The End of Sasaki Emi – A

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TLN: Yes, it’s Emi’s POV


That day, since we just moved into a new house, Okaa-san told me to go out because she was going to unpack.

There’s a playground just a short walk away so go kill some time there, she said.

I was excited to go there because there was no playground near the place I used to live.

I didn’t know, that my life would be changed forever that day…….

At the playground, there was a boy who should be around my age playing on a swing.

I wanted to get along with him since he might be my new neighbor so I approached him.


“Um….., hello……”



Okaa-san told me to say that when I meet someone so I did as I was taught.

The boy silently raised his head up and looked at me.


“Tsk, so annoying.”

“……I’m, I’m sorry.”


The boy was very scary.

The fear that he might do something cruel to me starts to take hold of my body.

Suddenly, the boy stands up. He then stares straight at me and says something.


“[From now on, you will become my slave].”



Slave, I don’t understand what that word means but somehow, my body understood it.

It was at this moment where my Self died………

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“Find out as much as you can about [[Juumonji Takeru]], anything that could be his weakness.”



I am a slave to a person called Akechi Hideyori.

My mouth moves, my body moves.

But I can not do anything using my own will.

Just like when I watch TV, it was like seeing my body simply obeying Akechi Hideyori’s every order.


Without even allowing myself time to sleep, I would follow Juumonji Takeru.

One day I would follow his sister, Juumonji Risa.

On another day I would follow another woman.

Pretending to be friends with them.

Splashing water on their face.

Ripping off their skirts.

Even something that I promised them to keep as an absolute secret would be relayed to Akechi Hideyori.

Helping him construct his alibi.

Throwing another girl’s shoes into the trash.

Using a cutter to rip their textbooks.

Stealing a key to their house and duplicating it.

Looking into their troubled family circumstances.

Throw away their homework.

Let him take my lips.






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sd*fdxjfsfz24. ^&5sL:s5x








“!? Eh?”

One day, my Self was revived.

Finally, the sensation that felt like I was watching TV disappeared and the feeling of [Freedom] returned to me.

It has been about 10 years since I last felt this.

I don’t really understand but, I was at a, river? And there are several people around me as well.


“Tsk, the hell are you doing!? [Emi! Restrain Takeru!].”

“Y, Yes!”


The sense of freedom once again disappeared and I immediately reached my hands out to catch a man I don’t know.


“Eh? W, Who are you?…….what am I–?”


Who is this man I wonder?

I don’t know, I don’t even know how I lived until this moment……



“HIIEE!? W, who are you!?”


I somehow recognize this man.

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He resembled the boy who robbed me of my will at the playground that day and I was scared when he called my name.

Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Every hair on my body stands. I was overwhelmed by the disgust of how accustomed I am to this stranger calling me by my first name.

I have to run.

Okaa-san, Okaa-san, help me!!


“[Emi!! Jump into the river and die!!]”

“Wha!? Hideyori, you–!?”


I thought I could trust the other man who was nearby.

I instinctively knew that if I were with him I won’t be controlled anymore.



“N, No….I…..why……”


In contrast to my wish, my legs moved in the opposite direction.

My body then dived headfirst into the river.

“^O@^!#, #%”

I couldn’t resist and soon I completely lost my consciousness.


That disgusting man called Akechi Hideyori.


If I ever meet him again, , ,






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I want to kill him.



When I woke up in the morning, tears were spilling from my eyes.

Did I have a scary dream?

It was a scary sensation like I was truly being killed.


“Somehow I felt like Juumonji-kun was in my dream though……”


The boy I recently met who claimed to be Hideyori’s best friend.

I wonder why he feels more reliable to me now than before I saw him in the dream.

Why do I feel that way I wonder?


“If anything, it would be better if something happened with Hideyori-kun and me in my dream though…….”


A kiss with Hideyori-kun for example.

Maybe he can forcibly steal a kiss from me too.


“…….that might be nice.”


Perhaps I was influenced too much by the romance drama my mother usually watches that I starts overlapping it with me and Hideyori-kun.


[[Emi~? Get ready soon okay.]]


Today as well, my day is starting as usual.

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