“Sect master, we’ve lost …” The captured elders raised their heads and looked into the sky in disbelief. The invincible sect master in their hearts had actually lost to a native.

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If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it.

“That’s impossible,” Tang tianri had escaped the punishment. In the words of punishment, what if he spat sh * t? but even so, he was still frightened by the punishment and almost lost his soul.

“Nothing is impossible. Do you know that the moment you dared to invade us, the end of your true immortal world was already set in stone?” Sanction grabbed Tang tianri’s head and said with a smile. This sentence was the first time he had said it without swearing.

Tang tianri looked at the sanction, and thousands of ‘F * ck you’ stomped through his heart. Who the F * ck said this?

At the same time, he expressed a deep hatred for everything recorded in the ancient book. Which old bastard ancestor wrote this nonsense? this time, they had been completely trapped.

The people of the various sects were all terrified. The most terrifying thing had finally happened.

All of the upper echelons of the Black Tortoise 33 celestial palaces, one of the 10 sects of the immortal Dao, had been suppressed by the natives.

They couldn’t believe that this native was this powerful. Although this native was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the Tigers weren’t weak. They were taking turns to fight, but they couldn’t accept the result.

Didn’t this mean that even if the upper echelons of the thirty-three celestial palaces attacked together, they wouldn’t be a match for this native?

/ please keep reading on MYB0XNOVEL.C0M

In such a situation, how high must one’s cultivation be to be able to do it?

Lin fan grabbed onto Emperor Chao Bai’s head and descended slowly.

“Senior brother, you’re invincible.” The magnificent flame sect disciples shouted excitedly. Their blood was boiling when they saw their senior brother’s power. Some disciples couldn’t control themselves and started dancing on the spot.

“It’s actually this powerful. ” Ji Yuan looked on expressionlessly. He had merged with the beast spirit of the heavenly Hound and entered the demigod realm. But now, it seemed that the gap between him and Lin fan was really huge. It was like a chasm that was impossible to cross.

“Teacher, everything has been settled. All of the upper echelons of the Black Tortoise’s thirty-three celestial palaces are here.” Lin fan chuckled and tossed Emperor Chao Bai to the side.

Tian Xu nodded with a smile.”Not bad, my disciple.”

Sometimes, he couldn’t understand his precious disciple. He couldn’t believe how strong he was.

The situation just now was far beyond what a demigod could compare to.

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Although Emperor Bai Chao’s cultivation method was different from theirs, his aura was at the peak of the demigod realm. However, his disciple was able to take him down easily. Could it be that his strength was comparable to the God Realm?

He wanted to ask, but he gave up after thinking about it.

“Disciple, actually, I can kill the White Emperor with a single look.” Tian Xu said.

Lin fan was stunned. He felt that his teacher’s words were a little strange.”Teacher, you can continue bragging. This is just one look. He’s not weak.”

Tian Xu narrowed his eyes. He felt that his precious disciple was not very willing to cooperate with him. Moreover, he did not trust him. This made him feel very hurt.

“You don’t believe me?”

Lin fan pondered for a second or two.”I do, I do. How can I not believe what you say?”

“Well, that’s good.” Tian Xu nodded. He had left a deep impression in his disciple’s heart. He wanted to let him know how powerful he was.

At this time, sanction dragged Emperor Chao Bai to Tang tianri’s side. However, Emperor Chao Bai had already fainted, which made sanction very annoyed. Why did he sleep? he immediately gave him two or three big slaps.

Tang tianri swallowed his saliva.”This is my sect’s leader. Can you not be like this?”

Bang! Bang!

Sanction King kicked Tang tianri to the ground.”You shut your F * cking mouth.”

Tang tianri fell to the ground, his heart aching. There were no human rights. Even if he was a captive, he still had human rights.

However, these natives were too brutal and didn’t care about human rights.

“Let me go.” Emperor Chao Bai woke up and roared in anger. However, his powers were sealed and he became an ordinary person. In the hands of the judge, he was like a baby that could be manipulated at will.

“Peak Master Lin.” Sanction shouted.

Lin fan was talking to his teacher. When he heard the voice, he asked,””What are you doing?”

Sanction pointed at Emperor Chaobai.”This B * stard, what do you say? Should I beat him up or strip him off?”

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“You’re asking me for such a small matter. What are you doing here? do as you see fit. ” Lin fan waved his hand and didn’t want to say anything more. At the same time, he felt helpless. He was so smart, but he had to lead this group of people who didn’t have their own opinions. It was really tiring.

“Then let’s beat him up first.” Judgment waved his hand, and a few demigods came. They stepped on Emperor Chao Bai and gave him a beating.

“Sect master.” Elder Huang Ren’s heart was bleeding. They saw the sect leader’s tragic state and closed their eyes. They didn’t want to see the sect leader’s face as it would make them feel despair.

The sect leader’s glorious image was severely damaged.

But even if they didn’t look, their hearts bled when they heard the screams.


The screams disappeared and were replaced by the sound of clothes being taken off.

“Stop.” Elder Qing Yun glared at judgement with eyes that were about to pop out,”you guys can’t do this! He’s our sect master!”

However, his protest was of no use. Emperor Chao Bai was quickly stripped naked and he squatted at the side.

Zuo Yunfei couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He couldn’t hold it in any longer. He was the sect master of the Black Tortoise’s 33 celestial palaces. How could he be stripped naked and squatting here? it was so embarrassing.

When the surrounding sects saw this, they were completely dumbfounded. They had never thought that the natives would actually treat the people of the Black Tortoise 33 celestial palaces like this.

Especially Emperor Chaobai. As the sect leader, he had a high position and was a big Shot of the immortal path. However, he still couldn’t escape from the poisonous hands of the natives and was directly stripped naked. His dignity had been completely destroyed.

“Teacher, there are quite a few people hiding in the surroundings. Should we directly take action and capture them?” Lin fan smiled as he looked around. At the same time, he was discussing with his teacher in a low voice.

He really wanted to take down this group of people. After all, they were all here, and this was a rare opportunity.

“Disciple, don’t you think there are a little too many people here?” Tian Xu didn’t want to talk to his disciple anymore. What was he thinking? why did he want to capture everyone?

“There are many, not many. I’ve seen it. It’s only a few dozen people.” Lin fan said. How was this a lot? it was clearly very little.

At that moment, Lin fan stepped forward and cupped his fists,””Everyone, please come out. We only have conflicts with the Black Tortoise’s thirty-three celestial palaces. We don’t have any conflicts with you, so please come out and meet us.”

“Peak Master Lin, you are so elegant. We are impressed.” A figure appeared. Song Qinglian of the immortal sword sect directly flew out of the void and cupped her fists.

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“Senior brother.”

Seeing his senior brother, Zuo Yunfei had tears in his eyes. He knew his sect would not abandon him and would come to save him.

“Did you see that? I’ve sent my senior brother to save me,” he said proudly.

However, for the elders of the heavenly Palace, their hearts were bleeding when they saw the Hierarch like this. They didn’t want to talk to Zuo Yunfei anymore.

“No, No, thank you for the compliment. But Who are you?” Lin fan smiled and winked at his teacher. His meaning was clear. It was almost time to seal the world.

Song Qinglian smiled,”I’m immortal sword sect’s elder song Qinglian.”

“Oh, so it’s elder song. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Lin fan said.

“I’ve long heard of Peak Master Lin’s name. ” Song Qinglian laughed. At this time, there were still many sects hidden in the void who had not come out. They felt that something was not right.

However, he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

Suddenly, song Qinglian was shocked. She pointed into the distance in horror.”Peak Master Lin, what is that?”

“What?” Lin fan turned around and looked over curiously.

Immediately, song Qinglian’s voice was heard,”everyone, run.”


Song Qinglian stepped on her immortal sword and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Senior brother, don’t abandon me.” Zuo Yunfei shouted in despair. He didn’t expect his senior brother to run away all of a sudden, which broke his heart.

“F * ck, I’m such an honest person, yet I dared to lie to you. This is unforgivable. Master, I’ll be back soon.” Lin fan was furious. He tried to talk nicely to these invaders but they actually tried to play tricks with him. They didn’t care at all and were just so despicable.

Bang! Bang!

The ground that Lin fan was standing on exploded up as a beam of light swept across the entire world.

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The people from the various sects also retreated quickly. They definitely wouldn’t say a word to these natives. When song Qinglian came out, they felt that this guy had gone crazy.

Didn’t he see the situation just now? this native was really cunning.

However, when he saw song Qinglian trick the other party into being stunned, giving them a chance to escape, he was also very grateful.

“Hahahaha, natives are just so-so, a simple trick and you’ve taken the bait.” Song Qinglian laughed complacently. He had already controlled the time. With his speed, as long as the native was stunned for a moment, he would be able to escape.

“Eh, why is the sky so dark?”

Song Qinglian was puzzled. A black shadow covered the sky. She was puzzled, but when she looked up, she was completely dumbfounded.

“You …”

He couldn’t believe that this native had actually caught up to him. His speed was extremely fast! How could this native catch up?

Lin fan was furious,”you’re too much! Your Peak Master tried to talk nicely to you, but you lied to me! You’ve really hurt me! I thought that people from the true immortal world were all honest and trustworthy people. Who would have thought that you’re all so sly and sneaky? unforgivable!”

Instantly, Lin fan raised his hand and punched out. This punch was wrapped in the Laws of Power. Using the most brutal method, it crushed everything.

“Peak Master Lin, it’s a misunderstanding. I was just thinking that my house was on fire …”

Bang! Bang!

Song Qinglian was hit hard. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. There was only one thought in her mind. How could he be so ridiculously strong?


She fell to the ground, and the ground instantly cracked, forming a deep pit. Song Qinglian lay there powerlessly, and the immortal sword fell straight down and stabbed into the ground beside her.

Lin fan landed and grabbed song Qinglian’s ankle. Because he was too sad, he didn’t want to say anything and dragged her back.

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