Hosokawa Seiko’s Wry Smile

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Around the time when Akechi Hideyori and the others were out on a camping trip, the girls of the Western Army gathered for a Girls’ Party.

That day, Sasaki Emi and her friends were led by Miyamura Towa to the “party” location.


When Towa pressed the intercom button, the voice of Mitsuki came through the speaker.


[[You’re here, Towa. I’m opening the door for you now.]]



The automatic door in front of Towa slides open.

She then glanced back at Emi, Risa, Madoka, Sakuya, Nodoka, Seiko, Yurika, Yoru, and Haruka behind her.

Yes, all members of the Western Army have gathered here today.

After proceeding through the automatic door, Towa pressed the button of the elevator to head up.


“Wait, Towa. What floor is the Fukamoris at?”

“10th floor.”

“I see. I’m going to run up the stairs, see you.”


“Let’s see who’s faster, elevator or me!!!!!”


Saying so, Yurika quickly ran to the stairs.

[But you still don’t know which room is Mitsuki’s right?] Towa didn’t even have time to say that.


“Alright, this great Yoru Hiru is going to use the stairs too!!”

“Me too!”

“Well, it’s healthier so I guess I will too.”


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Just like that, Yoru, Sakuya, and Madoka started walking toward the stairs.

[Be careful~] Haruka called out and the three gave her a nod before going up the stairs.


“Come on! Hurry up, Elevator!”


“Towa-san, call the elevator, hurry!”

“Risa too!?”


Feeling competitive for some reason, Emi and Risa urged.

“Uuuuu! Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on!”


Towa was caught up by their enthusiasm and started repeatedly hitting the button.


“Our Senpais are so weird…….”

“A, Haha……..”


Seiko wryly smiles at Nodoka’s comment.

Incidentally, the weirdest individual today would be Tatsuyuki who’s, at the moment, handing the amulets to Takeru and Hideyori.




“Wait, you two, you’re going too fast…….”

“Haa Haa……., I can’t…….”


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The race up the stairs has Yurika in the lead, Yoru slightly behind her, Madoka a floor below them.


“I……, can’t…anymore…….”


And Sakuya who got tired just after the third floor and went to the elevator.

After about 4 seconds after she pressed the button, the elevator door opened and Sakuya gets in.


“Haa Haa Haa Haa…….”

“You’re completely exhausted aren’t you!”

“Shut up…….Haa……you would understand my pain if you run up the stairs too, Emi……..”

“You chose to use the stairs yourself though……..”


The moment Sakuya got on the elevator, she effectively dropped out of the race got looked at with warm gazes by the 6 who boarded the elevator from the start.


When they reached the 10th floor, Yurika and Yoru had already arrived while Madoka walked up just when everyone got off the elevator.

They all regroup.


“I could have won against Madoka-san if Sakuya-san hadn’t called the elevator!”

“FuFuhn! A shame isn’t it!”

“It’s my fault!?”

“It’s totally your fault, Sakuya-senpai!”


[Ahaha……] Seeing Sakuya get ganged up on by Risa and Nodoka, Seiko lets out a dry laugh at how even Nodoka is invested in the race.

Watching them, Haruka let out a warm smile thinking how they get along so well.


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“I won’t lose on the way down too!?”

“Alright! You won’t beat me next time, Yurika!”

“The elevator is here so I don’t have to wait! You can’t beat me!”

“We’re not doing this okay!? Why are you guys competing in the first place!? We’re going to Mitsuki’s room okay!?”


Towa put a break on the hot-blooded Yurika, Yoru, and Emi before guiding them to Mitsuki’s room.

“This place looks expensive,” said Haruka nervously. “There’s no doubt that this place is the most impressive compared to our homes……..” Said Madoka as she examined the corridor.


“Sei-chan should be able to afford a place like this right?”

“Eh…..? I’m still just a small fry in an idol industry you know…… agency takes a lot of cuts from my earnings after all………”

“You’re ruining people’s dreams, you know……..”


With such a comment from JAPAN’s beloved idol, StarChild herself, Nodoka couldn’t help but get taken aback a little.

Meanwhile, since Seiko’s reply was so realistic, everyone else went [Ehhh………?] as well.


“Oh? You’re here, everyone! O~i!”


While they were walking with Towa at the lead, Mitsuki spotted them from in front of her room.

Just like that, all members of the Western Army have assembled.

A gloomy atmosphere is hanging over the Death Flag Camp, but here at the Western Army Girls’ Party, the atmosphere is warm and lively.


“It’s the first time I have this many people coming over…….. there are some unfamiliar faces too.”

“Right……, everyone here plus Misuzu are your love rivals, Mitsuki.”


“Why do I feel that the number is only going to increase I wonder……….”

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Everyone froze at Towa’s quiet muttering.

“Nah, that’s impossible right………” Madoka tried to casually deny it but everyone else except for Mitsuki went “………yeah, definitely.”



“It’s okay. Mitsuki and Misuzu will understand soon. ………I’m sure of it.”


Every time a member was added to the ranks of the Western Army, although she can accept it, there was a small part inside her that wants to retort to it at least once.


“Now, Now, come on inside.” Mitsuki urged.

“Sorry for the intrusion.” Said Towa as she leads the others to follow Mitsuki inside the Fukamori sisters’ apartment.


“Ara, Towa, Emi and Madoka too. Welcome……….Nn!?”


Misuzu was already waiting inside but she was instantly overwhelmed when she realized that the Western Army had more than a dozen members.

She had assumed that there would be 5 of them at most and was shocked that the real number was twice her expectation.


“Wait a minute, Onee-sama!? What is this number!?”

“Th, They are all members of the Western Army, I suppose…….”



Thus began the face-to-face meeting of all members of the Western Army.

Author Note: Moving all these characters at once, are you crazy…….?

It’s been a long time since all members of the Western Army are featured in the same chapter……….

Maybe it’s the first time since they first called themselves the Western Army.

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