Akechi Hideyori gets Wet

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It was when I was helping my aunt wipe the plates and cups at the sink.

She suddenly called out to me with a solemn expression.

I put the dish I was wiping on the shelf as I replied.


“I never knew that you are such a womanizer Hideyori………”



I couldn’t help but do a spit-take at her outrageous remark.

The heck does she mean by that!? I can’t even comprehend the words that just came out of her mouth.


“A womanizer!? Do you know how frustrated I am at my own popularity!?”

“Eh? Is it just my misunderstanding……? …you have plenty of girl friends though?”

“Nope, I have more male acquaintances you know? I mean, I have tons of guy friends on my RINE account after all.”

“Ahh, right……”


People only see me hanging out with either Takeru or Yamamoto but I do have a lot of male acquaintances.

The girls I can actually talk to are only the girls back at the coffee shop + Concept-san, that’s all.

I can’t even hold a serious conversation with Misuzu after all.


“Ahh…., I want to have a Galge-like relationship with a girl. Ah, you’re done washing that right, hand it over.”


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I had a long conversation with my aunt today.

“Oh no…., this might even be more serious than I thought……”


“Alright! Let’s do this, Akechi-sensei!”

“Y, You idiot!? Stop that, Yamamoto!? Takeru!?”





Just before the lunch break, when the physical education class was over, we men were playing with water.

Specifically, I only complained that it was hot today while I was washing my face at the faucet but Takeru and Yamamoto immediately went [Then let’s get you some water then] and started splashing water at me.


“Here comes a big one!”

“O……, Oi!?”



Takeru enthusiastically twisted up the faucet and splashed me with torrents of water.

Takeru and Yamamoto were safe since they were behind the faucet but I was fully wet.


“…..Wha, What are you doing, you idiots!”

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I’m soaked down to my underwear.

Of course, I expected that I would get wet but I never expected my body to be doused from head to toe.


“S, Sorry, Hideyori…..”

“Ahh, don’t worry about it. You two all dry?”

“I’m fine……”

“Me too….”

“That’s good…….Geh……, even my towel is wet…….”


My towel is soaked.

It’s hot so dehydration is a thing but I certainly do not want even Takeru to get soaked.

When I was wondering what to do, Takeru called out to me.

“I have a spare towel, I’ll grab it for you.”

“Sorry, I will borrow yours then.”

“Don’t be, it’s my fault anyway…….”


Takeru headed back to the classroom to get me a fresh towel and a change of clothes.

It was already lunch break and only Yamamoto and I were left there.


“Akechi, what do you want to do? Our classmates are probably back at the class already……..”



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The 5th Gift Academy has a changing room for girls for the phy-ed class like this but boys usually have to change in the classroom.

It’s lunch break now since we were messing around splashing each other so the girls probably got back to the classroom already.

There’s no place for us to change.


After 3 minutes Takeru came back but it seemed that the classroom was already crowded with girls chatting and having lunch.


“Yamamoto and I can change in the bathroom but Hideyori, you probably need some space to clean yourself up right…….”

“Ah! Then I can change in the clubroom.”

“Nice idea! Be sure not to catch a cold okay, Akechi.”

“It’s fine. I haven’t caught a cold in years after all……”


Here I am, wanting to be nursed back to health by a girl in a maid outfit……
After receiving a change of clothes and a new towel from Takeru I parted with the two who are heading to change in the bathroom.

I plan to change in the clubroom so if I found Concept-san lazing around there I’m going to kick her out. That said, the room is empty today.


Anyway, I took off my jacket and underwear before wiping my body with the towel.

My pants are soaked as well so it’s really weird that I have to be naked inside the clubroom like this…..

I don’t have spare underwear so I squeezed out the water and put it back on.

It’s gross but there’s no helping it…….


———It was then.


There’s a sound of the door opening.


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A girl walked in.





An awkward silence hung between us.

A girl I don’t know walked in on me while I was only in my underwear.


Long brown hair.

Mysterious mole under her right eye.

Even though I have never met her before, I somehow get a nostalgic feeling from her.


That……….was my ridiculous first encounter with Asai Chihiro.


There’s still no sign of an ending to this crazy game’s plot—————-

Author Note: We caught a glimpse of Chihiro here at V10C36
And that’s V10 completed.
I so want to do a TS story next chapter…..(TLN: Genderbend incoming)

Next up, I plan to write an extra story about Toyotomi-kun.
It’s new year so this is just right! (TLN: New year like a year ago……)


TLN: a long holiday is coming up for me later so we will be going to V11 at full speed.

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