The door was opened, and the girl in a light purple dress walked out. H Province in April had already started to get hot intermittently. She raised her hand and tied her hair behind her ears into a ponytail. The sky was gloomy and overwhelming. It was a sign of rain.

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The door was hurriedly opened again. It was the housekeeper Wang Dacheng. He was holding an umbrella in his hand. He was a little worried and said, "Looking at the weather, I'm afraid it will rain. Miss, please bring the umbrella."

He actually thought that today weather is bad, so it's better Miss does not to go to Lin's house. But after getting along these days, he found that the temperament of the young lady and the husband were the same. She would never change her mind easily whenever she identified something.

"Thank you Uncle Wang." Lin Yu's things were delivered yesterday, and Su Qingxu deliberately left some of them, just to make an excuse to visit. She still has something to ask that person.

Wang Dacheng handed the car key to Su Qingru, and said a few words uneasy, "Miss, be careful when driving, and come back early." He was a little afraid that Su Qingxu would be distracted and distressed after being stimulated there.

"I'll be careful," Su Qingxu got in the driver's seat, and remembered another thing, "If Dad comes back and asks where I went, you can tell the truth."

After she returned to Su's house, no matter how busy Su Yibo is, he will go home to have dinner with her, "I have to go back to school again, maybe I will be back later." She has to deal with the coffee shop and go back to the dormitory.

"Okay, I see." Wang Dacheng said.

In these years, in addition to car accident compensation, Yang Li runs a hot dry noodle restaurant to support herself and her children. The business of the hot dry noodle restaurant is very good. Usually, it can be closed in the morning. Just after the meal at this time, Su Qingxu drove the car directly to the hot dry noodle restaurant and parked on the side of the road.

When she walked into the hot dry noodle restaurant, Yang Li was clearing up the trash in the store. Seeing that it was her, she stopped her movements in a daze, "Sit."

Su Qingxu sat down at the table and watched Yang Li hurriedly. She hurried into the kitchen, rushed out again, wiped the water stains on her hands with apron, walked in front of her, did not speak, and just stood blankly like this.

"Sit down."

Su Qingxu said, "Did you know it a long time ago?" After the truth became clear, many things that Su Qingxu could not figure out in the past made sense all at once.

For example, Yang Li never asked Su Qingxu to stay in the noodle shop to help her since she was a young girl, no matter how busy she was. That’s what Yang Li said at that time. Go back to study. You don’t need your help with the noodle shop. she can do it all by herself.

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At that time Su Qingxu felt that Yang Li still felt sorry for her. Now, Su Qingxu looked back and found that Yang Li had never called herself 'mother' in front of her, not even once.


Yang Li said, "I'm sorry."

She agreed to change the child at the time, for the sake of her own child. Over the years, every time she saw Su Qingxu, she thought of what she had done and felt sorry for the child in front of her. So she tried her best to give Su Qing the best material conditions within her abilities.

For so many years, the reason why she had never called herself 'mother' in front of Su Qingxu was because she knew that she was not unworthy of being her mother at all.

"When I was a kid, I always thought that it was because I was not good enough that you were so indifferent to me. I tried to do better, but you still didn't like me. Later I told myself that compared to mothers who don’t love children, you have done well enough."

Su Qingxu said, "If it weren't for this accident, would you not tell me the truth?" She looked at Yang Li with cold eyes.

"No, I didn't think so,really, you believe me, I plan to tell you after you graduate from university."

Yang Li is still selfish. After all these years, she has watched Su Qingxu become more and more provocative. Regardless of her grades and outstanding looks, she has to admit that none of her daughters can compare to Su Qingxu.

Therefore, even if Su Qingxu is not the daughter of the Su family, it does not affect her future, and her daughter is different. Without the Su family, she would be nothing.

Su Qingxu immediately understood Yang Li's implication, "Have you never heard of it? It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality." Parents always like to be good for their children, self-righteous, and often backfire, without knowing it."

"Lin Yu's things are still in my car, come with me to get them." After speaking, she got up and walked out.

Su Qingxu opened the trunk, waited for Yang Li to take the things down, lifted her foot to leave, only heard Yang Li crying behind her, "I am sorry for all these years."

Yesterday, the Su family had sent a lot of things, all of them was Lin Yu’s  from clothes, shoes, dolls, and jewelry. People from the Su family said that Su Qingxu ordered them to send them. In fact, these things were originally Su Qingxu's things. With her temperament, Yang Li thought she would just throw them away, "Thank you."

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"No." Su Qingxu knows why Yang Li said thank you. Seeing that Yang Li has provided her food and drink for so many years, she is willing to leave these things to Lin Yu as a thought. She did this not entirely out of kindness.

When Su Qingxu started the car, the rain fell. Rain fell heavily on the car, and it didn't take long for the asphalt ground to become wet, and the car wipers danced at once. The pedestrians on both sides of the road were hurried.

At the red light, Su Qingxu looked through the car glass and looked at the sometimes clear and sometimes blurred world in front of her. She suddenly remembered that it was also such a rainy day when a stupid boy thrust an umbrella into her.

He left in the rain. The umbrella he gave was placed on a shelf under the coffee shop bar. She didn't know if the boy went to the coffee shop and took his umbrella back.

Parked the car at the school gate, Su Qingxu opened her umbrella and headed towards the coffee shop. Passers-by walked in a hurry, and she was the only one who walked calmly and calmly, thinking about something in her heart, even the rain splashed on her skirt, but she didn't even know that someone was walking through the coffee shop, from the clear glass is looking at her.

When she arrived, Su Qingxu put away the umbrella and put it in the basket in front of the door.

Wang Jing stood by the bar and said, "Here." Su Qingxu's affairs were raging, and it was difficult for her doesn’t know whether she wanted to know or not. It seemed that she came this time to find the store manager. After all, now is different from the past. “The store manager is on the second floor."

Su Qingxu nodded, thanked softly, and went straight up. The boy in a light blue shirt who was standing by the window sat down again, staring nervously in the direction of the stairs.

Not long after, Su Qingxu got down and walked straight to the bar. Today is a rainy day and not many people came. Wang Jing still pushed the cup in front of her as usual, "your ice cola."

She looked at Su Qingxu, Su Qingxu's expression remained the same as before, Wang Jing suddenly thought of four words "Doesn't be surprised", also identity as the daughter of the Su family is just icing on the cake for Su Qingxu's.

"These days when you didn't come, people came to you every day." Wang Jing said.

Su Qingxu didn't care. She thought Wang Jing was talking about a reporter, which is why Su Qingxu didn't return to school these days.

Wang Jing looked at the boy who walked over and stood behind Su Qingxu, "This person is looking for you."

Su Qingxu turned around and looked at him, "It's you?" The person who lent her the umbrella that day.

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"It's me." Yan Lai's palms were sweating, and his back began to sweat.

"Wait a minute, I have something for you." Su Qingxu walked into the bar, bent over, took out the umbrella from the shelf, walked up to him, and handed it to him, "Thank you for the umbrella."

Yan Lai’s whole person is floating, he finally saw her. "You're welcome."

He stupidly took the umbrella, this not right, "This umbrella is for you." It doesn't seem to be right too.

Wang Jing, who was standing by and watching the play, almost didn't laugh, and he gave the girl an umbrella, but it was his. This boy is handsome, how can he be so stupid.

"Huh?" Su Qingxu was also stunned, what did he say? Is this umbrella for her? She glanced at the black umbrella in his hand, and declined, "No, thank you."

"Yeah." She said everything was right. (for him -> Yan Lai)

Su Qingxu: ? ? ?

Wang Jing: ! ! !

This was the first person to make Su Qingxu poor at words, and Wang Jing almost laughed at the side. The phone rang in time. Su Qingxu picked up the phone. It was Cui Xi, "Are you there?"

"I'm at the door, I'll be right there." Hanging up the phone, she said to Wang Jing on the side, "I'm leaving now."

Looking at the silly Yan Lai, Wang Jing hated iron and steel [1], "Don't catch up?"

Yan Lai ran to the door, looking at Su Qingxu who had already gone away, and shouted, "My name is Yan Lai, and I..." I like you.

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Across the rain curtain, Su Qingxu held an umbrella, turned around, and nodded at him.

Still don't know her name, Yan Lai stared at her back in a daze.

Wang Jing walked to him and said lightly, "She's Su Qingxu." The reason why she told him today is because Wang Jing didn't know that Yan Lai was waiting for Su Qingxu until today.

Yan Lai held the umbrella in his hand and murmured, "Su, Qing, Xu." He finally knew her name.

Asked how it could be so clear, for the source of fresh water.

People are as good as the name suggests.

Yan Lai held the umbrella and walked out.

Wang Jing looked at his back, shook her head, returned to the bar, picked up the rag and the tray, walked to the table in the corner, and while cleaning, she couldn't help but secretly watch sitting on the side with gold-rimmed glasses. Boy. She couldn't help but exclaimed in her heart, even if she watched it so many times, she still feels handsome.

The boy looked up and met her gaze.

Yeah, she was caught, Wang Jing lowered her head in embarrassment, and heard the boy say, "Excuse me, I want to ask, is the girl in the light purple dress just now Su Qingxu?"

Unexpectedly the male god is also gossiping, "Yes." Wang Jing replied, and then there was no more.


Note :

[1]Literally means to hate iron for not becoming steel, that mean to feel resentful towards somebody for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvements.

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