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April 9, 2022 graverobber.kun

Nikk here,

Yep, dug up another grave. You can find the synopsis and link to the raw at the TOC at the bottom of the page. Felt like returning to my root though, translating a Galge reincarnation story like this.

This one still hasn’t got LN version yet so hopefully I can catch up with the WN before the official publisher come to the west.

Also, I’m retranslated the whole thing from the start and I’m releasing the first 3 arcs right now.




The Ability to [Command Others]

I was a normal student.

Although my age is the same as the number of years I’ve lived without a girlfriend, I was blessed with plenty of normal friends and a normal loving family.

From now on as well, this life of mine is supposed to be an incredibly normal one.

I was just one push away from confessing to the girl I have befriended recently as well. 

It was supposed to be a sweet yet bitter chapter of my youth.

Thinking that it was finally the time where I can say goodbye to my beloved Dating Sims, I walked home from school with my mind filled with expectations about the coming summer vacation and how my life will change after my first romantic experience. It was at this moment,

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That my life uneventfully came to an abrupt end.




Strange memories suddenly overflowed inside my brain.

The experience felt like I was watching a revolving lantern.

When I shut my eyes, it was like I was watching some colorless old footage.

However, as though I wasn’t allowed to let myself get distracted by that, a pain ran through my stomach.


“Oh, Hideyori. How considerate of you, your stomach is in just the right place for me to kick. Just what I need to relieve my stress.”


Said my uncle, the person who took me in after both my parents passed away while withdrawing his foot with a sneer.

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It has become a daily routine for my drunken uncle to abuse me after he lost his money playing pachinko. (TLN: JP slot machines)

My aunt was afraid of him so she has been pretending not to see his abuse.

The colors have already been drained from my life.


I hated this world.


“Stop… hurts……”

I tearfully begged him to stop.

However, when he saw that, my uncle’s smile simply turned into a mocking one.


“Can’t hear you!!”




Another pain runs through my abdomen.

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I was desperately holding back my stomach fluid from bursting out of my mouth.

3 days ago when I couldn’t hold it in, my uncle only got more violent because I made a mess out of the room. That’s why I’m forcing myself to swallow the gastric fluid that rose from my stomach.


“Stop it…….., [STOP IT!!].”

I felt a mysterious sensation.


[Command person], it was the sensation that felt like I just uttered the words of power that can compel others to do what I command.


“……Sure, I will stop.”



Just like that, my uncle simply stopped his movement as though he had lost his interest in me.

He has never acted like this before.

I don’t know what is going on but this is still a hundred times better than his usual violence.

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Did that [Command Person] stop my uncle? That question floated to my mind so I once again tried it on him.


“[L,…..Leave this room].”

I shut my eyes tight thinking that he would start beating me again. However, the violence I expected never came.

Instead, I simply heard the footsteps of my uncle walking away.


“I……, I’m alright…….?”

How did this happen? Only one possibility came to my mind.

Maybe this is the so-called [Gift], the special ability that exists in this world……..

[Gift], in this world, it is a word that roughly means special ability.

The word [Gift] also carries an implication that the ability was the power given to humans by God.

There were rare abilities that became famous in the world such as the ability to [Manipulate the flame on the level of lighting a matchstick], or ability to [Sketch what you see onto a paper with the accuracy of a photograph].


Perhaps I have developed the ability that allowed me to command another person? My head started to be filled with such thoughts.

The awakening of this Gift is the start of everything.

It was at this moment that the vile and fiendish man called Akechi Hideyori was born.

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