checked the list of the school’s security guards – because she didn’t know the names, she mainly looked at the photos, but still couldn’t find the one who saved her life.

The young man seemed to have disappeared into thin air and never appeared in front of her again.

This naturally makes the girl, who experienced the feelings of love for the first time in her life, had a very complicated feeling.

As a result, the negotiation she went to the US yesterday failed…

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“Himesaki Sister-sama, are you not feeling well?”

Just as Himesaki Mizuki was drowning in the self-pity of not being able to find her prince, a young girl’s voice made her jolt back to her senses.

She looked in the direction where the voice came from and found Goyo Sumire, who was clutching a kraft paper bag in her hand, looking at herself with concern.

Himesaki Mizuki knew a little bit about this cute schoolgirl’s mind, but now she was also confused about her future, so naturally, she couldn’t give any promises.

“Good afternoon, Goyo.”

So she showed her usual gentle smile and said softly to Goyo Sumire, “I’m just a little tired from working.”

“Really? Do you want me to go talk to the health teacher so you can go there and take a nap?”

The look on Goyo Sumire’s face became even more uneasy, and even the slightly babyish voice took on a bit of worry.

“It’s okay, I’ll just rest in the student council room.”

Himesaki Mizuki couldn’t say anything else to her, who was so concerned about her, and could only respond with a bitter smile, “And Goyo, you’re the student president, so you have a lot of things to do, right? Don’t continue to waste time with me, go to work.”

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“How can it be a waste of time!”

Goyo Sumire’s reaction was unexpectedly loud, “Spending my whole life on Himesaki Sister-sama is not a waste! No, it’s more like that’s what I’m going to do!”

“Well, Goyo, I’m touched by your feelings, but it’s not good to delay the work of the student council because of it.” After all, Goyo Sumire and Himesaki Mizuki have been getting along for some time, and it’s not the first time she’s experienced such a straight ball, so Himesaki Mizuki gradually got used to it and she skillfully changed the subject, “Anyway, what are you planning to do now?”

“I’m talking to the special students whose grades have dropped recently to see if they have any difficulties,” Goyo immediately followed the topic given by Himesaki Mizuki: “After all, as a special admission, the main condition for their admission is to have good grades.”

The special students are the civilian students. Because they are admitted to the Kanishino School, the tuition fee is lower than that of the aristocrats, which is affordable even for the commoner families.

Goyo Sumire flipped through the papers in the kraft paper bag, then nodded slightly: “I have no problem with others, except … en, Sakurakouji Asahi who cannot be found. The other members of the student council don’t seem to have seen her during lunch break either.”

“Sakurakouji should be in that shrine on Mt. Shirakaba, so if it is not particularly urgent, I think it would be better to wait for the afternoon tea time and then go directly to her class to find her.”

“Himesaki Sister-sama, do you know that Sakurakouji?”

Goyo Sumire asked with some surprise.

“Um, I’ve read a little bit about her before. She is the witch of the shrine on Shirakaba, so she is exempt from the special admissions.” Himesaki Mizuki smiled slightly as if recalling something: “And she has a beautiful witch costume~”

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“Well Goo Goo … since sister-sama said so, this time I have to go!” Goyo Sumire puffed up her cheeks and bowed to Himesaki Mizuki: “Then Himesaki sister-sama, excuse me for a moment.”

“Eh, cheer up, Goyo.” Himesaki smiled and gave Goyo Sumire a cheer.

“Leave it to me!” The young girl straightened up and saluted Himesaki Mizuki.

Although she said those kinds of words confidently in front of Himesaki Mizuki, when she actually started climbing the mountain, Goyo Sumire realized that it didn’t seem as easy as she thought.

“Is Shirakaba… that high?” After climbing for a long time, Goyo looked up and found that the trail was still long. Sweating and panting, she felt the urge to turn away.

I don’t think the lunch break will be over by the time I make it to the top, right?

No, it would be more difficult to climb with such distracting thoughts.

Goyo Sumire shook her head and intended to continue on her way when the bushes by the roadside suddenly shuddered as if something had passed through them, making the girl jump.


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The vegetation on Shirakaba is quite dense, and the towering canopy of trees blocks almost all the sunlight, making it somewhat shady down below. There are also many small wild animals, and in addition to burrowing around the trail from time to time, various strange sounds come from the depths of the forest from time to time, so it is quite scary to walk alone on the trail.

Goyo Sumire, who was almost scared to tears, shivered and turned her head to the front of the trail with an extremely stiff movement, then ran desperately towards the mountain, mumbling frantically in her heart, ‘Don’t mind it, don’t mind it, don’t mind it’…

After long she ran, she suddenly realized that the steps of the path had disappeared, and the shrine, which was not exquisite but still quite normal, appeared in front of her.

But there was no one in the square from the shrine to the torii, so it seemed that Sakurakouji was either in the shrine or behind it.

Goyo Sumire took a good breath, and then walked through the shrine, and indeed, when she was about to reach the back of the shrine, she heard the sound of someone talking.

She looked into it, and then her whole body was stunned.

The person speaking was a male.

The one who talked to the man was another sister-sama of the Kanishino School, Miyama Chihaya.

Sakurakouji Asahi, the purpose of Goyo Sumire’s trip, sat in the hallway behind the shrine with Moli, a transfer student who had transferred to the school only yesterday, watching the man talk with Miyama Chihaya.

Due to the distance, Goyo Sumire could not hear them clearly, but she could vaguely hear ‘almost’, ‘let me’, ‘your ass ‘ ‘pull it out’ and other words like that.

“This is …” Goyo Sumire felt the temperature of her face was soaring, guessing that her face was now red beyond recognition. She tried to suppress the sound that almost came out of her mouth in her throat to keep from screaming out “Impure heterosexual relationships ahhhhhhhh!”

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