Coming out of the movie theater, Su Che hesitated, and still apologized to his girlfriend who was holding his hand with a smile on her face, "I'm sorry, what happened today, my sister is really spoiled."

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When talking about Su Su Che was helpless and angry, Cui Xi smiled carelessly, "It's okay, girls, they are all a little squeamish."

Cui Xi didn't care about Su Yu's deliberate provocation today, but still, she was a little unhappy in my heart. But this unhappiness is unhappiness with Su Yu, she will not be angry with Su Che because of this, she is not that stupid.

Su Che was very happy with his girlfriend's generosity. In comparison, he was even more dissatisfied with his sister Su Yu's willfulness. At the beginning, Su Che only thought that Su Yu said that he would break up was a momentary anger. He understood his sister possessiveness, but Su Che did not expect that Su Yu would dare to enter Qing University dormitory to find his girlfriend. .

If Lin Qingxu hadn't mentioned it during dinner today, Su Che wouldn't know it, "What did Su Yu say when he went to your dormitory?"

"I wasn't there that day, only Qingxu was there."

Cui Xi mentioned casually then continued say, "Su Yu asked Qingxu to tell me break up with you." Sure enough, she said something like this.

"Then why don't you tell me?" Su Che asked.

"It's just a joke. I can still take it seriously. I can't care about a little girl with her."

Cui Xi pursed her lips and smiled, "Is it possible that I have to sue you?"

Seeing Su Che's reaction, Cui Xi knows, Su Yu also said that in front of Su Che.

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"My Xiaoxi is really generous." Su Che smiled and pinched her nose with his fingers.

After Su Che sent Cui Xi back to the dormitory, after thinking about it, he drove home.

As soon as she saw him coming in, Sun Ma greeted him like a savior, and said anxiously, "Master, go and see the young lady."

After Su Yu came back at noon, she locked herself in the room and did not eat in the afternoon. No matter how bitterly the Sun Ma persuaded her outside the door, Su Yu ignored her.

"I'll go up and take a look."

Su Che walked to the door of Su Yu's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Xiaoyu, open the door."

Su Yu suddenly panicked when she heard the movement. She hurriedly threw the marker aside. She was afraid that Su Che would wait in a hurry. After putting the photo under the pillow, she hurriedly opened the door.

Seeing his sister in a hurry, Su Che frowned and said, "Why don't you eat?"

Su Yu's eyes blushed in the face of Su Che's concern, "I thought my brother was angry with me, I don't want to take care of me."

Su Che was indeed feel angry, but he never wanted to be angry with Su Yu, after all, it was Su Yu who was his sister, Since childhood, his father Su Yibo was cold by nature, and even with them, and his mother Shi Xiangyun spent more time and energy on her husband and didn't spend much time with the children. There were often only two people in the family, Su Che and Su Yu.

"Brother, I promise, I will never do this in the future." Su Che remained silent, Su Yu raised her hand anxiously and made a gesture of swearing.

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"It's good to know that you are wrong."

Su Che said, "No next time."


Su Yu nodded and said pitifully, "I'm just a little scared, afraid that my brother will be snatched away."

Still so childish, Su Che comforted said, "You will always be your brother's younger sister."

The two reconciled.

The next day, after Su Che sent Su Yu to school, he drove back to Qing Unviersity.

He parked his car at the school gate. Today is Monday. Cui Xi has no class in the morning. After sending a WeChat message to Cui Xi, he raised his foot and walked towards the commercial street. Cui Xi likes to eat buns from Xuji Baozi shop in the commercial street.

On the way, he ran into Xu Qingli, and the two had a face-to-face encounter. It's not surprising to meet Xu Qingli here, after all, Qing University and Beihua University are separated by this commercial street.

"Cousin." He said he was his cousin, but Xu Qingli was born only an hour earlier than Su Che.

Xu Qingli nodded and left.

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Still so indifferent, Su Che has become accustomed to it. When Su Che was a child, he always felt that Xu Qingli was his father's son, because the two of them had exactly the same in indifference.

Shi Xiangyun returned home at noon, and Wen Qing arrived shortly after eating.

Wen Qing is a person who does nothing to ascend to the Temple of the Three Treasures[1]. Although Shi Xiangyun didn't know why Wen Qing's coming, she still greeted her affectionately. This is the basic cultivation of wealthy ladies.

The two sat down in the living room, and soon, Sun Ma came with tea.

Wen Qing talked something for a while before rushing to the subject, "I am here today to discuss the marriage contract with you."

Isn't she dissatisfied with Su Yu? Shi Xiangyun kept the smile on her face, and heard her continue to say, “Yesterday Yan Shang and Su Yibo were chatting, just talking about the marriage contract.”

Yan Shang is Wen Qing’s husband, “It’s a pity that these two children have no fate."

When Wen Qing said this, there was no pity on her face, "Marriage contract, let it go."

Wen Qing said vaguely, Shi Xiangyun didn't care about her attitude, watching her words, since her husband nodded in agreement, Shi Xiangyun naturally had nothing to do. No objection.

Wen Qing's goal has been achieved, and she stands up to say goodbye to Shi Xiangyun.

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Shi Xiangyun stood up, "I'll see you." This time, Wen Qing did not decline.

Taking advantage of Shi Xiangyun's time to send people out, the Sun Ma, who was hiding in the dark, went out, went upstairs, stood at the door of Su Yu, and hesitated for a while before walking in.

Sun Ma walked up to Shi Xiangjun and put the thickly moved photos on the table, "Madam, when I was cleaning the lady's room today, I found something."

Shi Xiangjun picked up the photos and looked at them one by one, the frown becomes tighter.

The people in the photo are Su Che and Cui Xi. Except for the top few photos, Cui Xi's face has been obliterated in the other photos.

Shi Xiangyun knew that it was painted off by Su Yu with a marker. She was silent for a long time, "Return the photo to the original place."

What exactly did her daughter want to do? Shi Xiangyun remembered her daughter's manner when she talked about her son's girlfriend that day, and she had a bad idea in her heart.

"No," she murmured.



[1]A person who does nothing to ascend to the Temple of the Three Treasures means people who don't usually have common relationships with each other, but often smile and ask for help, such as helping with a courier, borrowing something, carrying a meal, and so on. 

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