Bell: [Brainwashing]

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“What’s wrong, Misuzu?”

“Those chopsticks, where did you get them?”

“Th, These? These are….., a present.”


Onee-sama was happily smiling by herself.


“……from your boyfriend?”

“R, Right. …….yeah, from my boyfriend.”



The night of the day Misuzu saw Takeru-san and Onee-sama confessing to each other, the look on Onee-sama’s face was one Misuzu would never expect to see.

Misuzu can’t stand looking at Onee-sama so Misuzu just goes to Misuzu’s room and locks the door.


“…….! …….Damn you!”


Misuzu throws a pillow to the wall of Onee-sama’s room.

The frustration inside Misuzu wouldn’t go away.


“Kuh….., it burns……, it burns……..”


The crest once again caused severe burning pain.

The curse, the heartbreak, it’s just too much so Misuzu started crying again.


My beloved Onee-sama.

Misuzu can’t hold it anymore, Misuzu wants to kill you.


After that, Misuzu’s days of frustration continue.

Misuzu would occasionally spot Takeru-san walking around with Onee-sama and the crest would burn so strongly that Misuzu’s face would distort in pain.


Misuzu also saw them kiss on the rooftop.


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Onee-sama has taken away everything Misuzu ever wanted…….

It feels like the world is telling Misuzu that there’s no choice but to forget about Takeru-san……


For several days after that, the heartbreak never left Misuzu’s mind.


“Hello, Fukamori-san. Do you want to consult with me again?” Takiguchi-sensei offered to listen to Misuzu and invited me to the same empty classroom.


“I’ve been thinking about you Fukamori.”


“You still can not get over your heartbreak, correct?”

“Yes…… Sensei, what should Misuzu do?”


Misuzu hates Onee-sama.

The hate in Misuzu just keeps on swirling and Misuzu just can’t stop thinking about it.

The bomb Misuzu was carrying was on the verge of exploding………


“Do you really need to be such a good girl like that?”

“……eh? What do you mean?”

“I’m asking, is it truly right for you to keep living while holding back your feelings like this?”


His usual gentle demeanor completely vanished, instead, it was replaced with a mysterious smile.

His sharp gaze pierced into Misuzu.


“………[Αυξημένο μίσος].”


Sensei mutters his good luck charm again.


“Fukamori……., this is for you……..”

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Saying so, he placed a black bottle on Misuzu’s palm.

The sound of some kind of liquid splashing can be heard from inside the bottle.

The identity of the mysterious liquid immediately dawned on Misuzu.




“Wh……., What is this…….?”


Misuzu’s hands start to shake.

Misuzu doesn’t know if Sensei is joking or not but despite the bottle being the same size as Misuzu’s pinky finger, it felt very heavy.


“Make your sister drink this. The method is up to you. You can feed it to someone you hate too. Once they drink this, they will disappear from your sight.”




Why is Takiguchi-sensei giving Misuzu poison?


“[Αυξημένο μίσος].”




Misuzu hates Onee-sama.

Even though we are twins, it’s too unfair that Onee-sama gets to have everything.


“Your sister. Fukamori Mitsuki is planning to give her precious virginity to Juumonji Takeru, you know.”


“And Juumonji Takeru is also willing to offer your sister his.”


“Without ever noticing what her sister is feeling……..she is going to spend a romantic night flirting and kissing the man you love.”


“You can’t forgive that, can you? Don’t you think it’s unfair that your sister used her unblemished face to seduce the man of your dreams?”

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“[Αυξημένο μίσος].”


“Moon and Bell, let’s start this ugly fight between sisters!”


Misuzu lifts up the bottle.

The bottle that felt so heavy at first was easily lifted with one hand.


“Thank you, Takiguchi-sensei. Misuzu will make good use of it.”

“Fufu. I am always on the side of my precious students you know.”


With a gentle smile, Takiguchi saw off Misuzu.

Just like that, Misuzu left the classroom.

The only thing inside Misuzu’s head now is how to make Onee-sama drink this poison.


“Sisterly love is so beautiful isn’t it………now, let it twist. Twist and twist until it breaks.”


As he lets out the hatred inside him, Takiguchi looks forward to what’s going to happen the day after that…….



At night, Misuzu heads home.

Her legs carry her back to the apartment.




Kill Onee-sama.


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Certainly, Misuzu had thought about it many times already. However, Misuzu never acted on it.

No, Misuzu couldn’t.


My beloved Onee-sama.

I couldn’t do it before but Misuzu can not forgive the thieving cat who stole Takeru-san from Misuzu.




The poison was mixed into the seasoning that Onee-sama will use for her lunch box tomorrow.

Misuzu didn’t know the appropriate amount but Misuzu sprinkled about 3 drops into it.


After that, Misuzu takes a shower and goes to sleep.

It is done.

While taking the shower, Misuzu’s heart was pounding.


What is this feeling inside Misuzu?










It’s probably all of the above.


Even when Misuzu hopped on the bed, Misuzu was wide awake.

It was the longest sleepless night Misuzu ever experienced…….

Author Note: When you think about it, Takiguchi’s Gift is like a lesser version of Hideyori’s Gift…….

Compared to Hideyori who can brainwash people in an instant, he has to apply it over and over. It does feel appropriate for a Rank E ability.


Next up, Last of the Bell Chapters.

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