Moon: [Enemy]

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“This is most wonderful, Mitsuki!”

“Thank you very much.”

“I never expected you to overcome the curse with just only one night……..”



The next day, the people around me were all amazed.

The crest on my face is gone.

I’m still waiting for the result of the Gift Aptitude test but since the [Crest of Gift Acceptance] has disappeared, I’m sure that I will get a positive result.



“Have you awakened to your Gift yet? No, that might be too early huh……”



Otou-sama leaned back in his chair as though he tried to calm down his excitement but somehow I get the feeling that I already have a Gift.

It’s a strange feeling but for some reason, I know deep inside that I can use it.



“I think I can use it, Otou-sama.”

“Is, Is that true!?”

“I think the condition is just right as well.”



I open the curtains in my father’s room.

It was smaller than yesterday but there was a beautiful moon beyond the window.




“It seems that my Gift needs to meet a certain condition to activate……..I think I can use it now.”

“C, Can you show me?”

“Yes. I will activate my Gift now.”



I open the window.

The pleasant breeze sways my golden hair.

“Please watch” I told my father and took a deep breath.


“Gift Activated, —[Isolated World of the Moon].”







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“This is my Gift.”

“That was a splendid Gift, Mitsuki!”

“Y, Yes!”



The condition to activate my Gift is rather strict and it would not be a stretch to say that it is in any way convenient.

However, I was happy and proud that Otou-sama recognized it.


Just like that, I left my father’s room and walked down the corridor. It was then I ran into Misuzu.





“Congratulations, Onee-sama! Misuzu is so happy that Onee-sama has been recognized. Misuzu is proud of you.”

“Thank you, Misuzu…..”



I felt happy at Misuzu’s praise and I patted her head.

Misuzu is just too cute.



“Onee-sama, let’s protect our family together!”




We fist bumped.

From now on, we will protect our family together.

That’s right, we made a vow on that day.



However, that was the last day Miszu would be sweet to me…..






The next day.

Misuzu was nowhere to be found.

When I asked the servants, I was told that Otou-sama took her somewhere.


The absence of my twin sister felt so uncomfortable like someone is pulling at my hair.

Even though I could get back to studying and have fun with Towa at school for the first time in a few days, it just felt off.

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I got home with a feeling of emptiness and noticed that Misuzu’s shoes were at the entrance.

I quickly ran to her room but she was not there.

I don’t even know where to look next.

If I can’t find her after I look that much then she’s probably in Otou-sama’s room.


I studied by myself for about an hour.

When I heard the sound of the door to my father’s room opening, I rushed to the corridor.

There, I found Misuzu.



“Mi, Misuzu!”



I ran up toward Misuzu.

She would normally shout [Onee-sama!] in response but that’s not the case today.

As I approached her, I got a bad feeling.



“It burns…… it burns…….”

“W, hy…….? Why even Misuzu…….”

“It burns……., Onee-sama…..”



On her face was the [Crest of Gift Acceptance].

Misuzu wasn’t supposed to go through this, why……..?

Then, a figure appeared from behind Misuzu.



“Since Mitsuki managed to awaken to such a wonderful Gift, Misuzu should have the potential to do the same too.”


“Of course, your mother already agreed to this. Mitsuki, take care of Misuzu okay.”



If Mother already gave her permission then I can’t say anything more.

With Misuzu being entrusted to me, I quickly check on her.



“It burns… burns……”

“It’s okay, Misuzu! It was painful for me too but mine went away in a day! Yours will disappear too, Misuzu!”





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Misuzu is not strong like me.

That’s why the pain she has to endure might be much worse.

Thinking so, I lend Misuzu my shoulder and I help her to her room.



“But why do you have to take the crest too, Misuzu?”

“O, Otou-sama said that if Onee-sama can do it, I can do it too…… burns………”



I wipe the sweat off Misuzu’s forehead with a towel.



“If it’s too much then you should expose your forehead. Using a cold patch might help too.



While giving Misuzu some advice, I put a headband on her forehead.

After that, I proceed to open the window to let the cool wind inside.



“Is it better now……?”

“Y, Yes……”




The ugly crest I once had on my face is now growing on my sister’s.

Looking at it now, it’s truly horrible.

But she can only endure it.



“It will be fine, Misuzu. I’m sure it will be gone soon. The pain won’t last……endure it, you have to.”

“Yes! It, it burns but……Misuzu will endure it!”

“That’s the spirit! Do your best, Misuzu!”

“……it really won’t last right, this pain?”

“Yeah! See, there’s not even a single mark left on me. You will be okay too.”



The day ends after I gave Misuzu some words of encouragement.

But even after a day passed, Misuzu’s crest didn’t disappear.



“It’s okay, Otou-sama said that he endured this for a week. I’m sure that it’s different for each person.”

“…….this pain, for a week…….?”

“Our father is amazing right. Get some rest okay.”

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A day passed.

And another.

Then another.


Even after a week has passed, the curse was not lifted.

Even after a month, it still persists.





“……..Onee-sama is a liar.”




We had never been in a fight until now but Misuzu’s voice was filled with grudges.

Her voice sounds so different that I thought it was someone else.



“When!? When will this end!? ……When will this curse be lifted!? …….Misuzu has been enduring all this time you know? It still burns… hurts………Misuzu doesn’t even want to look in the mirror!? When will Misuzu be free of this!?”

“Misuzu…….C, Calm down.”

“Misuzu’s calm! Why, how come Onee-sama got through this in just a day and I still have to endure this!? It doesn’t look like it will ever get better doesn’t it!?”

“N, No……It will defi—-……”

“Definitely what!? Tell me!”





Why did mine go away and Misuzu’s won’t……?



“………Onee-sama is too much. Misuzu hates Onee-sama. If Onee-sama hadn’t lifted the curse in a single night, Misuzu wouldn’t have to go through this……..!”



Misuzu glared at me, as though she was glaring at her sworn enemy………


Author Note: V10C5

The reason Misuzu left her forehead exposed is to alleviate the heat from the crest.

Her bangs were in the way.


It was fun writing a rift between sisters.

At first, I planned to make the relationship between Hideyori and Seiko worse but since that didn’t happen, I decided to compensate with these two instead.

I really love writing Misuzu’s inferiority complex

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