It’s Purely an Accident to Love Again – Chapter 3

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Because of Allen’s relationship, Tao Xinya became a popular person in the restaurant. When serving the guests, the guests often joked with her and joked about the day.


However, Tao Xinya could only smile righteously. She felt incredible about her own good temper. If it was the her in the past, she would not allow others to make fun of her.

Her personality was arrogant, strong, self-willed, her temper was bad, and her popularity was not good either —— except for men, she was beautiful and never lack in men pursuit.

However, her heart only had Yuan Yurang, never look in the eyes of those who pursued. How can those naive little devils compare to her Brother Yu?

She also humiliated the people who confessed to her in public. At that time, Yuan Yurang looked on the sidelines and didn’t look at the rejected poor boy, just rubbed the girl’s head, rightly said: “Yaya, you can’t just throw things away, remember to throw them into the trash next time.”

To be honest, for her personality to be so bad was because he pampered her to the extreme so Yuan Yurang had to be responsible.

And now Tao Xinya wasn’t like before, people would always grow up after a death. Besides, her current environment was now unlike before. At least the little princess of Zhongsi’s family had never worked.

Although there were compensation and insurance for the parents of the Tao family, the consumption in Scotland was very high, and the money was not enough. The fee for Shigeweier alone was amazing.

Although there were scholarships, Tao Xinya still had to paid half of the tuition fee. If she didn’t work, she was afraid that she hadn’t graduated yet, and the account was already empty.

She had never been troubled by money. In the past two years, she had learned the importance of money. Everything must be carefully calculated, even the tiniest bit of money must be considered and be better than the day when she didn’t blink and directly swiped her card, it was far away from it.

The restaurant’s salary was quite rich, and the old Danny would use the rest of the ingredients to do a simple supper for her, let her saved the cost of a meal, of course, she must keep the job, so even if she was laughed at by the guests, she was going to smile.

However, the guest in front of her indeed made her smiled a little.

“Sir, are you alone? Or will there be friends to come over later?” Tao Xinya tried to maintain her calm with a sweet voice and a perfect smile.

In fact, if she could, she didn’t want to serve this table at all, but she was responsible for this area —— each waiter would be arranged to take charge of four tables, and the manager would supervise at the rear. If the service was not good, the manager would directly let you leave.

Therefore, even if she didn’t want to, Tao Xinya still had to brace herself forward.

Yuan Yurang picked up the water cup and the wedding ring on the ring finger under the light glittered brightly. Tao Xinya looked at the wedding ring and stared blankly.

This wedding ring, she was more familiar than anyone else, but…… how could he still wear it?

“Tao Xinya.” He spat out in Chinese, and his unfathomable eyes looked at her faintly.

Tao Xinya’s heart was shrinking. Really, she almost thought he knew. Fortunately, she still remembered that this body was also called Tao Xinya.

Heaven, for the first time, she felt that it was a terrible thing to have the same name and surname.

“Mister?” With a stable voice, she pretended to be confused, but her heart was ups and downs, not knowing what the man in front of her wanted to do.

Moreover, how could he wear that wedding ring? In the past five years, he had never worn it, hadn’t he?

Yuan Yurang drank the water, and his cold eyes looked at the Eastern girl in front of him.

He asked the restaurant manager about her. He only wanted to confirm if she was an adult. He couldn’t hire a child laborer.

From the manager’s mouth, he knew that she was twenty years old and was a student at Shigeweier. Then, the manager showed him her resume.

As soon as he saw her name, he was stunned. The three English pinyin combinations were exactly the (same) three words “Tao Xinya”.

Came from Taiwan, she was a student at Shigeweier, Perfume Institution…… It was a coincidence that “she” also loved perfume the most, even left Scotland, ran to France and entered the famous ISIPCA.

I, Tao Xinya must study in the best school, of course, I will definitely become a famous perfumer in the world.

The girl put her hands on her waist and raised her chin proudly, telling him so confidently. At that time, she was full of dazzling light, and for the first time, he felt that the girl who had been held in the palm of his hand seemed to have grown up a little.

The same name, the same interest, such a coincidence swayed his heart.

Then, somehow, he came to the restaurant. It may be that the Eastern Girl’s relationship with the same name as “her”, the same interest, as well as her rejection of the boy that day, all hooked his mind and reminded him of “her.”

His fingertips gently stroked the wedding ring, his amber eyes were deep, his indifferent and elegant face also immersed with melancholy. This made him unpredictable and made Tao Xinya puzzled.

She always felt that he was somewhat different from the him in her memory……

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Yuan Yurang didn’t open the menu, ordered directly. “Pine squid, caviar, creamy chestnut soup. The main course, sautéed lamb chops. Dessert, strawberry cake, and give me a bottle of Merlot.”

These were all the meals “she” loved to eat.

Tao Xinya drooped her eyes and wrote down his ordered meals, and when she heard the Merlot wine, her hand stopped.

Variant red wine, compared to the higher Cabernet, she loved the Merlot smooth taste, and he always said that she was a child, only love Merlot this fruit fragrance, heavy red wine.

He rarely drank Merlot, he only drank a few cups when he was with her, but why was it now…… ah, was it for Yi Lianna?

No one would come to eat French cuisine alone.

“Sir, do you want to have your meal first? Or do you want to wait for your friend?”

“I don’t have a friend, just me.” Yuan Yurang replied with a faint answer, looked at her, suddenly asked, “Or do you want to accompany me for dinner?”

Tao Xinya was stunned, didn’t expected him to say such words, let her blank for a moment. When she returned to, he was still looking at her, the light in his deep eyes made her trembled.

She hurriedly lowered her eyes and suppressed the panic in her heart. She smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I am still at work, your meal will be delivered to you as soon as possible.” Then she bowed politely and almost fled.

Heaven, was this person really Yuan Yurang? In her memory, he wasn’t someone who would flirt with the waitress!

Yuan Yurang looked at the figure that hastily left, knowing that his words scared the girl.

In fact, he was also stunned when he spoke. He never did such things. He just looked at the girl and thought of her name then he blurted out.

However, the girl’s refusal also surprised him. In his capacity, how many women wanted his invitation, yet she refused.

Yuan Yurang couldn’t help but raised the corner of his lips and his eyes fell on the girl. The girl seemed to feel his gaze, sneaked a look over, and when she met his eyes, she quickly fled like a frightened kitten.

He could see that although the girl was trying to maintain her calm, her movements were faintly panic. It looked…… very cute.

Yuan Yurang couldn’t help but laugh, what an interesting girl!

Was beaten by the manager again!

Tao Xinya walked out of the restaurant with a bitter face, who taught her that today she was full of mistakes, ought to be scolded, it was not good to be fire.

In the final analysis, it was the fault of that person. He had been watching her all night long, and his strong gaze made her want to ignore it. She was frightened in her heart, the difference was her heart didn’t jump out.

She didn’t understand, why did he keep looking at her? And how could one person go to a restaurant, and Yi Lianna? And nurturing the wedding ring……

All kinds of doubts made Tao Xinya unable to understand, but it was not her business. She had let go, and she was no longer the Tao Xinya of the past. That Tao Xinya was dead. Now she didn’t want to have any intersection with him.

Tao Xinya buried her face in the scarf, fling down her head, not letting herself think anymore, and speeding up her steps, going to the bus stop.

But after a few steps, she saw a figure leaning against the door, holding a cigarette in his hand, spitting smoke, under the dim light, such a figure was fascinating, but also through the loneliness that couldn’t be said.

(T/N: I wonder if he leaning against the door mean he stands at his car door? Cause a little from below show that he opens the car door for her haha)

Tao Xinya paused, thinking —— he used to not smoke.

Seeing her, his amber eyes looked over.

Tao Xinya lowered her head, avoiding his gaze and rushing.

“I will send you back!” He spoke as she passed him.

Tao Xinya stopped and didn’t look at him, just whispered. “No, I……”

“The bus has gone.” Yuan Yurang faintly interrupted her words. “I just saw the bus arrive early and then drove off.”

This was the case with Scotland’s bus, with fewer shifts and less time.

Yuan Yurang opened the door, “Get in the car!” Seeing that she was still immobile, he hooked his lips. “Reassured, I won’t eat you.” (tenderflower: oh what a tease lol)

Tao Xinya bit her lip. If she walked back for at least an hour, not to mention it was already late, it was not safe for a person to walk on the street.

She looked up at him and struggled in her heart.

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Yuan Yurang was not in a hurry, waiting for her leisurely.

Tao Xinya knew that she had no other choices, and she was too embarrassed to trouble Edward to drove to pick her up, just for the car only.

“That, trouble you then Mister.” Without a choice, she had to get on the car.

Put out the cigarette, Yuan Yurang also got on the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and headed for the direction of Shigeweier.

“You live in the dorm? “He opened his mouth.

“No, the apartment nearby.” Tao Xinya replied; the little hand clasped the bag on her lap.

There were only two people in the narrow space. She could smell the tobacco on his body. The hands with clear bones manipulated the steering wheel, and the wedding ring on the right hand flashed a silver light.

Tao Xinya couldn’t help but look at the wedding ring.

“What’s wrong?” He found that she had been looking at his hand, and Yuan Yurang’s brows were slightly picked.

Tao Xinya returned to her sense, quickly regained her gaze and spoke a little nervously. “Er, your wedding ring is very nice.” And then, without thinking, opened her mouth again. “Why did you went to the restaurant alone, what about your wife?”

At the end of the question, Tao Xinya regretted it. Why did she ask about this? She had nothing to do with him.

Sudden there was silence in the car, such a silence made Tao Xinya uneasy, and for a while, Yuan Yurang finally made a sound.

“She passed away.” He paused, hooked his lips: “I thought the magazine reported a lot about my business.”

It was a lot, but she deliberately avoided it and never heard it.

But the meaning in his words shocked her, wasn’t he…… with Yi Lianna?

“You didn’t remarry?” Tao Xinya couldn’t control her mouth. “Didn’t you have a girlfriend who you have been in love with for many years? Why didn’t you marry her?”

Yuan Yurang chuckled, it was just a red light, he stopped the car and turned to look at her. “It seems that you also know those gossips.”

Tao Xinya awkwardly widened her eyes. “You are so famous in Scotland, I have heard more or less.” Biting her lip, she said again: “I hear that your wife is not what you wish to marry, you’re going to marry your lover…… Even though you’re married, you’re still with your girlfriend, then why when your wife passed away, you didn’t remarry?”

These were not what she should ask. This was his private matter, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t understand, she left, why didn’t he marry Yi Lianna? After all, he liked Yi Lianna so much, didn’t he?

In the face of her direct inquiry, Yuan Yurang was not angry, saw the green light lit up, he stepped on the gas pedal, and the voice was still calm.

“I didn’t remarry make people surprised?” He smiled and didn’t answer her question.

His words let Tao Xinya knew that he didn’t want to answer, and if she knew better, she should stop this topic.

She hugged her bag and blurted out. “With your status, how many women wanted to marry you, not to mention that you still have your lover, without any hindrance, of course, you should be with your lover.”


The car suddenly braked. Although the seatbelt was fastened, the body of Tao Xinya still flew forward due to the sudden stop of the car.

She grabbed the seatbelt and didn’t look at him, bowing her head.

“Is it possible that you feel guilty? You feel that you owed your deceased wife, so you didn’t remarry?” Licking her lips she couldn’t help to cynical. “Why must you feel that you owed her? You’re not willing to marry her, she broke you and your girlfriend, didn’t she? You don’t have to…… ”

“Get out.” He finally spoke, his quiet voice was cold.

Tao Xinya snorted in silent, unbuckled the seatbelt and opened the door to get off.

When she got out of the car, Yuan Yurang stepped on the gas pedal and the sprinting force made the tires burned on the road.

Tao Xinya stood where she was, it was already an apartment area near Shigeweier, and the apartment she lived was in front of her.

She covered her mouth before she found her body shaking all over.

She couldn’t help but crouched down, holding her bag in her hands, biting her lip and burying her face in her knees.

She didn’t know…… not knowing that he was not with Yi Lianna. She thought that after she left, he would marry Yi Lianna; but no, he actually put on their wedding ring.

What was he thinking about? Did he want to redeem this? No need! It was her from the beginning to the end that made bad things!

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He didn’t need to apologize at all, her death wasn’t his fault, he didn’t need to punish himself.

She has lived again, she abandoned the past, not letting herself saw Yuan Yurang, those love, and pain, she would forget completely.

She thought she was gone, everyone would not suffer from her again.

However, she didn’t expect him to wear the wedding ring, put on his guilt, and lived like this.

Two years…… Had he been this way in the past two years?

Tao Xinya gnawed her lip tightly. This fact made her panic and chaotic. How could this be?

“Brother Yu……” She muffled: distressed and choked out the name that she had not called for two years, “Brother Yu……”

Idiot, why must you torture yourself like this? She was not worthy of him to do this at all.


Niya and Edward came out for a walk and saw a figure crouching in front. She took a closer look, didn’t expect it to be Tao Xinya.

Niya rushed forward nervously. “Xinxin, what’s wrong?”

Tao Xinya raised her head, her eyes were red, no tears, but full of heavy depression and sadness, such a Tao Xinya made them scared.

The Xinxin they knew had always been smiling and laughing. They have never seen her sad and hurt appearance.

“What happened? Who bullied you?” Niya hurriedly asked.

Tao Xinya hugged Niya and her body shook very badly.

She couldn’t tell them everything, she could only tremble silently, and her heart was in extremely deep pain, hurting for that person.

What to do…… What should she do? She didn’t want to have another intersection with him. She wanted to completely forget the past and forget the selfish and ridiculous Tao Xinya. However, knowing that he treated himself like this, tortured himself, how could she continued to ignore, continued to forget?

Brother Yu…… what should Yaya do?


Yuan Yurang also thought it was guilt. He stepped on the accelerator pedal to the end, his face was cold and handsome, and the hands holding the steering wheel floated with blue veins.

The girl’s words echoed in his ears.

Tao Xinya forced the marriage was correct. He didn’t expect that the little sister who had his most doting would actually drug him. When he woke up, the two were lying naked in bed, facing the parents’ surprise. His trusted little sister had tears in her eyes and timidly said that he was drunk and forced her.

The parents who had always loved Tao Xinya were angry. They wanted him to be responsible for Tao Xinya. And wanted him to break up with Yi Lianna and marry Tao Xinya.

His personality had never been the kind that anyone could force left and right. Even if they were his parent, if they were being unreasonable he would not listen. Moreover, even if he really touched Tao Xinya, it was because she drugged him with medicine!

Tao Xinya’s move made him angry. He never imagined that she would make this kind of means to him. Although his beloved little sister was arrogant, self-willed and would never play schemes, he did not expect him to look away, she betrayed his trust.

At the moment she betrayed him, he took all his love away, leaving only the resentment of being set up. He would never marry her!

But the mother was hospitalized with anger and threatened him with her frail body so for the sake of his mother’s body, he finally had to agree to break up with Yi Lianna and marry Tao Xinya.

And what if he married her? He would never forgive a person who betrayed him, and no matter what her reasons were, he would not forgive her.

The love in her mouth, he sneered, five years of marriage, he treated her with contempt.

Grant it, Tao Xinya was noisy, she went to the company to find trouble and even slapped Yi Lianna in the company…… all kinds of unreasonable behaviors only made him become more annoying to her.

He could hardly believe that this was the little princess he once doted on. The Tao Xinya at that moment became an ugly woman in his eyes.

In the past five years, he had been with Yi Lianna. He knew that this action made Tao Xinya embarrassed, and was jeer at by everyone, but what about it? This was her own choice.

He just watched and see when she was going to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, he waited for her death.

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The signed divorce agreement made the pit of his stomach ruthlessly pump. Clasping the wedding ring she left, his heart seemed to be pressed by a big stone, so heavy that he couldn’t breathe.

He didn’t expect her to sign a divorce. He thought she would stubbornly continue to be obsessed and not gave him to anyone.

He knew how much her personality wasn’t convinced, how proud she was, how could she let go?

But she really left, the things that belonged to her were all cleaned up, and there was no trace left in the house, not even a picture of her.

She left, without saying a word, just left.

Since then, she had never appeared in front of him again. Haier also broke off with him. The world that she disturbed had finally returned to calmness.

His days were still passing, just like nothing was missing.

He had watched her grown up, even though she had betrayed him, she had left; anger and hate also vanished.

He regretted that if he hadn’t treated her that way then she wouldn’t have to get on that plane, and would not leave at a young age.

He thought, was it guilt? So he thought about her all the time.

It was guilt, wasn’t it? When he was thinking about her, his heart was so painful that he could barely breathe then he began to hate her departure.

That hate, deeper every day, tormenting him.

One year went by, his mother asked him to marry Yi Lianna to the door, said that Yi Lianna stood by his side for so long without regretted and only wait for him, he must not delay her.

He appreciated Yi Lianna’s intelligent, self-confidence, liked her understanding, not less than the man’s ability, smooth, beautiful, and generous, no one would not like such a woman.

He had wanted to marry Yi Lianna, but because of Tao Xinya, they broke up.

He knew that Yi Lianna still loved him. He told Yi Lianna, if there was a good man, don’t miss it, but Yi Lianna wouldn’t listen. She insisted on staying with him and insisted on waiting for him. In those five years, although they lived together by day and night, they had always been friends.

He hated that forced marriage, but he would never have an extramarital affair. His identity and pride in his bones did not allow him to have any scandals that humiliated the family. Besides, since they had broken up, Yi Lianna was a good woman, he didn’t want her to suffer such grievances.

After the death of Tao Xinya, Yi Lianna was still by his side. He knew what she was looking forward to, no Tao Xinya, they could at least be together.

However, he would rather not have Tao Xinya disappeared……

Stepping on the brake, the blue sports car made a hard turned for half a turn in the same place. In the quiet night, the tires made a harsh sound.

Opened the carport, Yuan Yurang looked up at the starry sky.

He often came here with Tao Xinya to see the stars. She always twittering in his ear and counted the stars innocently, or she would ask him, which star was that?

By his side, her numerous words were always special.

Brother Yu, look, the two stars are connected together! These two stars must be you and me, we must be together forever!

Once, she was so fond and nest in his arms, as happy as a little bird.

However, the little bird was gone.

Then he discovered that the Tao Xinya, who was noisy, unbearable, and irritating was more precious. He preferred her to continue to make troubles, even if she continued to scheme, as long as she was still alive.

Yuan Yurang closed his eyes in pain and the corner of his lips raised a touch of bitterness.


“Ha, it would be nice if it’s guilt……” He whispered with a smile.

He was blind by anger until the little bird left, then he realized that he had lost something, but it was too late.

She would never come back!

Yuan Yurang lifted his arm to covered his eyes, and the low voice floated in the air, which was audible.

“Yaya, Brother Yu missed you……”


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