The mountain road stretches, and the pines and cypresses on both sides of the road are trimmed very neatly. The cars are parked tightly next to the cars. The cars are good cars, and the people who get off the cars are all well-known people from all walks of life. The guests walked forward in twos and threes. They met acquaintances and couldn't help but greeted a few words. They talked and laughed all the way, and entered the door of the Su family's old mansion. Passing through the courtyard and entering the hall, there are endless streams of drinks and desserts along the way. The Su family rarely has such a lively time.

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"Dad, you go first." Shen Zhiyi said, "I'll be over in a while." She came with her father, Shen Shan.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Such a banquet will inevitably meet some acquaintances. Shen Shan knows that his daughter has never liked this kind of occasion. Today, because of Su Qingxu, she was willing to come.

Shen Zhiyi walked around in the courtyard, but she didn't see Cui Xi and Ye Yali. There are inevitably a few people she knows in wealthy circle, all the kung fu in the scene should be done. Don't wait, maybe the two of them came long ago, Shen Zhiyi took a glass of champagne and walked to the corner.

There is a stone arch in the corner, passing through the arch, the other is a world, like the scenery of the small town of Suzhou and Hangzhou. The bamboo shadows are sparse and more slender. The curved water flows, and the stone bridge stands on the murmur creek, connecting to the veranda on the other side, and an octagonal pavilion stretches out beside the veranda.

There were people in the pavilion, and Shen Zhiyi walked to the bridge, only to see a tall and straight back, melted into the sun, like a good ink painting.

There were footsteps, "Master Cousin, the banquet is about to begin, please go over quickly."

The person in the pavilion replied, got up, getting closer, Shen Zhiyi finally saw the person's face clearly, always feeling a little familiar, but forgot where she saw it. As they passed by, looking at each other, the corners of the boy's mouth rose slightly.

When they had gone far, Shen Zhiyi followed the direction they had left and walked towards the hall.

There were a lot of people. She carefully carried her skirt and walked to Shen Shan's side. Across the crowd, Shen Zhiyi finally saw Cui Xi and Ye Yali, they were standing together.

When the music sounded, Su Yibo in a suit and shoes smiled, and walked to the right side of the stairs. The eyes of the guests, along with Su Yibo's movements, focused on the left.

Su Qingxu came slowly carrying the skirt, with an elegant posture. She is wearing a black tube top dress and a golden crown studded with small red gems on her head. The skirt was tight and loose, revealing her elegant swan neck and well-defined collarbone. Her hair was rolled into waves and fell loosely on her shoulders, and her red lips became whiter. It made her look charming and lazy, like a princess in the Middle Ages of Europe.

Su Yibo stretched out his right hand, took her daughter's left hand, and took her to the stage, "This is the little girl Su Qingxu."

After speaking, he led Su Qingxu down and took Su Qingxu's hand to Xu Qingli, who was waiting by the side, it was about to dance the opening dance. When the guests saw this, they all stepped back and moved away.

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The dance music is melodious, the two cooperate very well, handsome men and beautiful women, dancing gracefully, and this is the most eye-catching picture. The reporters at the scene picked up their cameras and took photos. Since interviews are not possible, taking some photos is not considered empty-handed.

Standing in the crowd, Shen Shan was a little surprised, "Why is it him?" He said what everyone was saying. The opening dance of the banquet was exquisite. The daughter of the Su family has no fiancé. This dance should be with her brother. Su Che’s dance, how could... she would dance with Xu Qingli, even though her cousin is also an older brother.

Shi Xiangyun's expression was ugly. Su Yibo personally handed it over to the housekeeper Wang Dacheng for this banquet, and she was not allowed to intervene. Shi Xiangyun knew that Su Yibo was angry. Shi Xiangjun knew about the photo for a long time, but did not tell him, he was very dissatisfied with her child’s indulgence and shelter, especially when she said “Qing Xu, don’t blame your brother”, let his dissatisfaction reached the limit.

Su Che's expression was also very ugly after feeling the gaze from all directions. Su Che knew that everyone was laughing at him. According to the rules, he was supposed to accompany Su Qingxu in the opening dance, but in the end, it was his cousin who accompanied Su Qingxu in the opening dance. This was the father who was hitting him in the face in front of everyone. No, not only the father, but also his sister, she personally refused him to be her dancing partner, she was the initiator.

"It's a good dance." Shi Zhuyun looked at Xu Xiuyuan, who was worried on the side, and smiled even more happily.

Yan Lai hurriedly walked in and walked to Wen Qing's side, "How come?" Wen Qing asked.

Yan Lai didn't answer the question, "Already doing the opening dance?" He thought he would have to talk for a while in the opening remarks. He was walking too quickly and was a little thirsty, so he picked up a glass of champagne. The opening dance is still going on, the girl dances gracefully, wait... this figure is a bit familiar. Pushing aside the crowd, he walked forward and saw the girl's face clearly. It turned out that it was her, "Su Qingxu." He whispered.

After the dance, there was thunderous applause, "The next time, everyone is free." Su Yibo said with a smile.

"What is cousin thinking?" The two of them cooperated very well in this dance, but Su Qingxu could detect Xu Qingli's carelessness.

"It's nothing." Xu Qingli said, "My sister can now change to a light dress." The scene to go is already done, the dress and skirt are heavy, and it is tiring to wear for a long time.

"Then I'll go first." Su Qingxu turned around and saw Yan Lai standing behind her stupidly, staring at him intently, "It's you?" It turned out to be him, the boy who lent her the umbrella.

She still remembered him, Yan Lai's ears became red, and she kept hinting in her heart that she wanted to calm down, "It's me." He stretched out his left hand and bowed slightly, "Can you please dance?"

Su Qingxu putting her hand into his palm, "Of course it can."

The two walked over into the dance floor. Yan Lai's hand was very large, just wrapping Su Qingxu's hand.

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"Are you nervous?" Su Qingxu felt the sweat on his palms.

"Yes...a little bit." She looked at him so seriously, the red in her ears stretched to Yan Lai's face.

"You should dance often, why are you so nervous?" Ballroom dancing is one of the required courses for wealthy daughters and young masters, because dancing is inevitable for all kinds of banquets.

"Except for my mother, I didn't dance with girls." Yan Lai said.

Su Qingxu looked at Yan Lai with some doubts, always feeling that what he said was weird. After a dance, Su Qingxu released his hand, turned and left. She has been wearing high heels for a long time, and her feet are a little sore. She is going to go upstairs and change into a pair of light clothes and a pair of flat shoes. Then Yan Lai grabbed her, and she turned her head and looked at him suspiciously.

His strength was not great, but she was still a little uncomfortable being pulled by her arm. Yan Lai quickly let go. He carefully observed Su Qingxu, and after confirming that she did not resist, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she doesn't hate him, "I have a gift for you." Yan Lai said.

Gift? Su Qingxu looked at him, his hands were empty, there was nothing.

Noting the look in Su Qingxu's eyes, Yan Lai scratched the back of his head helplessly, "The gift is in the car, I'll get it." He turned and ran, ran for a few steps, and yelled, "Soon, I'll be back right away."

The coveted cries intertwined, the clothes were fragrant and the shadows were whispered softly, and Yan Lai's voice was too loud, which attracted the attention of the guests.

The three of Shen Zhiyi and the others came together only when Yan Lai walked. They squeezed their eyebrows at Su Qingxu. It is rare that today it is Su Qingxu's turn to be the subject of ridicule. Su Qingxu did not change her face and let them ridicule. "This dress is too tiring, I'll go up and change my dress." After speaking, she asked the housekeeper Wang Dacheng to lead the three of Shen Zhiyi to Xiyuan.

Xiyuan was not included in the venue for banqueting guests. It was relatively quiet. It was specially built by Su Qingxu's grandfather because he liked the scenery of the small town of Suhang.

Forgive Yan Lai who was in a hurry, because he came late and the car parked far away. It took a lot of time to come and go. When he entered the hall again, Su Qingxu could not be found. He asked several people, but he didn't know where Su Qingxu was. He looked around in the hall and couldn't find it. Yan Lai walked out again and went to the courtyard to look around, but he still couldn't find it.

Wen Qing happened to be in the courtyard to breathe. When she ran into his son who turned around like a headless fly, "What are you looking for?" When someone suddenly asked like this, Yan Lai blurted out, "Look for Qingxu."

Su Qingxu? Why are you looking for Su Qingxu? Wen Qing couldn't help sighing when she saw Yan Lai holding a box in his hand, "My son."

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This sad tone made Yan Lai a little flustered, "Mom?" He looked at Wen Qing with some uncertainty.

My silly son, "The marriage contract has been retired." It was raining that day, and he ran in wet, asking Wen Qing to help him withdraw the marriage contract. Seeing his son, Wen Qing was not satisfied with Lin Yu at first, went to Su's house the next day to return the marriage contract.

Yan Lai:? ? ? ? ! ! ! !

Yan Lai suddenly remembered that there was a marriage contract, so she said that Su Qingxu was originally his fiancé, and now she has become his former fiancee, "Mom, why are you moving so fast?"

Mother and son sighed in unison.

"Su Che, let go!"

There was a dispute from the corner. Yan Lai turned and looked over. It was Su Che. He was pulling Cui Xi's hand and walking forward. Su Qingxu followed closely, frowned, and walked out.

Yan Lai discovered that she had changed into an ivory-white cheongsam. During the action, the purple jade bracelet on her wrist made her skin whiter.

Shen Zhiyi and Ye Yali still wanted to follow, but Su Qingxu stopped her, she shook her head, "Let Cui Xi handle it by herself." She said this, and did not continue to walk forward, standing still, watching worriedly at the direction where Cui Xi left.

"Don't worry." Yan Lai stepped forward. He didn't like her frowning and unhappy look. "Cui Xi will take care of it."

Wen Qing standing still watching this scene can be said to be dumbfounded. She knows that her son has always been cold to girls. This is the first time she has seen him comfort a girl, although this comfort is a bit clumsy.

Upon seeing Ye Yali and Shen Zhiyi stepped back with a wink to make room for the two of them, and then received a grateful look from Yan Lai.

Everyone is in the same circle and has met several times. Although they have not had any in-depth contact, the names and faces are still correct. This is the reason why Yan Lai was anxious to ask Wen Qing to withdraw the engagement. From the first sight of Su Qingxu, he knew that Su Qingxu was not in their circle, let alone his nominal fiancée. But never thought that the Su family would make such mistakes and omissions, and make things the way they are now.

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"It's for you," Yan Lai looked at Su Qingxu who was in low spirit, "open it and take a look." See if she likes it or not.

Su Qingxu opened the box. Inside were a pair of purple jade earrings. The purple jade was crystal clear and teardrop-shaped, very beautiful, "I like it very much, thank you."

"You like it." Yan said, "Purple matches you very well."

Obviously he was the one who praised others, but his face was red, like the one who was praised. Su Qingxu's mouth rose, looking at him, and smiling.

Seeing her smile, Yan Lai also smiled.

Shen Zhiyi and Ye Yali, who watched the two on the sidelines, exchanged glances. For more than a year, the people who chased Su Qingxu were like crucian carp that had crossed the river[1], but they all came home with feathers. This is the only one can make Qingxu smile. Looks like there is  a show.

Wang Dacheng hurriedly walked to Su Qingxu's side and whispered in a low voice.

Su Qingxu's face sank, "What did Dad say?"

"Sir said, do what you want." Wang Dacheng replied.

Su Qingxu originally didn't want to be so ugly, but there are always people who push her again and again. She is not a good-tempered person, "Then let her in."




[1]As an object; describe many and chaotic.

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