Chapter 300: I’m doomed. I’m going to get cooked!

“I can’t believe it. This makes things problematic.”

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He couldn’t believe that the Divine Religion was actually controlled by two midgets.

Lin Fan looked at the drawing. ~ I’ll keep it for now. I might be able to enter that space somehow when I need it in the future.~

However, the drawing caught fire suddenly and turned into ashes, disappearing before his eyes.

“Well, that was fast.”

A few days later.

The Lunar mountain city. The street where the Medicine hall was located was now blocked, and the mine was currently being excavated. Even though the Magnificent Flame Sect had arrived, the mine still wasn’t safe yet; any elite could forcefully snatch it away, resulting in the collapse of Lunar Mountain City.

Huang Fugui’s home was bustling with activity. Red ribbons were hanging all over the street where he lived.

“Senior brother, it’s Fugui’s wish to see his younger sister get married.”

Lu Qiming laughed. He had been spending his time at the Medicine hall recently to keep things in order.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded. This was the first time he had ever attended a wedding. As Fugui’s senior brother, he would definitely have to give the married couple something good. Since pills were useless to them, he gave a red packet instead.

Lin Fan was now amazingly wealthy. He had always collected large amounts of money from robbing various corpses.

The medicine hall.

When Lin Fan reached the shop, the disciples were already underground. They were excavating the crystals under the lead of Heaven Stage Border elders, who cut the mud into pieces and made large chunks of the mine levitate.

“Elder Gu Mu, are you going to stay here until the end of this project?”

“Yes.” Elder Gu Mu replied. “The Yuan crystal mine is critical to the sect. Nothing can go wrong, so I must stay here to guard the mine until we finish.”

Suddenly, the Divine Religion’s Pope crossed his mind. “Elder Gu Mu, do you know what the Divine Religion’s pope looks like?”

“Why do you ask?” Gu Mu turned around, slightly shocked. There hadn’t been anyone who had seen the true identity of the pope. Even the guardians hid themselves so well that not many have been seen before.

“I’m just curious how he looks.” Lin Fan answered.

“I’ve seen the previous pope.” Gu Mu said after a short pause. “But he was killed by our sect. I, including your master, have no idea how the new pope looks. The Divine Religion is very mysterious.”

Currently, the most significant enemy of the Magnificent Flame Sect wasn’t other sects but the hidden Divine Religion.

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The Divine Religion acted mysteriously, and they used weird tricks to cause chaos. It wasn’t easy to eliminate them.

Lin Fan held in his laughter. ~I see that nobody knows what he looks like. But I do.~

Soon, the wedding came to an end, and Huang Fugui was glad to fulfill one of his dreams.

“Senior brother, are we returning to the sect now?” Huang Fugui asked.

“Aren’t you staying for a few more days?” Lin Fan laughed.

“Nah, I’m good. The Invincible peak needs us.” Huang Fugui shook his head.

“Then let’s go.”

Lin Fan was in a rush to head back to the sect. He had earned a lot thanks to Hei Gu’s invasion, and he could upgrade his skillsets again. Lin Fan wanted to go into seclusion again.

He had limited experience points, so he needed to think of how to increase his cultivation to Heaven Star Border Stage Five. ~I need to raise my cultivation to Heaven Star Border Five so I can fight the elites for real with laws.~

~The current situation doesn’t feel good.~

He tore open space and opened a tunnel, heading back to the sect.

With elder Gu Mu guarding the city, the Divine Religion wouldn’t dare to come again.

The blood refining hell.

Sir Xuelian, who was levitating on top of the bloody sea, opened his eyes all of a sudden. “Sir Bright moon, since you’re here, why don’t you come out?”

Suddenly, a moon could be seen hovering on top of the bloody sea. Snow could be seen where the moonlight shines.

“Sir Xuelian. You’ve been getting our religious elites on your side these days. Everyone is angry about this matter. Aren’t you going to give us an explanation?”

“So that’s the matter.” Sir Xuelian laughed. “I just want to train them to become better cultivators. Are you guys feeling uneasy?”

“Hei Gu has been murdered at the Lunar Mountain city, and the Yuan crystal mine is in the Magnificent Flame Sect’s hands now. It’s currently being guarded by Gu Mu. The pope was so angry that he has sent an order to kill the Magnificent Flame Sect’s Invincible peak leader. And you will be responsible for this matter.”

Sir Bright moon said. There was no expression on his face, and his cold aura could be felt from the moonlight.

“The Invincible peak leader is a talent. It’s a waste to kill him.” Sir Xuelian sighed. “Sir Bright Moon, didn’t you witness that incident?”

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“No.” Sir Bright moon’s face fell slightly. He denied it immediately. “Xuelian. You should pretend to be blind sometimes, even if you see things.”

“I understand.” Sir Xuelian closed his eyes and said nothing else.

The harder you work, the luckier you are.

This sentence kept ringing in Sir Xuelian’s head. Especially when he saw the true identity of the pope. It might’ve only been a glimpse, but the image was engraved in his mind.

He wasn’t sure if that was the real pope.

~ I’ll become the pope if I get rid of him.~

Sir Xuelian wasn’t sure if he should do so. Still, he was taking some action by pulling the Religion’s elite to stand with him. However, his actions had been attracting attention.

~The other guardians won’t allow me to continue this.~

He stared at the figure in the bloody sea.

“Jun Wutian, you’re very important, but what for?” Sir Xuelian said, unable to find an answer to his question. He listened to the pope’s orders, but he was very curious of what such a weakling could do. ~Why is he so important to the pope? He’s now under my control since he’s here.~

The Magnificent Flame Sect, Invincible peak.

Being entrusted by Senior Brother Lin to take care of the Invincible peak temporarily, Wang Fu took this mission very seriously. He was determined to not let anything go wrong.

The other disciples were green with envy too. They felt that Wang Fu’s status had skyrocketed.

“Haish, I wonder when the senior brothers will return. Managing the peak shows that they see my potential, but I don’t have time to cultivate anymore!”

Wang Fu was both happy and sad.

~The peak is huge, and it’s tiring to manage it. Even my cultivation time is shortened.~

At the same time, it allowed Wang Fu to understand how tiring it was for Lin Fan to maintain the peak and how much work it must’ve been for Lu Qiming to take care of all the disciples.

“How was it?”

Just then, numerous voices could be heard ringing the air.

“Greetings, Senior brother Lin.” Wang Fu said happily. “Senior brother, I only realize how tough it must be for you guys to take care of the peak now.”

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“Mhmm.” Lin Fan nodded. “This is great. I am happy that you kept the peak in order. Take these pills and cultivate hard.”

He gave Wang Fu five high-class mystic pills.

A strong medicinal scent could be detected.

These pills weren’t of much use to Lin Fan, but they were very useful to Wang Fu.

“Thank you, Senior Brother.” Wang Fu said happily. This showed that Lin Fan approved of him.

Lu Qiming patted Wang Fu’s shoulder. “Junior brother is indeed a talent. I like how well you managed the peak yourself. When you get stronger, you can help assist me.”

Wang Fu nearly broke into tears hearing all the compliments. He suddenly felt that all his contribution was extremely valued.

Old black coiled around the Invincible peak. His aura had increased, and it was obvious he was recovering.

Hall of pills.

Frog stared at the cauldron in front of him in deep thoughts. “What’s wrong? I used a secret recipe to make a Heaven-low class pill, but I don’t see anything. What’s wrong?”

Of course, the pill was for itself. Why would he give it to Lin Fan?

~ He’s so disrespectful. I won’t make him Heaven class pills.~


The cauldron shook, and a violent aura could be felt.

Seeing this, a terrifying thought crossed the frog’s mind, and it turned as pale as a sheet of paper. It stuck out its tongue and opened the cauldron. A colorful light could be seen spinning inside the cauldron.

“Oh no, it’s going to explode!”

It grabbed up the colorful light and jumped up without hesitation, throwing the light at the sky.

“Get down! There’s an explosion!” The frog yelled. All the disciples knew that the frog was Lin Fan’s pet, and it could make pills. They looked up at the sky, hearing this. The scene made their hearts shake.

The light in the sky kept increasing in size. It seemed like it was absorbing the law’s energy in the world.

“What’s going on? I might have forced it despite the risk, but I’m the god of pill-making. This shouldn’t be.”

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“Frog, what have you done?”

Just then, a loud voice could be heard.

Lin Fan was currently chatting with his junior brothers. But suddenly, he realized intense energy was coming from the hall of pills, and there was a light in the sky. He rushed over immediately.

“Master, this isn’t what you think! I was trying to make you a pill, but…..”


The light exploded, forming earth wind and suppressing the sky itself. The pressure was so strong that many disciples weren’t able to stand up.

Seeing this, even Lin Fan was thrown off his feet. He immediately sent an attack to disperse the energy. However, the explosion was too strong for even him to take down.

“What’s this? How could it be so powerful?”

Lin Fan couldn’t believe his eyes. How bad would it be if the energy reached the Invincible peak?

His Heaven Star body showed up and grabbed the energy in its hands.


The Heaven star body’s hand exploded. The energy covered the heaven star body before disappearing into thin air with the body.

“Oh my god, I’m doomed. I’m going to be cooked!” The frog hugged its head and fell to the ground, shaking. It could already see how it’s ending.

Lin Fan frowned. Suddenly, he saw a light shining in the air. He went for it immediately, grabbing the light.

The explosion finally disappeared.

The disciples were so shocked. They felt that they had nearly died.

The frog trembled violently. It blinked its eyes. Suddenly, it saw someone walking towards it.

“Master, spare me! I…..I really…..” Just as the frog thought it was about to die, it realized that something wasn’t right.

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