Under Lin Qingxu's resistance, she failed to start at Cui Xi side, and Su Yu began to pin her hopes on her mother Shi Xiangyun.

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She hired a private investigator to follow Su Che and Cui Xi and use the money to do things. The efficiency of the private investigator was very high, about in a week, she had received quite a few intimate photos of the two of them.

The photos are divided into two categories. One category is for their activity of wandering around in the mall. They go to luxury stores, bags, lipsticks, perfumes, and they all carry a lot when they come out.

Su Yu looked at the photo and was so angry that this vain slut was bewitching her brother to spend money on her every day.

The other type is wandering around the campus, the playground, the library, the canteen, and the dormitory downstairs. The dormitory building is the one that Su Yu visited.

Su Yu collected the washed photos and put them in a box. The tops were covered with necklaces and rings that she didn't usually wear, and they were stuffed to the bottom of the dressing table.

This week, she only saw Su Che several times. Through the information returned by private detectives, her brother had been busy with that bitch recently.

Fortunately, it has been more than a week since the last quarrel. Su Che has forgotten that unpleasant experience, and as usual, he is not alienated from Su Yu.

While Su Yu was relieved, she also knew that she was going to speed up to clean Cui Xi.

On this day, Su Che came back very early and did not go on a date. As soon as he entered the door with his front foot, Su Yu walked in shortly after.

"Brother." Su Yu walked behind him and hit Su Che's back.

After hearing him shout "Mom" in surprise, she happily got out from behind Su Che.

Mom is back? Great, the savior is here.

Su Yu blinked her eyes and called "Mom" obediently.

Shi Xiangyun sat on the sofa, holding a tea cup, and said softly, there was a person sitting beside her, Su Yu didn't know that person.

It was not until Su Che yelled "Aunt Wen" again that Su Yu remembered who she was, obediently followed the script and shouted "Aunt Wen."

Marriage between wealthy families is common, but it is very rare for people of the same age to match each other. Soon after Shi Xiangyun gave birth to Su Yu, Su's and Yan's family made a marriage contract.

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Of course, only verbal. For so many years, because they were still young, the two families did not sit down and talk about it seriously.

Therefore, this marriage contract may or may not count.

Wen Qing has two sons. The eldest son, Yan Shi, stays in the United States to take over overseas business. Although he is single, Wen Qing is beyond the reach and can't control him. The youngest son, Yan Lai, is studying at Beihua University [北华大学] in China. He is now in his junior year. He has never talked about a girlfriend. Wen Qing became anxious, she thought of this marriage.

So today Wen Qing came to see Su Yu specially. If it is good, she intends to let her son come into contact with the little girl from the Su family first.

Although the youngest son is indifferent by nature, he will still give her a bit of face as a mother.

Seeing this battle, Su Yu was not a fool either. She quickly realized that she was carrying a baby kiss[1] on her back, and she curled her lips unconsciously. It was an unconscious little action when she was upset.

Her little trick did not escape the eyes of Wen Qing, Wen Qing smiled at Shi Xiangjun said, "You rare trip back, I will not bother you and the kids" then got up and left, "Do not send."

Totally doesn’t give Shi Xiangyun any opportunity to speak, Wen Qing's intentions are obvious, but it is obvious that she is not satisfied with Su Yu.

Wen Qing did not mention the marriage contract as the man's parent, and Shi Xiangyun, as the woman's parent, was not easy to mention either.

Shi Xiangyun actually didn't care much about this engagement, but because the verbal engagement was agreed by her husband, Su Yibo, himself, she cared a little bit.

For the time being forget about the marriage contract, Shi Xiangyun who rarely came back and began to care about his son. "Has Ache been in love recently?"

Looking at his always generous and hearty son blushed and nodded.

Shi Xiangyun said, "What’s her name?"

"She's Cui Xi." Su Che's eyes were full of tenderness when he mentioned her.

Shi Xiangyun smiled and nodded, confirming her approval, "Bring her back to me next time."

Su Che was a little embarrassed, "Mom, it's still early."

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Su Yu who gritted her teeth immediately echoed, "Yes, maybe they will break up in a few days."

Hearing her daughter's sour words, Shi Xiangyun frowned, always feeling that something was wrong. When she was about to say something to her daughter, she heard her Sun Ma say a little excitedly.

"Master is back."

Sun Ma was not the only one who was excited. Shi Xiangyun greeted him with a smile when she heard the words.


~~~~ º   ̶ º ~~~~


"I'm back." Cui Xi hurriedly opened the door.

Lin Qingxu heard the movement, "Oh".

"Am I the first to come back?" Cui Xi looked around, but did not see Ye Yali and Shen Zhiyi.

Dormitory head’s Cui Xi went online and tortured online.

Lin Qingxu slumped on the chair, "Yes."

The door was pushed open, and Shen Zhiyi walked in with a look of spring breeze.

She walked straight to the window, waved to the person standing downstairs, and then she joined the group chat with the long overdue "I'm back" contentedly.

"Where is Yaya?"

Cui Xi said, "I haven't come back yet."

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After a while, Ye Yali came back dejectedly.

Seeing her like this, the three exchanged glances, it look something didn't go well.

Cui Xi was interested in enlivening the atmosphere, found a reasonable excuse, and changed the subject, "When are you free, Su Che and I invite you to dinner."

When she heard something to eat, the eyes of Ye Yali glowed.

Your friend, Foodie Ye, is online.

After discussing it, we decided to set the time for the weekend of next week. As for the day of the weekend, it was up to the host to decide.

Cui Xi called Su Che to talk about the dinner, and the two finally decided to set the time for Sunday next week.

After being sticky for a while, Su Che hung up the phone, turned around, and found Su Yu standing by the corner of the wall, she had been eavesdropping. The younger sister is getting more and more uncomfortable, and Su Che has a headache, for fear that she will say nonsense such as letting him break up again.

But not, Su Yu walked over, raised her head, smiled sweetly, and said coquettishly, "Brother, I want to go too." As she said, she shook Su Che's hand.

Su Che looked at her suspiciously, with a look of 'you are going to make trouble'.

Su Yu added another cruel stroke to Cui Xi in her heart, but still smiled sweetly on her face, "Brother, I promise, I won't make trouble." As she said, she raised her hand and made a gesture of swearing.

The two didn't stand in a stalemate for long, Su Che compromised, "I have to ask Xiao Xi first."

Cui Xi, Cui Xi, and Cui Xi again, should you need Cui Xi agreement to take her out for dinner? Su Yu’s tone was so angry that she endured it again and again, "My brother’s girlfriend is so generous, and she will definitely agree."

 Su Yu continued, "What's more, she and I are going to meet sooner or later." Sooner or later, she will disturb them.

After receiving Su Che's WeChat, Cui Xi quickly returned to the "good" reply, and then told the other people in the dormitory about the incident.

Everyone heard that Lin Qingxu said about Su Yu came to dormitory for provocation and ordered Cui Xi to break up. For a while, she fell into silence.

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Seeing them as if they were facing an enemy, Cui Xi smiled indifferently, "Its okay."

What a storms that a little girl can reveal.

Shen Zhiyi, "We all went anyway." What are you afraid of, three to one, with their combat power, no, Lin Qingxu's savage combat power alone is enough.

Lin Qingxu thought of the pampered girl that day, "It's not a fuel-efficient lamp[2]."

Lin Qingxu is still very accurate in seeing people, "It doesn't matter."


Ye Yali shrugged, "Anyway, we are not fuel-efficient lamps."






Note : 


[1]Baby kiss refers to a marriage made by the parents when the man and woman  are young, and this type of marriage is not guaranteed. In some remote rural areas and ethnic minority areas, there is still a custom of deciding marriage on a baby.

[2]Not a fuel-efficient lamp is a metaphor for a troublesome person or a person who is not easy to deal with, its means to someone who shrewd, capable, well-founded, backed many ideas, and intelligent. In other words, it is implying to someone who is scheming and treacherous.

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