It’s Purely an Accident to Love Again – Chapter 1

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“Ring ring ring! –”

“Snapped!” One hand stretched out from the quilt and she found the double bell alarm on the bed then cut off the harsh ringing bell.


The quilt with blue floral prints squirmed below, the white feet slid into the quilt, and the ball on the bed returned to silence again.

After another ten minutes, it changed to the alarm clock set by the mobile phone, and one hand came out from the quilt, groped the bed, found the phone, and cut it off!

A minute later, a fluffy head slowly slid out of the quilt.

“Bang bang bang!” The knocking sounded outside the door and the sound heard was from a fist.

“Xinxin, get out of bed!” The voice of the woman is fierce. No way, who taught the room owner to stay in bed too much. “Not wake up? Don’t force me to come in and screw you up!”

“Yes.” The soft voice came from under the fluffy head. “I woke up.”

Wrapped in a quilt, she blinked and yawned.

“Give you ten minutes, come out and have breakfast.” Finally, she doesn’t forget the threat of evil. “If I don’t see someone in ten minutes, I will personally dispose of breakfast. After that, don’t think that I will help you prepare breakfast again!”

Then, it was the sound of walking away from slippers.

Knowing that it will be done if Niya said — probably will last for at least a week — the person in the bed finally left the warm bed, put on the fluffy panda slippers, with a fluffy head and disordered hair, like a ghost floating into the bathroom.

Standing in front of the sink, she squeezed the toothpaste, and the eyes that still had drowsiness lifted up, looking at the face reflected in the mirror.

A fluffy head and the hair color reach the shoulder isn’t pure black, but a light chestnut color, the tail of the hair is rolled out in a lovely curvature, like a flower of a circle.

She has a rounded baby face and has a round, flexible and big eyes. Under the tip of the small nose, it’s a red and moist mouth. When laughs, there will be deep dimples on the cheeks, which sweet, very sweet.

This face is not beautiful, but it is very cute, plus the height of less than 160. In Scotland, in this place, is afraid that even primary school students are taller than her. It’s also an oriental person and the appearance of petite and exquisite is not like twenty years old. It’s like a cute little doll.

She is called Tao Xinya.

She looked at herself in the mirror. For two years, she still felt strange to face this face.

The self in memory has dense, sleek black, wavy hair, a fine and fit body, mixed glamorous facial features, and a pair of jewel-like blue eyes.

In that memory, she is also called Tao Xinya. Two people with the same name in a completely different appearance.

She occupies the body of this girl named Tao Xinya.

That plane crash, when she woke up, she didn’t die, but she became an 18-year-old oriental girl — the little girl had a serial car accident when she was traveling with her parents. The parents died on the spot and the little girl with a head injury was unconscious for three days. When she woke up, it’s another soul.

In the face of this strange experience, Tao Xinya was shocked. She didn’t know how her soul would run to the girl because the time of the crash was the same as the time of the car accident or did they have the same name?

Of course, she can’t find the answer. She just experienced death. Her past attachment is like a dream, which makes her feel like laughing.

Since God gave her another chance to resurrect again then forget the past of Tao Xinya! From now on, she will replace this little girl to live on.

She was unclear about the life of this little girl and then she learned from the side population that the Tao family came from Taiwan. She is no stranger to this remote Asian island. She lived in Taiwan with her mother before she was five years old. She will also go to Taiwan to worship her.

The Tao family were only low-level workers in Scotland. However, because of a huge compensation for the car accident, plus the insurance money, Tao Xinya instantly got a huge sum of money, and suddenly many relatives came out.

In the face of this situation, she was not surprised. When she was fifteen years old, her father passed away. It was also a bunch of relatives who came out and said that they would take care of her and her brother. At that time, her five years older brother protected her, drove those relatives out, and then hugged her, promised that even if their father was not there, her brother would take care of her and protect her.

But in the end, she let the most loved brother disappoint. The love that she insisted on, let everyone accompany her pain.

After the rebirth, in the face of the Tao family relatives, Tao Xinya cannot help but think of the past, now she has no brother will block her in front to protect her.

She can only rely on herself. Fortunately, the 18-year-old Tao Xinya is an adult in Scotland. She has found a lawyer to deal with those relatives, indicating that she doesn’t need people to adopt and she can live by herself.

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After solving those relatives and dealing with the funeral of the Tao’s parents, the problem question of the new life of Tao Xinya comes again.

Then she realized that Tao Xinya was a college student at the Prestige History Division of Perfume Institution, make her very surprised.

The Prestige History Division is a famous aristocratic school in Scotland. It’s not only good at teaching but also famous for its noble name. A family like Tao Xinya can never afford it.

However, the Prestige History Division’s scholarship is also very rich, and there are a few poor students who enter this Prestige History Division College and Tao Xinya is one of them.

Tao Xinya’s science and technology is very good, she’s very interested in perfume, relying on excellent results to enter the Prestige History Division in the first place, become a student of the Perfume Institution, and even more surprised her was this — she didn’t expect Tao Xinya to have the same interest as her. She was a student of the ISIPCA Professional French Perfume Institution. After only two years of studying, in order to marry the man, she dropped out of school.

She thought, she enters the body of Tao Xinya, does God wants her to fulfill her wish?

She used to want to be an excellent perfumer, just for that person, she gave up everything but lost everything. Ask her if she regretted it? She couldn’t answer, she could only think of it as a dream-like past. She is no longer the Tao Xinya. She has a new life to live again. This time, she wants to live for herself.

Because of the car accident, she enrolled in the middle of the year. Fortunately, she originally had a foundation, however, she cannot catch up with the course. Those young masters in school although have wealth and riches, the self-personality is arrogant and haughty, but probably because of the appearance of this body is too harmless and too cute, she has not been bullied and also very popular. In the Prestige History Division, she is called “The Cute Oriental Doll”.

It can only be said that foreigners’ illusions of the East are sometimes impossible to explain in words.

“Tao Xinya! There are only five minutes left!”

Tao Xinya was shocked, hurriedly brushed her teeth and freshen up. She put on a military green, long sweater, and dark tannin, narrow pants. Then put on a pair of thick socks and her brown booties, take a beige wool scarf and camel coat then pick up the textbook on the table, and rush out of the door.

In the kitchen, a blonde girl was looking at the watch on her wrist. At the dining table, a strong, brown-haired boy was sitting, smiling at Tao Xinya that rushed out of the room, and then aimed at the clock on the wall.

“Exactly ten minutes.” The boy clapped his hands at Tao Xinya.

“Good morning, Edward.” Tao Xinya smiled at the boy and then used a pair of round eyes to look at the blonde girl. “Good morning, Niya.”

Niya snorted, rubbed the soft hair of Tao Xinya with force, but seem like not enough and pinched the rich and tender face.

“Ow, it hurts!” The delicate skin suddenly became red and the two rounds eyes were faintly moist. The pitiful appearance made people soft heart instantly.

Niya let go of her hand, sat next to the boy, poured a glass of milk, and glanced at Tao Xinya. “Still not come to eat breakfast?”

Tao Xinya sat opposite them, took the hot milk that Niya’s poured, took a sip, the rosy lips immediately printed a circle of milk-white, lined with the white-red face, cute to make people want to kiss a bite.

In the face of such, how can Niya still have a temper? She placed the baked croissant on the plate in front of Tao Xinya.

“Thank you.” Tao Xinya smiled at Niya and saw Edward blinking at her.

“Okay, baby, didn’t Xinxin already get up now?” Hugging his girlfriend, Edward shot a kiss on Niya’s face.

Niya glanced at her boyfriend. “You’re too fond of her.”

Edward shrugged and raised his eyebrows. “Who heat hot milk in the morning, baked bread… Ow!” The thigh was kneaded, and the handsome face immediately tangled into a group.

Tao Xinya smoothed her mouth and snickered.

“What are you laughing at? Eat your breakfast.” Niya glared at her, but her pretty face was still holding on to her smile. Seeing that Tao Xinya was almost finished, she put a croissant on her plate and didn’t forget to pour honey.

“Niya, what about me?” Edward had a face of grievances, also wanted his girlfriend’s intimate service, but what he got was his girlfriend’s supercilious look.

“Do you have no hands?” Then she turned to look at Tao Xinya. “Let’s eat slowly, there is still an hour.”

Tao Xinya nodded, used to the familiar like the old mother, Niya.

Niya and Edward were lovers and her classmates. Niya was in the Perfume Institution like her, and Edward was in the Law Department. The three people were clearly the same age, well, in fact, she was bigger than them. After all, her true age was already twenty-seven years old – but these two people have always seen Tao Xinya as a child. Who taught Tao Xinya to look like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl?

She lived with Niya and Edward. It should be said that Niya saw that she was alone, and forced her to live with them. She couldn’t help with Niya and finally agreed to move into her and Edward’s nest.

Niya and Edward’s nest had three bedrooms, two baths, and one hall. It wasn’t far from the Prestige History Division College. It took about ten minutes to walk. Many students live in this high-class apartment. To enter the building, you need to use a dedicated magnetic card. There are professional security guards, and if there is no proof of identity and consent of the residents, you cannot enter at will.

Tao Xinya lives in the suite with her dedicated bathroom inside, and the remaining room is used as a study room and a game room.

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“Xinxin, the male companion at the Christmas party hasn’t decided yet?” Niya asked casually, unable to stand the poor appearance of her boyfriend, and finally handed a piece of croissant to him. Edward immediately happily kissed his girlfriend’s mouth.

Face the two people in a flash, Tao Xinya turned a blind eye to the usual morning, she nodded and drank the last mouthful of milk.

She has an English name, but the people in the school always love to call her Xinxin and say they want to learn about Eastern culture. Although they want to learn about Eastern culture and don’t know the relationship about Chinese name, Tao Xinya also didn’t say anything, let them call. Anyway, she’s used to it because that’s what she used to be called before — only one person is not the same, he never called her Xinxin.

“Doesn’t Alan always want to invite Xinxin as a female companion?” Edward inserted his mouth in. “Also Will, John, Pat…”

Too many, this Oriental Doll is very popular in this Prestige History Division.

Niya then helped Tao Xinya to pour a half cup of milk while disdaining. “How can these people be worthy of Xinxin?” Xinxin is not only as cute as a doll but also has a very good personality. Her popularity in school is very good. Although she is born in a normal house, she only pays tuition fees at school by scholarships, but she always has elegant and extravagant spirits. People who don’t know will really think that she was born to a noble family.

And the boys that Edward said are famous, Xinxin is so simple, what if she is bullied by them?

“Andrew is good, Xinxin, why have you not accept him?” Andrew is a student in the Economics Department. He is one year older, has a good family, is a handsome man, also a smart person, and have been pursuing Xinxin for a long time.

“No reason, I don’t want to fall in love now.” Tao Xinya smiled at Niya and didn’t want to talk about this topic again. She got up and put on her scarf. “I’m going to school first, later…”

Her voice suddenly stopped. She saw Edward’s magazine in the chair.

The cover of the magazine is a mixed race man, he has micro-volume black hair, has amber colored iris, like a master carved deep silhouette, forming a beautiful and attractive appearance.

Yaya — before she married him, that person had always called her so intimately and affectionately, only he would call her this way.

Taking note of her gaze, Edward also looked at the magazine. “Xinxin, you know him too? I thought you were not interested in the business world, but he is so famous in Scotland, you know it’s normal… I heard that he recently came back from New York, probably today is his wife’s death anniversary.”

“It seemed his wife died from a plane crashed.” Niya also talked, always interesting about gossip. “But I heard that his relationship with his wife is not good, there is already a woman outside…”

“Sigh, baby, you don’t know. He is not willing to marry his wife at all. He originally had a girlfriend and has been in love with her for a long time. They even talked about marriage. Who knows he actually married someone else? It seems to be forced that’s why the relationship is not very good……”

“I’m going out.” Tao Xinya didn’t want to listen anymore, grabbed the coat and left.

It’s just as what Edward said, nevertheless it has been entangled in her mind.

He is not willing to marry his wife at all…

Yes, she set him up.

He originally had a girlfriend and has been in love with her for a long time. They even talked about marriage…

Yes, she destroyed them with her own hands.

Today is his wife’s death anniversary…

She closed her eyes and refused to think about it again. It’s all gone, she’s not the Tao Xinya, she’s not…

The snow fluttering under the sky, the weather is dusky, and the tranquil cemetery is shrouded in fogs, so lonely and deserted.

A Lamborghini stopped at the gate of the cemetery with two legs straight out of the door, took out a bouquet of flowers and a paper bag from behind the car, with snowflakes falling on top of his head he stepped into the cemetery.

Far away, Haier. Zhongsi saw the tall figure standing in front of the tombstone, his footsteps paused, then he continued to move forward and stopped beside the man.

Looking down, he saw a bouquet of jasmine flowers and a small strawberry cake with a Starry Sky mark in front of the tombstone.

Haier didn’t talk, just bent down, put down the jasmine in his hand, took out the strawberry cake from the paper bag, and stroked across the tombstone with his fingers. His hoarse voice was soft.

“Hey, Xinxin, your brother comes to see you.” He smiled, the tone from his mouth was full of pampering. “Your brother also brought your favorite jasmine flower and strawberry cake… Your brother remembers that you like jasmine flower to pair with the Starry Sky the most.”

In his memory, when the younger sister received the flower, she would bury her face in the bouquet, with a bright smile and give him a hug.

Today, there is only a cold tombstone.

Resisting the sourness in his eyes, he stood up, did not look at the man around him, the two stood side by side, silently.

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For the man next to him, Haier’s heart is not anger to blame, knowing that the fault is not in the man, but his younger sister is really hurt because of him, and finally left at such a young age.

After the death of his younger sister, he and the man have become strangers, no longer have the friendship as the past — in fact, in the five years that his younger sister married the man, their life has little intersections, and he is no longer angry with his younger sister.

Just did not expect, in the end, he got the news that his younger sister was in an airplane crashed.

At that moment, he was almost mad, and his heart was deeply remorseful, regretting his disregard for his younger sister, knowing how difficult she was in the past five years, but turning a blind eye because of anger.

Breathe once again, another anger, she is his only younger sister, the only relative, but… he didn’t protect her.

When he knew his younger sister died, he rushed to the man and beat him up. He roared and yelled, asking the man to return his younger sister to him.

The man was silent, and he let his fist fall on his body, letting him vent his heartache.

Can it be useful? His younger sister will never come back.

Since then, the two companies with good relationships have completely severed, and he and the man no longer meet, only this one day, they will bump into each other and meet on top of that.

Haier lowered his head for a cigarette, hesitated, then took one cigarette to the man.

The man was slightly stunned, didn’t speak, and took the cigarette.

Haier threw the lighter to him, and the man took it, lit the cigarette, and then threw the lighter back.

Haier put away the lighter, looked at the man’s slightly wet hair, and the shoulder was wet by the snow, he doesn’t know how long had he stood here.

The same was true last year too. When he came, the man was already here, and when he left, the man still had not left.

Haier spits out smoke, his voice is very low in the smoke. “You don’t need to feel guilty.” The marriage was forced by his younger sister, and the plane crash was an accident.

For two years, the original anger has faded, even though his heart still hurts because of the death of his younger sister, but this man doesn’t need to punish himself.

After all, friends, even if there are a lot of unforgiveness it will also fade with time.

“The death of Xinxin has nothing to do with you.” He extinguished the cigarette. “Ah-Rang, don’t let Yi Lianna continues to wait.”

(T/N: I don’t know if Yi is a surname or a third person way of speaking, but since I keep seeing I will make it her last name haha)

He, Yi Lianna, and Yuan Yurang were once good friends that were not concealed anything from one another, and Yi Lianna was the fiancee of Yuan Yurang. Only, lastly Yuan Yurang married Tao Xinya and Yi Lianna still stay by Yuan Yurang side.

In those five years, the marriage that his younger sister had been able to obtain was notoriously unreal. In comparison to Yi Lianna who has always been around Yuan Yurang side was much more like the Yuan’s lady.

In the face of this situation, he can’t just not be distressed for his younger sister, but what can he say? The younger sister’s behavior at the beginning disappointed him and made him decide to ignore her.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was such a result. Tao Xinya left, but Yuan Yurang and Yi Lianna still didn’t get married.

He thought, Yuan Yurang reason is because of guilt, right? After all, he once loved Tao Xinya so dearly.

Tao Xinya used to be Yuan Yurang most ah, doted little sister, but she destroyed everything and ruined everyone’s love and pamper for her.

Haier sighed in his heart and whispered, “You and Yi Lianna don’t need to be sorry for Xinxin. It was Xinxin who hold you up. That time, she left behind the divorce agreement… she had fulfilled you.” The paper divorce agreement stated that she had let go. Just after letting go, she didn’t return home but departed alone.

After all, her brother didn’t protect her…

No longer said anything, Haier turned and left.

Yuan Yurang still remains in the same place, his handsome face was cold without a trace of expression, just looking at the tombstone. The cigarette between his fingers scalds his hand.

Xinxin had fulfilled you —

The last sentence of Haier makes his amber colored pupil slightly dim.

He remembered that he was in Melbourne, Australia at that time with Yi Lianna by his side. He received a call from his mother, crying and saying that Tao Xinya died from an airplane crashed.

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In a split second, in his mind was blank, and he thought it was mostly a joke.

But when he returned to his home in New York, there was no her in the house. The first time he stepped into the master bedroom, the room was empty, her things were gone, and a divorce agreement with a signed name was placed on the dresser along with the wedding ring.

Then, it was her funeral. When she fell into the sea, the bones couldn’t be found, could only use her clothes to replaced.

On the day of her funeral, as it is today, the sky is gray with snow. He listened to the priest’s prayers and kept flashing everything in his head.

When she was five years old, she fell into his arms from the air, wearing a small white dress, tied with a lace hair band, a pair of beautiful blue eyes, lovely like an angel.

As an only son, he doted on the little sister next door. She wraps around him and sticks to him. He spoils her and pampers her. To favor and indulge her is not at all a little bit below to Haier.

She is the little princess he holds in the palm of his hand. His most pampered and doted baby. He trusts her and has no defense against her.

However, he didn’t expect his most trusted little sister to betray him, set him up and forced him to marry her.

Her betrayal made him angry, and he was endlessly disappointed in her. Since then, he has taken back all his love and hated her.

And her to caused trouble without reasons and arrogant as barbaric made him impatient. When he loved her, he could tolerate her waywardness and temperament. After being betrayed by her, in addition to her, there was only anger or ire.

Her arrogant self-esteem made him intolerant of being set up, forced, and betrayed by her. He couldn’t forgive her, no matter how she interprets the pleading, he can’t listen to it.

Five years of marriage, he was only indifferent to her and disregarded her.

He thought that with her proud personality, she would continue to entangle with him so that he can continue to be difficult, he didn’t expect her to let go.

The signature on the divorce agreement almost stung his eyes, and her death made him unprepared.

She left without a trace like this.

In that room, she wiped out all the traces that belonged to her, and she didn’t leave half of her hair… more like her personality, once she decided to go, she was more worried than anyone else.

“Yaya…” Finally, his whispered sound come out.

Kou kou, the sound of footsteps made him shocked. The walking rhythm was too familiar. She always approached him quietly like this, then covered his eyes from behind, and then gently squeaking with a tender and soft, spoiled voice: “Guess who I am?”

How old memories already make him missed.

The corner of Yuan Yurang’s mouth can’t help slightly raised, he nearly and eagerly turned his head with expectation to look at the person, but didn’t see the figure in his memory, only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old oriental little woman stood stunned in place like being scared by him and her eyes opened slightly round.

His tightly hanged heart fell straight, leaving a void. He regained his gaze and felt ridiculous for his reaction.

How did he forget? That girl has already left and will never come back again.

He looked at the tombstone in silence, ignoring the girl who was scared by him, and the girl didn’t leave, just stood before the tombstone by the side.

Until the sky gradually darkened, only then did Yuan Yurang took his steps and walked passed the girl’s side, leaving the cemetery.

After he left, the girl moved and stood at the place where the man was standing, looking at the snow-covered bouquet and cake.

The flower is her favorite jasmine; the cake is her favorite strawberry cake of Starry Sky.

And that person, Yuan Yurang… was her former husband.


297 days.
Jasmine flowers, a strawberry cake of starry sky, Merlot wine, and grilled lamb chops — strawberry cake and lamb chops are the first time I made it myself!
Will Yu brother likes it? Does he still remember that today is my birthday?
Gently blow out the candles, Tao Xinya, happy birthday.


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