Lin fan laughed in his heart. What a joke. With his unrivaled talent, how could he not be able to take down this Bell? However, he knew that the earth Yuan Bell had been refined by Emperor Chao Bai and he could not use it. However, he had just checked and found that the earth Yuan Bell was very hard. If he used it to hit someone, it would not have any problem. Tian Xu looked at his disciple and the clock that couldn’t be used. He was very convinced. However, would anyone descend into the true immortal realm? Based on the current situation, the chances of it descending were very low. Tang tianri was beaten black and blue. He regretted it so much. He knew it was dangerous here, but why did he come? even if he was beaten to death, he shouldn’t have had the thought of coming down. “Senior brother, will the sect master come to save us?” Yi daoling was in despair. He had been captured by the natives and suffered merciless torture. Now, he had been stripped naked, and there was only a piece of cloth wrapped around his crotch. If it wasn’t for the fact that his cultivation base was strong enough and his state of mind was high enough, he might not have been able to withstand such humiliation. If you let some disciples with low cultivation try, they would probably die in such a situation. Tang tianri looked at Yi daoling and really wanted to reply,’what’s the point of saving him? if he really wanted to save him, he would have done so long ago.’ But in this situation, some words of comfort were still necessary. “He will. The sect leader will not abandon us. He will definitely come to save us.” Yi daoling lowered his head. His eyes flickered with a firm belief.”Yes, he will definitely come and save us. Definitely.” Zuo Yunfei of the immortal sword sect was stunned for a long time. It was strange. He had disappeared for such a long time, so the sect should have found out by now. Why didn’t they come to save him? He was a bit confused. Could it be that the sect abandoned him? but that was absolutely impossible. He was one of the outstanding elders of the immortal sword sect, and the sect couldn’t lose him. Let’s wait a little longer. Perhaps they’ve already started taking action. Thinking of this, Zuo Yunfei was full of confidence again. He just couldn’t figure out how the natives of the land of origin could be so powerful. Lin fan was chatting happily with the earth Yuan clock. From time to time, he would throw out a threat or two. Of course, when he said these words, his expression was unusually friendly. To him, the things in the true immortal realm were really good, especially these Immortal Weapons and so on. They had many wonderful uses and were much better than the ones here. Because of the invasion of the true immortal world, the magnificent flame sect’s people had been transferred away and arranged to stay near the sect. Invincible peak. Lu Qiming was so busy that he had his disciples spread out to defend the area. The power of the divine origin cannon was obvious to all. One shot was enough to send these intruders into the sky. “Senior brother, I wonder how things are on your side.” He looked up at the sky and was a little worried. His senior brother and the elder were facing a true expert. However, he was too weak and couldn’t help much. “Senior brother lü, when do you think this will end?” One of the disciples asked. “I don’t know, but it should be soon,” Lu Qiming said.”Don’t think about it. Hurry up. The senior brothers are fighting the strongest enemy at the front line. We can’t be a burden.” “Yes.” The true immortal realm. Emperor Chao Bai pondered for a long time. He had to save the elders, but the current situation didn’t look good. Thus, he was prepared to discuss with the ten immortal Dao sects and hope that they could help. Of course, he wouldn’t ask these sects for help. Instead, he was prepared to use another method, such as entering the land of origin together. He had to save the elder and take back the earth Yuan Bell. Nothing could be missing. “Why do all these stupid things happen to our sect?” Emperor Chao Bai was furious and had an indescribable worry. Why did the other sects not suffer any losses, but the Black Tortoise’s thirty-three celestial palaces suffered the most? The remaining elders were also helpless and didn’t know how to solve this. But no matter what, they had to save him. But in this situation, they could only let the sect leader make the decision. They just had to follow the sect leader’s orders. “Sect master, we need to make a decision as soon as possible. Elder Tang and the others are fine for now, but we don’t know what the natives will do to them, so we need to hurry.” An elder said. The Hierarch was deep in thought. This matter was not as simple as it seemed. The Aboriginals of the land of origin had extraordinary strength, and even a wisp of spirit sense could be detected. Especially in the end, the old man who had cut off his spiritual will was not an ordinary expert. It was not unreasonable for Tang tianri and the others to be defeated when the Aboriginals had such strength. “Yes, I’ve already heard about this,” “Yes,” replied Emperor Bai. He then contacted the other sects. No matter what, the Black Tortoise’s 33 celestial palaces couldn’t handle this alone. They had to find help. As for asking the Grand elders, that was out of the question. As the sect leader, he couldn’t even solve a small problem like the land of origin. If he asked the Grand elders, even the Grand elders would doubt his ability to be the sect leader, let alone take action. At the same time, the other sects would probably not agree. After all, even the Grand Elder had come out. Could it be that he wanted to monopolize the land of the origin ancestor? Therefore, it would be bad if there was a misunderstanding. Two days later, Emperor Chao Bai had contacted the sect Masters of the other nine sects. As for the devil Dao and the demonic Dao, it was better to forget about it. It was useless even if he contacted them. The key was that the demonic Dao and demonic beasts were too sinister. He had to be on tenterhooks when cooperating with them. In the main hall. “Thank you for coming.” He cupped his fists at Emperor Bai and said. When the sect leaders arrived, the situation in the hall became extraordinary. The mana became thick and there were all sorts of strange signs. This was something that only true experts could do. “Emperor Chaobai, why have you called us over?” The sect leader of the nine Immortals mountain spoke. He had already informed everyone present before he came. Nothing good would come out of calling the White Emperor over. Even though the 10 sects of the immortal Dao were all immortal Dao, their relationships were very complicated. There were occasional conflicts between the sects, so their relationship wasn’t very good. Emperor Chao Bai smiled and said,”it’s nothing serious. It’s just that now that the land of the origin has opened, I think we should join forces and enter the land of the origin together. After all, the six sects of the devil path and the four halls of the demonic path are all eyeing us covetously. If we split up, I’m afraid we won’t have any advantage.” “Therefore, the ten sects of the immortal Dao should join forces and enter the land of the origin ancestor together. What do you all think?” He could only say this now to fool these guys first. If they could enter the land of origin together, he was confident that he could kill those natives. “Emperor Chaobai, the nine Immortals mountain is not in a hurry.” The sect leader of the nine Immortals mountain waved his hand. He did not even need to think before he rejected the offer. “How can we not be anxious? the land of origin is there. If we let the demonic path and the demonic path get the immortal encounter first, we will suffer a great loss.” He didn’t like the nine Immortals mountain sect master very much. Wasn’t he rejecting him way too quickly? “Emperor Chaobai, put away your fake smile. Do you think everyone here is a fool?” the nine Immortals mountain sect leader laughed in disdain. ” 14 elders of your Black Tortoise 33 celestial palaces have fallen into the land of origin. We don’t know if they’re Dead or Alive. Your spiritual will descended, but not only did you fail to kill the indigenous people, but you also lost the high-grade immortal weapon, the earth Yuan Bell. You asked us to join forces to fight against the indigenous people of the land of origin. You also took this opportunity to save the people you sent.” “To put it nicely, you’re seeking the help of our nine sects.” “To put it bluntly, you’re treating us as fools, as cannon fodder.” The nine Immortals mountain sect leader didn’t give him any face and directly exposed Emperor Chao Bai’s true colors. The rest of the sects looked at the sect leader of nine Immortals mountain and didn’t say anything. Everyone knew that the sect leader of nine Immortals mountain was straightforward and didn’t play around. “There must be a misunderstanding.” Emperor Chao Bai’s face was slightly embarrassed, but he soon smiled. “Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding could there be? the White Emperor of your dynasty doesn’t think that we don’t know what happened, right? You planted spies in our sects, but you think we didn’t plant spies in your Black Tortoise 33 celestial palaces?” “We already know your every move before you even took action.” The nine Immortals mountain sect master flicked his horsetail whisk and placed it on his arm.”I won’t stay any longer. You can settle your own problems in the Black Tortoise 33 celestial palaces. Goodbye.” The rest of the sect leaders looked at the sect leaders of nine Immortals mountain and didn’t know what to say. Wasn’t he being too direct? he had even revealed the matter of the spy. At this moment, the sect master stood up.”There’s no need to rush to the land of origin for now. If the ten immortal sects take the lead, it would be as the demonic and demonic sects wish. We’ll wait a little longer. Goodbye.” One after another, the sect Masters of the various sects stood up and left. They weren’t fools. Although there were some benefits to joining forces to descend to the land of the origin ancestor, the benefits were definitely not as great as the disadvantages. He had saved the 14 elders of the Black Tortoise’s 33 celestial palaces. Didn’t that help them turn the tables? Thus, he had to wait. It would be best if he waited until the 14 elders were killed by the natives. That would be the best time. Very quickly, the sect leaders left. They had come here to see what Emperor Chao Bai would say. But now it seemed that his words were completely without any technical content. He was clearly treating them as fools. “Everyone …” Emperor Chao Bai wanted to say something, but he realized that everyone had left. He stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do. “You bastard.” Emperor Chaobai’s face turned green with anger. He didn’t expect that not a single sect would give him face. They had probably come here to see a joke. Now that they had seen a joke, they would leave. To him, the last thing he wanted was for the other sects to know what had happened in the Black Tortoise 33 celestial palaces. But now it seemed that it couldn’t be hidden at all. Besides, he had been overthinking from the start.

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