Tanikawa Sakuya Approves

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While gazing at the 12 girls of the Western Army, Master started thinking [I guess I should ask him for some advice if I plan to remarry huh?].


At the corner of his vision was Risa and the thought that immediately came to his mind was [Her brother sure gave some useless advice to Shou-kun though…….]. The scene of Takeru giving Shou love advice the other day floats to his mind.


Meanwhile, as though she just remembered something, Risa raised her voice.


“That’s right! Emi-san!”



Emi let out a surprised voice as she was chatting with Haruka, Yurika and Misuzu while sipping her cola through a straw.

She didn’t expect Risa to suddenly shout out her name like that.


“This is not the time to relax right! We finally have all members of the Western Army here, let’s think of some countermeasures!”

“Eh? Misuzu thought that we were only supposed to introduce ourselves and make friends with each other today though?”

“What countermeasures?”



Misuzu and Haruka were puzzled.

Certainly, just as Risa said, the Western Army is not a group of girls who just want to have a good time.

All of the original members understand this point well.

And naturally, being the leader, Emi understands what Risa is trying to say.


“Well, our group was originally formed as a truce agreement to keep other girls away from Hideyori-kun after all.”

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With a bitter expression, Emi recalls what each of the original members did before the army was formed.


“I have been trying to keep other women away from Hideyori-kun but we still ended up with 12 members of this group! 12 people you know!? We already passed the point of no return. No matter what we do, nothing will chan~ge!”



Hearing Emi, Sakuya presents a solution that just came to her mind.


“Then how about we let some of our members graduate?”

“We’re not idols okay.”


However, Madoka immediately shot her proposal down.

Even when serious members of the army like Seiko and Towa tried thinking about what to do, they could not find any good solutions either.


“Nnn, maybe we should think about this the other way around?”

“The other way?”


Nodoka muttered and Risa reacted to her words.


“Yes. Let’s think of it like this. It’s thanks to Emi-senpai and Risa-senpai that we only have 12 members right now!”

“…………..only 12 members?”


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Shock runs through the other 11 members.

Emi and the others begin to break into a cold sweat when they realized that if not for the measures already taken, their members may have increased to 20 by now.


“B, But it’s true that we have someone like Kumamoto-san in our class who’s aiming for Akechi-kun right…….”


Risa recalled Kumamoto Sena who was clearly in love.


“Right, Kumamoto does have a strong feeling for Akechi.”


Yoru recalled how her classmate talked an awful lot about Akechi.

(That Starbuck-neechan for sure………) Seiko also knew of someone outside the Western Army who was targeting her brother…….


“Master! How do we get Hideyori to stop blasting his cupid arrows at other girls beside us!?”

“Who knows. Also, I don’t remember approving you to use this place as some Hideyori Emergency Center you know.”

“I approve.”

“Come on.”


While watching the parent and child exchange, Misuzu, who was treated coldly by her father, felt jealous.

Emi noticed her gaze and patted her back.


“E, Emi…….”


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Misuzu happily narrowed her eyes at the warmth shown by her friend.




On the other hand, seeing Emi and Misuzu, Madoka who knows of the original story was a little worried that Emi might have a sudden urge to neck chop Misuzu.

She watches the two worriedly.


“But I also want to hear what Master-san thinks too.”

“Hmm, advice huh……..”


With Towa forcing the ball into his court, Master started thinking about what kind of advice would be good for the girls.

Personally, he thinks that the Hideyori who kept grumbling [I want to be popular, I want to be popular…….] every day should be pretty easy to take down.


“I guess it would fall to a confession after all. The guy won’t know how you feel unless you tell him after all.”

“But even if I confess, it can’t even convey a third of my love to him you know.”

“Can’t even say [I Love You] huh……..”

“I heard that song before…….I’m pretty sure it doesn’t belong in your generation though.”


Being too similar to Hideyori, Master was at a loss for words.

They say birds of the same feather flock together after all.


“By the way, what do you girls want to do after you start dating Hideyori?”


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Master casually raised a question to the 12 girls.

And just a few seconds later, he would come to regret it…….


“I want to have a child with Hideyori-kun and have a small happy family.”

“I want to do all kinds of things with Akechi-kun and Nii-san.”

“I want to go out with Akechi-kun (continue where we left off in our past life), flirt with him every day and get married.”

“Hideyori and I are gonna run this coffee shop together. We will live a peaceful life here and pass the shop to our children.”

“I want to run a company with Hideyori-san!”

“First, I would go boast to everyone in the Western Army that we started dating and then we will start thinking about our future together!”

“I would make Onii-chan my manager and since our last names are different anyway, maybe we can get married…….”

“I want to become strong together with Master and set out to help those in need!”

“I, I don’t really care about Akechi though………”

“I want to repay Akechi-san! I will become someone who can help him when he’s in trouble!”

“I, If I can have Hideyori by my side then that’s all I want. I just want Hideyori.”

“Misuzu wants to marry Hideyori-sama. Misuzu wants to be loved for all the love Misuzu missed out on until now and Misuzu wants to give him all Misuzu’s love too.”


Master was assaulted with 12 answers all at once.

Everyone was practically shouting so he had to cover his ears.

Even Tarzan the Legend or ShotokuTaishi who can listen to multiple people simultaneously probably can’t make out what everyone said either……


Everyone looked satisfied and happy about their own answer but in contrast, Master alone was in pain.

Author Note: V10C6, the conversation between Yoru and Kumamoto-san.


These days I am quite fond of Emi x Suzu.


Next up, everyone’s expression gets clouded by Master’s casual remark.

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