The Technique of Akechi Hideyori

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Alright, I think I’m getting over the initial impact of Reaper Hag and Ghost king.


Considering the cost performance of the move where he used 10 years of the Hag’s lifespan to destroy Tatsuyuki-san’s amulets, I still have hope.


“Hideyori, what do we do?”

“………Takeru, I need you to go call Tatsuyuki-san for me.”


The phone service doesn’t reach this far into the mountains so we need someone to go call Tatsuyuki-san.

And I entrust that task to Takeru.


“Hideyori!? You’re going to take both of them on alone!?”

“It’s all right. I won’t die. So, Takeru, go.”



There’s no way I would let myself die in a place like this right?


Emi, Risa, Madoka, Sakuya, Eien-chan, Nodoka, Seiko, Yurika, Yoru, Mishima, Mitsuki, Misuzu, Master, Yamamoto, Oba-san, Tatsuyuki-san. I won’t die without saying goodbye to them.


“If you die I will let Seiko-chan see what’s underneath your bed alright!”

“You idiot, don’t you dare!?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t die right! I will definitely bring Tatsuyuki-san here so don’t die before then okay!”


Saying so, Takeru runs back to the campsite.


As for Seiko…..

No, not only Seiko. If Emi, Eien-chan or any of the girls see what’s underneath my bed then that would be too much for me……

There’s no way I can let them see my hidden Sawamura Yama collection after all.


Now, with Takeru gone, I can freely use my Gift.

The situation is so unnecessarily complicated because I’m too much of a coward to tell my best friend about my Gift.

Anyway, all I need to do now is to put down the Ghost King.


“Let’s do this, Ghost King.”

[[Come at me, Human!]]


I leapt out and picked up several pebbles from the ground.

Recall them, the lessons I had with Tatsuyuki-san.

I’m still weak but I have been taught how to become strong despite my weakness.


[[Skeleton Touch.]]



Another giant hand appears in front of me.

But I already have a countermeasure for this.


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I threw the pebble I picked up at the hand and the moment it hit, the pebble crumbled away.

I noticed its weak point when I saw it rots the tree.


That move has no penetrating power.

Only the object at the point of contact would be affected by the rot.


Even against the Ghost King, a human’s power of observation can be useful.


“Oh? This is nice.”


There was a long tree branch at the place I landed.

It would be a stretch to call it a wooden sword but just having some kind of weapon in my hand already made me feel a lot calmer.

I take a deep breath and adjust my breathing.


I’m weak.

I’m weak.

I’m weak.

It’s exactly because I’m weak that I need to fight with my head.


[[Skeleton Touch.]]

“That won’t work on me!”


I countered the Skeleton Touch with the pebble I flicked with my finger.

Just like that, I close in and challenge the Ghost King to close combat.





The Ghost King swung its large sickle but I kept my eyes on it while swinging the tree branch at just the right moment.

What I’m aiming at is a counter.


[[Im, -possible…….!?]]


I knocked the oversized sickle off the Ghost King’s hand.

I decided to utilize my kendo skill, something that I have been proud of since my previous life for this fight.


If I can exploit the moment when my opponent loses their weapon, no matter who they are, there would be an opportunity to strike.

I pick up the sickle that I sent flying into the air and swing it down at the Ghost King.


[[Ghost Hand.]]



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Multiple black hands suddenly appear from beneath the Ghost king.

I can’t allow myself to get hit so I abandoned the sickle and jumped away.


[[Did you think you could win? A mere human like you? A King can not possibly lose to a mere human.]]

“Damn it…..”


The sickle I threw away flew back toward Ghost King’s hand.

I would try that again but that was meant to be a surprise attack to steal its weapon.

And those who already experienced their weapon stolen would obviously be on their guard.


“Ugh…….[Switch your recognition of me and that of the Reaper Hag]!”


I rely on my last resort, [Dominating Decree].

I don’t even know whether it will work.

But it’s a gamble I need to take.

I expected the Ghost King to slow down as it shouldn’t want to risk harming its master, Reaper Hag, but it unleashes its next attack without any hesitation.


[[Skeleton Touch.]]


The big hand’s trajectory curved in front of me and headed toward the Reaper Hag who, at this point, already lost 13 years of her lifespan.


“ [Dodge, Reaper Hag]! “



However, even though Reaper Hag technically obeyed my order and tried to avoid it, she was hit in the back by Skeleton Touch.




Just like that, the Reaper Hag’s body hardened like a stone and began to crumble away.

So a human can crumble like trees and stones huh………

You’re too dangerous, Ghost King……


“Haa…..Haa……..Oh, Ghost King…….not only do you look like the God of Death themselves, you’re actually one huh……..”


The results of my training with Tatsuyuki-san, my kendo skills, and my Gift.

Even with all of that, I don’t think I can win.

It was then.

The Ghost King gave me an unexpected reply…….


[[Not a God, I’m a King. This King is the King of the Ghost. Not a God.]]


[[That’s right! King is not God! King couldn’t become one! King wanted to become God but couldn’t!]]



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Suddenly, Ghost King’s words turned into a mix of anger and resentment.

Just hearing its voice made me feel the ugliness behind it.



“Wait, you know Ennoia!?”


I couldn’t help but retort when Ennoia’s name was suddenly mentioned.

I never expected the name of that Loli God, Gainen-san to come out of the mouth of a being like this………


[[What? You bastard also knows Ennoia? Don’t lie to me!]]

“KuHa! KuHaHaHa! KuHaHaHaHa!”



Seems like I stepped on a landmine when I mimicked Ennoia’s laugh as the Ghost King flew into a rage and got powered up by its hatred.

I can feel that the Ghost King in front of me is no longer calm and composed.




While Ghost King was screaming, a piece of paper appeared in front of me.

I don’t know where it came from but when I shone some light on it with my phone, there was something written on it.


“Hmm, let’s see. [KuHaHa! There’s no way a King can win against God right, dumbass. Sign, Ennoia], it said……”




The Ghost King suddenly let out a strange shriek like the Reaper Hag and powered up even further.

Its height, which was originally around 3 meters, grew to 5.

Seeing Ghost King get even stronger, I began thinking about what to do.

No, there’s no time to waste considering my options.

On impulse, I used my Gift.


“Damn it……, [DIE, Ghost King.]”

[[Hmph, King is already dead………AND THE DEAD CAN NOT DIE!!!!]]


Ghost King resisted my Gift and lifted up its sickle.

The same as the time Tatsuyuki-san resisted my Gift, this guy is a cheat.


“5 meters is too tall…….as expected, I can’t reach that high without a weapon huh…….I will have to go up there myself then!”


I went around behind Ghost King and grabbed a nearby wooden branch.

Ghost King looks around restlessly as though it lost track of me.

I erased my presence to remain hidden and climbed up a tree while I had the chance.



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With a loud voice, I called out to the Ghost King to announce my presence.

Just like how I wanted it, Ghost King turned to look and I leapt from the top of the tree.


“This way!”


I stick the tree branch into the Ghost King’s eyeball.

Despite it being a skeleton, I can feel my thrust digging into the blackness inside its body.

It’s an unpleasant feeling but since I’m not fighting against another human being, there’s no need to hold back.

Someday, when I have to fight Ennoia, I won’t have the leeway to hesitate either………

I need to steel my heart.





After jamming the tree branch into its eye socket, I dropped from the 5 meters height.

Sensing that I won’t be able to land without injuring myself, I curled into a defensive posture and rolled away on impact.


I could have prevented my death in my previous life if I could do this back then. While thinking so, I gaze at my right shoulder.




The Ghost King angrily pulled out the tree branch from its eye socket.


“……..give me a break, man.”


I forced my scratched-up legs to stand.

This definitely is going to leave a bruise tomorrow.


“I’m here, Hideyori.”



From behind me, a hand reached out and touched my shoulder, giving me a sense of security.

“Let’s switch,” he said as he walked in front of me.



“You did well. Did you learn a lot from this training? Well, it looks like you’re at your limits so just leave the rest to me.”


In front of me was the back of the person whom I admire.

TLN: Like I said, it’s Shounen Horror……

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