It’s Lonely To Be Invincible

Chapter 239: Such a strong taste

Chapter 239: Such a strong taste

Hearing this, the surrounding disciples turned immediately. When they saw the good looking man in the sky blue robe, all of them went up and greeted him.

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“Greetings. Senior brother Dao.”

“It’s fine.” Dao Tianwang smiled. “Who is that?” He asked, pointing at Lin Fan.

“Senior brother Dao, that’s Senior brother Lin, peak leader of the Invincible Peak.” A disciple answered.

“Invincible peak?” Dao Tianwang raised an eyebrow. He was surprised to hear that the sect had gained another peak.

“Senior brother Dao, it all began when…” Knowing that Dao Tianwang had not been in the sect for a long time, he told him everything that took place recently.

The other disciples standing far away looked over upon hearing the commotion.

“Senior brother Dao from Heaven King’s peak has returned.”

The Patriarch and the elders nodded after feeling Dao Tianwang’s aura. They sensed that he, too had broken through to the Heaven Star Border realm.

“It seems like much has taken place while I was away. How could Jun Wutian betray the sect? But now, the Invincible peak leader will no longer be the strongest, as it’s now between Yun Xiao and me.” Dao Tianwang said with confidence.

He could tell that the Invincible peak leader was still only in the Earth Star Border realm. ~Yun Xiao is in the Heaven Star Border realm. The difference in their ability isn’t something that can be overcome.~

~However, Yun Xiao is too narrow-minded. We are superior now; why pick a fight with an Earth Star Border realm fighter? Moreover, he’s your sect mate! This will not do.”

“Lin Fan! I’m going to give my all! If I lose to you, I’ll not have any regrets!”

Just then, Yun Xiao’s voice rang across the sect.

“Heaven Star Body!”


The empty space shook. Signs of cracks could be seen.

A white figure suddenly appeared, floating behind him. Suddenly, ripples could be seen behind it, rippling like water.

Strong force erupted all over the place, and half of the sky distorted.

Lin Fan stayed calm. He looked at the changes taking place calmly. ~ It’s indeed very powerful, but it’s nothing much to me.~

Heaven Star Border Stage One.

~He is of the same cultivation as Li Chongshan. But Li Chongshan is someone who I can now kill in one attack.~

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“Yun Xiao is strong.” Feeling this aura, Dao Tianwang couldn’t help but acknowledge Yun Xiao’s ability. He thought he was strong enough when he broke through to the Heaven Star Border realm.

But now, it seemed like Yun Xiao was evenly matched with him. ~It will be a tough fight even if it was me fighting Yun Xiao.~

“This attack is my strongest attack. It’s my strongest ability.”

Yun Xiao yelled, raising his hand.

The Heaven Star Border figure behind him mirrored his actions. The figure raised its fan and pointed to the sky—a whirlpool sucking in Heaven Star energy formed at the tip of the fan.

“Is Yun Xiao trying to kill the Invincible peak leader?” Dao Tianwang frowned. He could feel how powerful the attack was. It was definitely Yun Xiao’s strongest attack.

But when he looked at elder Tian Xu, his doubts were removed.

With elder Tian Xu here, nothing can go wrong.

“Take this.”

Just then, Yun Xiao flung his arm and aimed at Lin Fan with the tip of his fan. Space shook, and the spatial ripples flowed towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan shook his head and clenched his fist, sending out an attack.

He then left for the inner palace.

“What’s going on?”

All the spectators looked at Lin Fan at a loss. They couldn’t believe what was going on.

But suddenly, a shocking scene took place.


Yun Xiao’s body jerked, and he vomited out blood. He was as pale as a sheet of paper. His pupils shrunk, and fear could be seen in his eyes.

Lin Fan stepped onto the stairs of the inner palace. He didn’t turn around, but his voice rang out.

“Yun Xiao, I didn’t go all out against you. Focus on cultivating and stop using me as your goal. Reality will only disappoint you.”

As soon as Lin Fan finished his words, he disappeared.


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Yun Xiao covered his mouth, but blood could be seen trickling through his fingers.

It was unknown if it was due to his injury or Lin Fan’s words, but Yun Xiao stared off into the distance, depressed.

Seeing this, Gu Mu immediately rushed to Yun Xiao and channeled energy into Yun Xiao’s body to stop his injuries from worsening. He then glared at the Invincible peak in anger.

“Lin Fan, how could you be so cruel?”

“Elder.” Yun Xiao said, stopping him. “He went easy on me. If not, I would already be dead.”

“Hahaha.” Tian Xu laughed. “Gu Mu, Yun Xiao is right. My disciple had already gone easy on him. Why else would he still be standing?”

The disciples exchanged glances. They never expected Lin Fan to beat Yun Xiao.

Wang Shengkang and Xuan Qing fell to the ground with a thud, burying their heads in the ground. They couldn’t accept the fact that Senior brother Yun Xiao lost.

But that was the truth, and they had no choice but to accept it.

Dao Tianwang’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He was stupefied. ~How could this be?~

~Yun Xiao lost?~

~And with only one attack!~

“Phew! If I came back a day late, I would be fighting that guy to be first amongst the peaks, and I end up humiliated!”

Dao Tianwang heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Yun Xiao in gratitude. He was thankful that Yun Xiao tested out the other party for him.

“Yun Xiao, don’t be discouraged. This doesn’t mean anything. Work hard, and you will still have a chance.” Gu Mu had high hopes for Yun Xiao, and he certainly did not wish to see Yun Xiao be discouraged because of this fight.

“Thank you, Elder. Yun Xiao understands.” Yun Xiao bowed. “I’ll go back first.”

He disappeared as a ray of light.

Gu Mu shook his head and sighed. Losing meant nothing, but it was something else if you couldn’t recover.

~Ever since Lin Fan’s appearance, the sect has become weird.~

~He suppressed Zhan Hongdi, Wan Zhongtian, and now even Yun Xiao. Don’t tell me he’s trying to suppress all the other peaks?~

Tian Xu let out a laugh and looked towards the distance. “Tian Wang, why didn’t you greet us when you returned?”

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Hearing this, Dao Tianwang flew over immediately. “Tianwang greets the Patriarch and the elders.”

“Tianwang, you’re now in the Heaven Star Border realm.” Huo Rong said happily.

“Yes, elder.” Dao Tianwang laughed. “Tian Wang chanced upon a chance to break through while I was adventuring in a Danger zone.”

“It’s the sect’s blessing.” The Patriarch said. “I wonder how the others are doing.”

“Disciple thinks that the others would have broken through too.” Dao Tianwang answered. ~After my return, I learned that there was such a person in the sect.~

~ It’s scary how he could suppress a Heaven Star Border while still in the Earth Star Border.~

“Tianwang, since you’ve broken through to the Heaven Star Border realm, are you going to fight for the title of the first peak?” Tian Xu caressed his beard, smiling widely.

That was what Dao Tianwang initially planned to do. But now, he changed his mind.

“Elder, that wasn’t Tianwang’s plan. Tianwang returned because he missed home. The first peak is only an empty title. What’s important is that the sect is powerful. Tianwang has no intention of fighting for the title. I don’t mind being the last peak either.” Dao Tianwang said sincerely.

~D*** it. Fight for the first peak? What nonsense is that? I witnessed everything, and I knew that I’m in the same level, or only slightly better than Yun Xiao. That dude just crushed Yun Xiao with one attack! What will I get by going against him?~

Tian Xu nodded happily and patted Dao Tianwang on his shoulders. “Great. It seems like you’ve learned a lesson during your trip. But is there anything you’d like to say?”

With a plop, Dao Tianwang dropped to the ground and kowtowed. “Patriarch, elders, disciple met a woman who I promised to tie the knot with. I plead with Patriarch and elders to approve my marriage.”

“Oh, there’s such a matter? I wonder who is so capable as to take down our Heaven King’s peak leader.” Huo Rong laughed.

“Patriarch and elders…” Dao Tianwang stammered. He looked down, hesitating to answer. “She’s a member of the Sky demon fox tribe.”

As soon as he finished his words, he heard Huo Rong shouting at him.

“Nonsense. As a Magnificent Flame Sect’s peak leader, how could you marry a demon? Do you want to embarrass the sect?”

Huo Rong turned to the Patriarch and bowed. “Patriarch, I’m not going to allow this. How could a Magnificent Flame Sect disciple marry a demon? And a Peak Leader too. This is absolutely…”


Huo Rong flung his sleeves. He had no idea how to continue.

Dao Tianwang continued looking down. “Please acknowledge the marriage, Patriarch. Tianwang didn’t plan to say it now, but I will feel guilty if I hid it from the elders and Patriarch who made me who I am today. Tianwang was once seriously injured and had a near-death experience during my trip, and she was the one who saved my life. I…”

“Tianwang, are you nuts. How could we approve?” Gu Mu said.

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“Yes.” Ge Lian nodded. “The Sky demon foxes might be able to take human form, but they are still demons after all.”

The Patriarch remained silent. It was as if he was thinking about the matter.

Hearing this, Dao Tianwang turned to Tian Xu. He knew that Tian Xu was the most open-minded and least traditional Elder. If Tian Xu was willing to speak on his behalf, things would be less complicated.

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

“This is great. It’s good to promote the freedom to love.”

It was unknown when But Lin Fan had appeared next to Dao Tianwang. He glanced at him. ~I can’t help but admire him. He’s cool.”

The Sky demon fox are considered beasts too, but they could take the Human form once they reached the Heaven Star Border realm.

“Master, she saved his life. Moreover, it’s not very nice to forcefully break off two people in love.” Lin Fan said.

Dao Tianwang didn’t expect Lin Fan to speak up for him. He looked at him in gratitude.

Tian Xu glanced at his disciple and caressed his beard. “Mhmm. My disciple is right. This isn’t bad news either; why are you guys against it?”

Tian Xu then turned to the Patriarch with a knowing look. “Am I wrong? Patriarch?”

Looking at Tian Xu, the Patriarch coughed lightly. “Mhmm. Yes. You make sense. This is something good. No further discussion is needed. I approve.”

“Thank you, Patriarch. Thank you, elders.” Dao Tianwang said happily.

“We should find a day to escort the bride back.”

“Elder, not so soon. Mei-er has not yet taken human form. She will only do so a few months later.” Dao Tianwang said. A tender look could be seen on his face when he mentioned the words “Mei-er.”

Instantly, the Patriarch, all the elders as well as Lin Fan, stared at Dao Tianwang, shocked.

~Hasn’t taken human form?~

~Wow, his tastes are really strong…~

Noticing the weird stares, Dao Tiangwang remembered something and immediately tried to explain himself. “Disciple hasn’t had any intimate relations with her yet.”

Lin Fan looked at him even more shocked. ~ He’s even thinking about S**? Wow! I’m mindblown.~

~The Patriarch seems weird, too; I wonder if he has had a similar experience?~

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