“You guys might be weak, but I will not despise you because I truly love all of you. I don’t care if you are ugly or poor, I still love you with all my heart. I will not abandon nor give up on you. I will do whatever I can to turn you into pulp.”

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“Tell me, where’s your guardian?”


He’s currently very confident with his ability after he has understood the laws. ~Strength would be the base of my ability from now on. He’s in need of a powerful opponent.~


Some Divine Religion guardians are strong, but some are weak. For example, Li Di is more powerful than other guardians.


However, even Li Di has nothing on Lin Fan now. He might still be unable to suppress him, but Lin Fan is sure that he’ll at least be able to retort.


/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL.COM

“Invincible peak leader, my religion did nothing to go against you!” The man from the crowd yelled, and bats could be seen flying out, covering the skies and coming towards Lin Fan.


The bats flew towards Lin Fan, revealing their sharp teeth that looked so sharp that’s able to tear anything apart.


“Is he not around?”


Lin Fan rubbed his chin, pondering. It seems like the sixth district guardian is not around. This is such a pity.


To the Divine Religion followers, they were stricken in fear knowing that the man in front of them is the Invincible peak leader, the murderer of many of their fellow peeps.


Now, he’s here in the sixth district.


“I’m going to tear you apart and drink your blood.” The man said angrily. Suddenly, he was being pulled towards Lin Fan by an unknown force. It was as if he was being controlled by something.


“Too weak.” Lin Fan reached out his hands to separate them and smacked onto him hard.




Explosions could be heard, and light hovered over Lin Fan’s fist. The figure dropped down from the skies immediately and landed on the ground with a loud thud. The ground was dyed red by his blood.


“Too weak. I will not ask you for your name, since it’s useless.”


Lin Fan shook his head. He could not even feel the excitement of fighting before the other party loses his life. ~Haish, this is so boring.~


He put his hands together and put it over his head. Light could be seen shining brightly as he sent down a punch.

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“Go die! This is my love for all of you.”




The pit exploded instantly, and energy flowed out of it, destroying everything that it came in contact with. The followers that touched the energy slightly exploded and turned into ashes immediately.


His points shot up rapidly.


“There’s quite a fair amount of followers here.”


~They might all be weak, but the accumulated points makes me happy. I gain more than three hundred thousand points in a attack.~


A huge, dark pit appeared in the ground. There’s no living thing to be seen at the Wind’s howl valley.


It was a peaceful sight.


The sixth district has been destroyed.


~Sadly, all storage ring is gone. I shall take note of this before I attack in the future. The rings must be protected.~


Suddenly, a piece of paper came to his sight. It was being blown up to the ground from a deep put.


“What’s this?”


He grabbed a piece of paper, curiously. ~So this is how the sects spreads news! This is like the newspaper we have on earth.~


~But made of better quality paper. It’s not of a bad quality as our newspapers.~




Suddenly, news came to his attention. It’s being published by the Sunshine sect.


“A Magnificent Flame Sect disciple who has been spying at the Sunshine sect in the identity of an elder for the past fifteen years has surrendered. He will be executed tomorrow.”


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“Faceless King.”


Lin Fan stared at the news. ~I don’t know who he is, but he deserves my respect. How much courage and love he must have for the sect to be willing to give up his identity and live a tough life at the Sunshine Sect?~


~If I was in his shoes, I’ll be at a loss of what to do now.~


~The Sunshine sect has many elites, especially Miyamoto Kura. It’s impossible to rescue the faceless king from his hands.~


Lin Fan float on in the air, thinking hard.


~I need to save him, but how?~


“Haish, bubby, I’ll love to save you. But I have no idea how to do so.” Lin Fan sighed after a long thought. ~I really do not know how to help!~


Magnificent Flame Sect, Tian Xu’s peak.


Tian Xu sat crossed legged, his bead flowing down to the ground. His hands trembled when he saw the news, but he regained his calm immediately.


“Senior brother…..” Instantly, Huo Rong could be seen speeding towards Tian Xu’s peak. He came towards Tian Xu, hesitating. When his eyes landed on the paper, he knew that Tian Xu was aware of the news.


“Senior brother. You must not act rashly.” Huo Rong said immediately. In the entire sect, only he and Tian Xu knew who the Faceless King was. Even the sect leader doesn’t.


“This is a trap of the Sunshine Sect!”


Huo Rong said anxiously. He knew that this matter isn’t as simple as it seems. No matter how powerful Tian Xu is, it’s going to be a dangerous trip.


“I know.” Tian Xu replied nonchalantly. He closed his eyes to take a rest. “I am aware of what I should do and what I should not. Junior brother can be at ease.~


Knowing Tian Xu, Huo Rong knew that Tian Xu’s words are a lie.


“Senior brother, since he have chosen this route, the results are expected. He doesn’t has any regrets, nor he is hoping for someone to save him.” Huo Rong shook his head/


Tian Xu nodded. He still looked as calm as ever. It’s as if the matter got nothing to do with him.


However, Huo Rong knew Tian Xu well.

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“Senior brother…”


But before he could finish his sentence, Tian Xu cut him off.


“Junior brother, is his choice to choose this route and give up a good life for the sect.” Tian Xu said.


Huo Rong nodded, thinking that Tian Xu had gotten his point. However, what he heard next gave him a grave shock.


“But he’s one of my disciples. I can’t ignore this just because he’s not a direct disciple.” Tian Xu said sternly. “Junior brother, you may head back now. Remember to keep this a secret. This has nothing to do with the sect. It’s all on me. Keep it a secret from the patriarch.”


“Senior brother. You can’t do this! Think for your disciple even if you’re not going to think for others!” Huo Rong yelled. He was so anxious that his face flushed red.


“I have left all I have for him.” Tian Xu smiled.


“Senior brother!”




Instantly, Huo Rong felt that he was being freezed, and he couldn’t even retort.


Tian Xu stood up and came to Huo Rong. “Junior brother, I understand that the sect is very important, but he’s once my disciple too. I can’t abandoned him. I can’t make him contribute to the sect for nothing. He might not hate me for it, but I will not be able to forgive myself if I did.”


“You’re the closest to me, you should understand where I’m coming from.”


Huo Rong opened his mouth to say something, but instead, he said nothing and a time’s energy flowed out from the middle of his eyebrows.


“Senior brother, that’s all I can do. You must be safe.”


Tian Xu smiled and took in the time’s energy. “Junior brother. You must keep this a secret. Even my disciple must not know about this. Senior brother Patriarch might be weaker than me, but he’s powerful enough to guard the sect.”


Instantly, the time’s energy spread through his body and Tian Xu’s body slowly became younger. He’s beard has slowly dispersed too.


The old Tian Xu was nowhere to be seen. Now, a young and handsome looking Tian Xu stood in front of Huo Rong. He looked like a mischievous youth.


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“Old friend, it’s been long. Let’s fight the strongest cultivator in the world again.”




A ray of light pierced through the air, and a pike appeared on Tian Xu’s hand. The gigantic purple dragon on the pike emitted light, coiling around Tian Xu’s body. It formed a shiny and cool armor and mask, leaving Tian Xu’s black coloured hair dancing in the air.


A very powerful aura could be felt.


“Senior brother……is back.” Huo Rong said, mumbling.


“Junior brother, take care of the sect. It might just be the Sunshine sect, but we should attached importance to it too.


Instantly, he disappeared into thin air.


Regaining his freedom, Huo Rong looked up at the sky worriedly. “Senior brother. You must be alright.”


He knew that it’s going to be a dangerous trip for Tian Xu.


~However, no one must know about this, or the Divine Religion will take this chance to deal with us. Even Senior brother Patriarch is powerful, he’s still lacking in compared to Senior brother Tian Xu.”


~Moreover, Senior brother is more than just an elite. It would be fine only he’s only going against the Sunshine sect.


~What if the Sunshine Sect calls…..~


Huo Rong shook his head. ~I need to keep calm. Nobody must know that senior brother has left the sect.~


“Why am I feeling panicky?”


Lin Fan’s heart jumped rapidly. It felt that something is about to take place, but he do not know what.


Points: 385100


~Now I have so much points! This is great! I do not even know how much Divine Religion’s followers have died in my hands. Now, all followers of the sixth district is gone.~

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