Bell: [Research]

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Takeru-san is so cool!



What a sight for sore eyes……..



Misuzu’s eyes would be glued to him even while he was just relaxing in the classroom.

All Misuzu can think about is Takeru-san.




Misuzu loves you even more now!



Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love!

He’s so kind and he doesn’t look at Misuzu weird! Misuzu loves you Takeru-san!



[[Ahh!? This Killing Machine doesn’t want to join me either! Hideyor~~i, help………]]

[[It’s just luck right………There’s nothing I can do about that……..]]

[[Ah!? Another Killing Machine! Here, take it, Hideyori.]]


(TLN: Killing Machine in Dragon Quest Mobile)



Takeru-san is pushing his phone at Akechi-kun.

How nice, I want his number too…..

Does Akechi-kun have it I wonder……..?



[[Oh? Looks like this one wants to join you. You want me to press No?]]

[[NO WAY! Absolutely not! YES! YES! YES!]]

[[Yes, you want me to press No?]]

[[NO! NO! NO!]]

[[So I press No?]]

[[Not that! Let him join the party! GET ME ROBIN!]] (TLN: Robin’s the particular Killing Machine’s name in JP version)

[[You want to cancel so you can get him on your own?]]

[[NO! NO! NO!]]



Akechi-kun and Takeru-san are bantering.

[[YEAHHHHHH! ROBIN IS MINE!!]] Takeru-san excitedly yelled.


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Misuzu doesn’t really understand what they are talking about but just watching Takeru-san makes Misuzu happy.



[[Hideyor~i, thanks, my man. I’ll do anything for you!]]

[[Then use my ID and grind me a Liquid Metal Slime.]]

[[No way.]]



Misuzu thought this before but aren’t you too close to him, Akechi-kun………?

Misuzu doesn’t think it’s anything romantic but Misuzu wants Takeru-san to rely on Misuzu too…….


After that, Misuzu started researching all things Takeru-san.

After all, it’s necessary for Misuzu to know what the relationship between Takeru-san and the girls around him is like.



“Juumonji Risa. Takeru-san’s little sister……….they do look alike huh.”



It’s difficult to tell if Takeru-san just looks that feminine or if his sister has a masculine facial features but it’s easy to tell from their atmosphere that they are siblings.

Misuzu and Onee-sama also look pretty similar to each other and if Misuzu let her hair down then we would look almost exactly alike.

Naturally, Misuzu has this ugly crest and Onee-sama is taller so there’s no way anyone would mistake Misuzu for Onee-sama.

The reverse is also true as no one would mistake Onee-sama for Misuzu either.



[[Hey! Look, Look, Nii-san! I can draw all 47 prefectures of JAPAN now! See, it’s Hokkaido!]]

[[Y, You’re a genius!]]

[[Here is Aomori.]]

[[You’re literally a pro…….]]

[[Well, of course!]]



Takeru-san looked bewildered when he saw the pencil drawing.

What is this……?


She looks satisfied to see Takeru-san’s surprised face too.

I see, she’s a brocon……..

I can see the [Nii-san, I love you] aura emanating from her.


—-Juumonji Risa, Dangerous!



[[Miyamur~a, teach me how to study~!ลล

[[Again, Juumonji-san?]]

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[[You remember Gift Understanding class? When you don’t have a clear target for your Gift activation, it’s going to misfire right? I’m totally going to get that mixed up with something else.]]

[[It’s a bit confusing but in that case, you’re correct, it will misfire. On the other hand, the answer would be different if you set the target but your Gift can’t reach it.]]

[[There! That’s where it’s so confusing!]]

[[You really are hopeless. Please take write this down properly.]]



Surprisingly, Onee-sama’s best friend, Towa, is a good friend of Takeru-san.

Even with Towa’s original caring personality, Misuzu feels that the distance between them is too close.


But Misuzu is not as smart as Onee-sama and Towa……

If possible, Misuzu wants to be the one Takeru-san relies on……


——–Miyamura Towa, Dangerous!



[[Oi, Tsugaru! You can’t take me away from StarCha camp!]]

[[NO! LeaCha is way way way way better!]]

[[What are you, a Trendoid?]]

[[And what about you, a Contrarian?]]


[[I’m a pure believer of LeaCha. I definitely want her in Madoka’s Harem!]]

[[There’s no way she would join that dubious harem of yours right!]]



Tsugaru-san is arguing with Takeru-san.

If anything, she seems even closer to him than Akechi-kun though it looks like they’re just friends.

But there’s still a small chance that their relationship might turn romantic.

———-Tsugaru Madoka, Very Dangerous!



[[TA – KE – RU!]]

[[Ah! Ahn, Ahh, Uu……]]

[[I guess a man’s is not really that nice to touch huh……….]]

[[Then can you stop rubbing my chest now!?]]

[[I mean, I just want Takeru to get a taste of this humiliating feeling you see.]]

[[What are you say–…..Ahn, Ahh, Ah!? HII, Ahnnnnn!]]]



Yoru Hiru is messaging Takeru-san’s chest.

Nice Moan!

……Not that! That woman, she’s all over Takeru-san’s body!



———Yoru Hiru, DIE!


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[[Sasaki, do you know where Hideyori is?]]


[[Can you take a guess?]]

[[How about you guess for yourself then?]]

[[Right, that’s true. Thanks, Sasaki!]]



Sasaki Emi continued reading her book while being completely uninterested in Takeru-san.

There’s nothing romantic going on between them at all.

That’s a relief.


———-Sasaki Emi, No worry at all!




The number of girls Juumonji Takeru is involved with in this class is 5, which is a fairly large number.

Compared to the boy in the seat next to Misuzu who usually hangs out with other boys, Takeru-san is a pretty popular man.

And Misuzu has to keep watch on 4 of them huh…….

That’s a lot.



“Yo, Fukamori! You’re doing good?”

“Y, Yes! Misuzu is fine!”

“I see. You often go to the infirmary so that got me worried a bit. Hang in there okay.”




Misuzu is feeling good this morning and the curse is not that painful so Misuzu is actually doing well!

Even so, for Takeru-san to greet me, this is going to be a great day.

Misuzu was in a good mood and it felt like there were springs in Misuzu’s steps.








Something happened during the lunch break that put an end to that.

When Misuzu was done researching for an assignment in the library and was returning to the classroom, Misuzu spotted Onee-sama with Takeru-san.



[[Nothing useful came up huh. Well, let’s do our best together from now on as well, Mitsuki!]]

[[Yeah! Thank you, Takeru.]]

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Takeru-san gently pats Onee-sama on the back.

He had never done something like that to Misuzu.

Even Onee-sama looks like some maiden in love at his touch.



Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?




“Why…….? Why is Onee-sama with Takeru-san…….? Why…….? WHY……, WHYYY………”



Don’t take him away.

Don’t take things away from Misuzu any more than this……..



Ever since Onee-sama awakened to her Gift, everything in Misuzu’s life has gone wrong…….


And despite that…….



She’s still going to take Takeru-san away from Misuzu……..



“……..Unforgivable. Misuzu will never forgive you……..”



The flame of Misuzu’s jealousy burns even hotter than the burning pain on her face.



“Fu, Fufu………., You have to die, Onee-sama………”



My beloved Onee-sama.

It seems like Misuzu wants to kill you after all.


Author Note: The Original Emi was deliberately keeping her cold attitude toward Takeru on a level that he doesn’t come to hate her.

Incidentally, since Hideyori was even harsher to him, Emi’s attitude didn’t bother Takeru at all.

He didn’t even realize that he was hated.




Next Up, who was the one who gave Misuzu the poison……?

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