Chapter 280: Bear the honor alone

Elder Jia Ye was unhappy with the result. Still, there was nothing he could do since the Enforcer had already deemed it false.

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A tragedy might happen if he continued to make a fuss at the Magnificent Flame sect.

It was undeniable that the Elephant God Sect wasn’t as strong as the Magnificent Flame Sect.

If not for the Heavenly sect palace’s support, why would Jia Ye dare to come here?

“This Elephant god sect is sick. They love to disgust people.” Watching the two figures getting further away, Lin Fan took a fruit and bit on it.

~What a waste of my mystic-high class pills. Not even my Invincible Peak disciples are so lucky!~

“Haish!” Huo Rong sighed. “I didn’t expect to have to lie for our disciple.”

“Elder Huo Rong, it’s true! I didn’t kill them!” Lin Fan turned to him, sounding genuine.

After a short pause, Huo Rong nodded. “Yes. You are right. You didn’t kill them, and I didn’t lie.”

“Disciple, what about the Divine Religion Eighth District that you just mentioned? Did you find them?” Being an elite elder and the strongest cultivator in the sect, Tian Xu was very concerned about the Divine Religion.

As an elder of the sect, it was his job to contribute to the sect. He didn’t like to poke his nose into things, but he should make some contribution as an elder.

Tian Xu had always been trying to track down the Divine Religion. Some time ago, the Guardian of the Divine Religion appeared. But when Tian Xu reached, the Guardian had already left. It was a pity.

~If I were to come across him, I’ll make sure that he doesn’t leave. Even if he did, he would pay a huge price.~

“Master, I did find their Eighth district. It all happened when I was in the Misty city…”

Lin Fan told Tian Xu everything that happened in detail, except his encounter with Sir Xuelian.

~I only managed to escape Sir Xuelian’s hands because of the lava stream and my immortality.~

~If I said that I met Sir Xuelian, I’ll need to lie as I can’t tell Master that I jumped into the lava stream to escape.~

Hearing Lin Fan, Tian Xu and Huo Rong both exchanged a glance.

“Tian Xu. I think that this is quite an urgent matter. Let’s send out first-class inner disciples to each city, and get them to take down any Divine Religion followers immediately if they discover any.” Huo Rong said after a short pause.

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“Mhmm. The Divine Religion has become more active these days. It seems like the Pope is getting impatient. However, I suspect that the Saint Convent Sect is behind all this. How else would the Divine Religion be so powerful?”

Tian Xu said seriously. Anger could be seen on his face. He doesn’t have any good impression of the Saint Convent Sect, but he had to pretend that he was friendly towards them as an elder.

He would have gone against them openly if not for his status.

“Senior brother, watch your words! We don’t have any evidence, and they won’t be happy to hear this.” Huo Rong said. He agreed with Tian Xu’s words, but they didn’t have the evidence to prove their guess.

“Hmph, the Saint Convent Sect is not having a good time now too. Let me see how they are going to deal with the person creating trouble for them. Who asked them to wipe out other sects?”

Tian Xu wasn’t afraid of the Saint Convent Sect, but he couldn’t act as he wished due to the Magnificent Flame Sect. If he had nothing to care about, he would have already gone against the Saint Convent Sect alone. There was nothing that Tian Xu fears.

But now, he needed to consider the Magnificent Flame Sect. He couldn’t do what he wanted.


A thought suddenly came to Lin Fan’s mind. “Master, I met Jun Wutian.”

“What?” Tian Xu said, shocked. “Jun Wutian? He’s still alive?”

“Yes. Elder Huo Rong, do you still remember the Blood worms we came across when we returned from the Titan sect?” Lin Fan asked.

“Do you mean that he was the culprit behind the blood worms?” Huo Rong asked.

“Yes. Now Jun Wutian is neither a human nor a demon. He’s a Blood worm creature and is only able to survive thanks to them.”

Ju Wutian’s immortality interested Lin Fan initially, but not anymore, as it was too weak. ~ He’s only alive because of the Blood worms.~

After understand what was going on, Jun Wutian’s immortality was too weak for Lin Fan.

With Lin Fan’s current strength, he could kill Jun Wutian, just that it would take a while to do so.

But to any cultivator who understood the laws, Jun Wutian was just a joke. They would be able to kill him in a second.

“Blood sacrifice reverse magic! The Guardian used this on Jun Wutian. How useful is Jun Wutian to the Divine Religion that they are willing to use the blood energy from the blood refining hell on Jun Wutian?”

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Being very knowledgeable, this skillset came to Tian Xu’s mind immediately as he heard what Lin Fan said.

After telling his master everything he needed to, he bid the elders goodbye. “Master, I’ll head back to my peak now.”

“Alright, go. Cultivate hard. The sect will depend on you in the future.” Tian Xu nodded. Not only was he confident in his disciple, but he was also happy with his current performance.

Lin Fan went towards the Invincible peak, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

“Junior brother Dao, where are you going?” Lin Fan said, standing in the air. He saw Dao Tianwang coming from Heaven King’s peak, looking as if he was making a trip out of the sect.

Seeing Lin Fan, Dao Tianwang smiled at him. “Senior brother Lin, I’m going to head to the Sky demon fox’s tribe. Mei-er is going to break through to the Heaven Star Border soon, and I’m going to assist her.”

“Congratulations Junior brother, this is for her. I hope she will be able to overcome her inner demons successfully.” Remembering his words, Lin Fan took out an Earth-middle class pill and passed it to Dao Tianwang. ~ I’m still in awe of how he’s able to fall in love with a fox, though.~

“Seeing through Inner demons pill!”

Dao Tianwang gasped on seeing the pill. He waved his hands immediately. “Senior brother Lin, this is too expensive. I can’t take it.”

“Take this. It’s not for you anyway. Why are you so nervous?” Lin Fan laughed. The pill might not contribute to one’s cultivation. Still, it was extremely useful for those who are breaking through to the Heaven Star Border realm. It allows one to ignore their inner demons. Thus, it was known as a magical pill.

It wasn’t of a high class, but it was way better than many Earth-high class pills.

Dao Tianwang said nothing else. He knew that the pill was useful to Mei-er. “Thank you, Senior Brother. I’ll bring her back to the sect to thank you personally after she takes human form.”

“Alright, good luck in your travels.”

Lin Fan waved his hands and went to the Invincible peak.

~I gained so much this trip, and everything from the Thousand deep chambers is now inside my storage ring. Even the stairs!~

Lin Fan floated on top of the peak and took a look at the stone steps. ~Time to change them.~

Seeing Lin Fan, the disciples on the Invincible peak were utterly confused.

“Senior brother Lin is back.”

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“What is senior brother Lin doing? Feeling Heaven and Earth?”

“I don’t know. But I saw the representatives from the Elephant god sect and Heavenly sect palace leave. I told you, Senior brother Lin is too powerful. What could they do to him?”

But as soon as they finished speaking.

They realized that something happened. The stone steps on the Invincible peak suddenly floated up for no reason.

A dragon made of steps flew out from where Senior brother Lin was. The dragon looked like a backbone, and a strong mystical force could be felt from it.

“Today, the invincible peak will change our stairs. These steps can exert a certain amount of pressure on you as you walk up. The pressure will be adjusted according to your cultivation. Try them out when you’re bored.”

~The steps aren’t useless after all. The energy on the steps will change according to one’s cultivation, and it will help the disciples in their cultivation.~

The disciples were shocked to see the steps.

“These steps are different; they seem to be shining.”

“You can cultivate while climbing the stairs? There are such things in this world?”

A disciple went up out of curiosity. But as soon as he stepped onto the steps, he could feel something pressing down on him. It was difficult for him to even raise his feet.

He could feel his energy gushing and boiling in his body.

“This is great.”

“Senior and junior brothers, this is great! It can pressure us and help refine our energy. Our energy will become more refined if we stay on it for a long time.”

Hearing him, the crowd couldn’t wait to go on the stairs to try it for themselves.

It was just like what the disciple said.

“Thank you, senior brother Lin.”

The disciples cried in gratitude. The sect had changed greatly recently.

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Firstly, the body tempering realm and now this staircase. Things were really different now.

At the same time, Tian Xu was chatting with Huo Rong. They looked over immediately when they realized the commotion going on at the Invincible peak. “Where did my disciple get these? These aren’t ordinary steps.”

Huo Rong turned over and took a closer look. The steps were indeed special. They weren’t made of ordinary materials, and there were many spell formations merged in the stairs.

It was something that even they were unable to make.

On the other hand, Lin Fan didn’t expect these steps to be so popular. He then pulled out the stone tablet and erased its words, carving new words on the stone tablet.

“Invincible peak.”

He then placed it at the Invincible peak’s entrance—the stone tablet sunk deep into the ground, staying still.

~All done. Perfect.~

He looked over to the Yun Xiao peak to see that Yun Xiao was nowhere to be seen. ~He must have left on a trip.~

“Haish, Yun Xiao, it’s such a pity to come across me, right? You might’ve been better off instead.”

“But you’ll thank me in the future, as without me, you would drown under the numerous praises. Fighting, young man.”

“Let me do the hard work and take down all the honor alone.”

Now, the Invincible peak was the strongest in the sect. ~The other seven peak leaders had yet to return. I wonder if they will challenge me when they do.~

~But I’m too busy now.~

A distance away.

~The frog and old black are here. No wonder I didn’t see them.~

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