Juumonji Risa’s Natural Mouth

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“Now then, it’s Sei-chan’s turn next.:

“No-chan, you know that it’s a lot of pressure introducing myself after you right?”


Seiko gets a stomach ache from being overwhelmed by the excitement of the Western Army members.

Moreover, she also feels nervous to introduce herself because of her job and the fact that she’s in a different school from most of them.


“It’s okay, It’s okay. Just do it!”

“Uuu, All right……”


Among all the members here, this is her first time meeting Yurika, Haruka, and Misuzu.

Moreover, although she already met Mitsuki once, her appearance was altered using her Gift so it’s a little hard for her to explain it.


(And most importantly is the fact that everyone here likes Onii-chan……If I have to be honest, as his little sister, I sure hope that he’s a little more mindful when it comes to women……..)


It’s a weird feeling for Seiko to hear everyone talk about their feelings for her brother.

She just doesn’t know how to act when she thinks that one among them might become her future sister-in-law.


“Yes, Sei-chan.”

“Y, Y, Y, Y, Yes! W, Wh, What is it, Misuzu-senpai!?”

“Aren’t you too nervous about this?”


Suddenly getting called [Sei-chan] by someone she completely didn’t expect, Seiko reacted in a panic.

When she wears the mask of StarChild, she can stay completely calm at any live performance or shoot without making any mistakes but then she returns to being Hosokawa Seiko, she reverts to an ordinary girl who can get nervous at the slightest thing.


“Misuzu has been wondering this since you walked in but you look a lot like Hideyori-sama. You’re very cute.”

“Y, Yes! I’m Hideyori’s younger sister!”

“As I thought! Misuzu felt pulled in by you ever since Misuzu first saw you!”


Misuzu gives her a bright smile.

Next to her, Emi went [Amazing…….] as she was amazed by Misuzu’s keen eyes.


“I see. I’ve met Hideyori’s younger sister before but I didn’t know that he has 2 younger sisters though.”

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Risa recalls the time she chatted with Mitsuki in the school corridor the other day.

At the time, she wondered what Mitsuki was talking about when she mentioned that Hideyori’s sister has grey hair.

Meanwhile, Emi and Madoka were also puzzled by Mitsuki’s words.


“…………Nn? What is this atmosphere?”


Yurika, Haruka, and Misuzu, who don’t understand what’s going on, start looking around awkwardly.

Being the one who knows the whole truth, Seiko started with a [Ahaha……] before explaining the situation.


“……My name is Hosokawa Seiko.”

“Hosokawa……? Not the same Akechi as Hideyori-sama……..?”

“Hosokawa Seiko……? Nn? Does Hideyori have 2 younger sisters with the same name…….?”


The Fukamori sisters are still clueless.


“But you have the same hair colour as Master!”

“The cuteness that beckons protection too!”

“Hey……., can you not get me involved in this……….”


Sandwiched between Yurika and Haruka who got very excited about Seiko, Yoru followed with an exasperated remark.

Yoru met and chatted with Seiko several times already during her part-time work at the coffee shop so she just doesn’t share their excitement here.


“Certainly, Onii-chan………, Akechi Hideyori and I are siblings. But our parents died in an accident when we were young and we got separated. That’s why we have different surnames now”


She didn’t tell them about how her father killed her mother.

Even Emi, Risa, and Takeru who are Hideyori’s close friends were only told that Hideyori and Seiko’s parents died in an accident.

That is also why her default mode of explanation about their circumstances is to tell others that it was an [Accident].


“Uh, Uhh……., I understand the surname part but your appearance is completely different now though…….? You’re the real StarChild aren’t you…….?”

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“That’s supposed to be a secret you know, Mitsuki-senpai.”


Seiko placed her index finger on her lips and [Shhhh].

Her hair then changes to a gold colour that is a shade lighter than Mitsuki and Misuzu’s with black meshes running on it. The StarChild’s hair.

With her being a former Gift Hunter, Yurika immediately picked up that it was a Gift activation and went [So it’s a Gift!].


“Yes…….the appearance Mitsuki-senpai saw me in before was the one I altered with my Gift.”

“Wh, Wh, Wh, Wha………!?”

“You got punked, Mitsuki……..”

“Towa already knew…….?”

“Yeah. We were told about Seiko’s Gift the first time we met.”

“…..aren’t all the people surrounding Hideyori too amazing………?”

“I agree……”

“No, Towa is practically the academy’s No.1 academic so you’re pretty amazing too though……..”

“I need to be able to feed Hideyori-san after all.”


Said Towa with a smug smile on her face.


(So her true motive all along is to let Hideyori pimp off of her!?)


[She’s more terrifying than I thought!] Knowing Towa for a long time, Sakuya retorted in her mind.

Nobody is saying anything. Am I the weird one here? She gazes around with a questioning look.


(As I thought, that’s Towa’s true plan all along!)

(I knew it.)


Risa and Emi already had some ideas even though Towa never said it out loud before.


(She ranked about 10th in the game right………? Even though she didn’t study as much as she did in the game, isn’t it too terrifying that she actually got better results here!?)


The power of Towa’s love even surpassed that of her obsession with studying in the game.

Before she moved here, her father was constantly nagging her but now Towa is producing results like it’s a matter of course so he doesn’t interfere with who she’s friends with anymore.


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“Even if my last name is different, Onii-chan is still my brother. I don’t want to see him flirting with other girls too much so I’m not going to hand him over you know!”


She likes Hideyori but it’s a complicated feeling since they are siblings.

If they were not related by blood, she would have tried to seduce, kiss, or even push him down already.


“Ugh……, you’re so bold, Sei-chan.”



Misuzu sympathized with her love for Hideyori so much that she almost cried.

When she tried imagining that her beloved older sister was her brother instead, she could feel that she would become just like Seiko.


“Well, that should do for now. Next is Risa-senpai’s turn.”


Seiko passes the baton to Risa.


“I’m Juumonji Risa. Takeru and I are siblings but we are not twins, our birthdays are just less than 12 months apart. Since I know Akechi-kun for a long time and my brother is his best friend, I’m confident that I know the most about Akechi-kun! ………Well, like Towa-san, I already know everyone here but this should be my first time having a direct conversation with Misuzu-san though.”

“I’m Tsugaru Madoka. Nodoka’s older sister. It was fate that led me to Akechi-kun. Nice to meet you.”


Seeing everyone finish their self-introduction with the [I won’t hand Hideyori to anyone] energy, Emi let out a wry smile.


(Compared to Risa-chan, since I’m the one who’s been to Hideyori-kun’s room, his private space, the most, I should be the one who knows the most about him though.)

(Since I know he can beat someone with a wooden sword with an umbrella plus our time together in our previous life, I definitely know more about Akechi-kun than Risa.)

(I may not have Takeru but since Hideyori talked a lot with Master, I should understand him the most!”

(I studied with Hideyori-san a lot and I’ve been asking for his likes and dislikes so I’m pretty sure I know more than Risa though.)

(Hideyori-senpai can always talk without holding back around me so I know a lot about him too.)

(I know Master best since he can be the most honest around me.)

(Onii-chan is the kindest to me so I’m sure I know more about Onii-chan than Risa-senpai though.)

(Well, it’s not like I want to brag but since my observation ability is the strongest out of everyone here, I’m pretty sure I know the most about Akechi though………..)

(Since Akechi-san already risked his life to save me once, I think my chance is a level better than everyone else though.)

(Since I can talk to Hideyori about all kinds of things, I should understand Hideyori better than anyone. Risa is jumping the gun huh?)

(Hideyori-sama showed his mysterious power to Misuzu so Misuzu is the one who knows Hideyori-sama best! That’s how much Hideyori-sama trusts Misuzu after all!)


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Risa’s casual words spur the flame of love inside everyone’s hearts.


“The self-introduction ended up taking a lot of time, didn’t it………)


Without letting what’s inside her mind show on her face, Haruka said in a small voice.


“Still, what are we going to do next? You said that we would be staying the night so I did a lot of preparations though?”


11 girls groaned at Sakuya’s simple question.

The original purpose of the party to let everyone acquaint themselves with each other was already achieved after all.

It’s just past noon so sitting down and chatting until nightfall would be too much.

After all, the day is still long.


“If we don’t have anything to do then I’d like to visit Sakuya’s coffee shop. The one that Towa frequents, I mean.”

“That’s nice! Shall we go have some coffee then!”


After Towa showed her agreement, Emi, Risa, Madoka, Misuzu, …………..and almost all of them voted in favour of visiting [Sanctuary], the coffee shop.


“…….eh? I practically was just there you know…….…”


The reluctant one was Sakuya who just left the coffee shop about an hour ago to visit Mitsuki’s apartment……..

Author Note: The introduction is finally finished.

Even if their paths are different, the girls will probably stay friends for the rest of their lives.

The order of introduction that started with Emi and go clockwise was done with a balance in mind.

I put a lot of thought into it.


And with that, let’s commemorate the 300th chapter with the next Extra chapter, the Hideyori BFF Bad End route. After that, we go to the Sanctuary!


Next up, after he got rejected by Madoka, Takeru swore his eternal friendship to Hideyori…….

TLN: The schedule is going to be every other day at this rate lol

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