I completed the final game.

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The characters I hate like Akechi Hideyori were killed off earlier but I continued to the grand finale of the game.

With 3 games in the series, it was a very long journey but I’ve finally finished all of them.

“I finished it, Toyotomi-kun……”

The [Breaking the Chain of Sadness] series has concluded with its third and final entry.

It seems that the developers published other games that are set in the same universe but since they all told their own separate stories, it looks like I do not need to play them.

“Now I’ve lost my final connection to Toyotomi-kun huh…….”

I wanted to see what he saw in this game so I started it.

Now that it’s over, I felt like my connection to Toyotomi-kun was severed.


The lives of Juumonji Takeru and the heroines would continue in a place I can’t see, they would have many new encounters and move on to become an adult.

But, I can not see myself having a future like them.

I felt like I made a lot of friends as I played through the game but in the end, I alone was left behind.
Left behind by Toyotomi-kun.

Left behind by the characters of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness] series.

I alone can not see myself taking a step forward.
I’ve lost my will to live……..

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“Yumi!? Hey, Yumi!?”

A few days later, I started coughing out blood in the school corridor.

I lost my consciousness right there and when I woke up, I was already lying on a bed.

A lot of tubes are connected to my body.
Ahh, I will probably die this time.

I don’t think I can be saved

Rather, I don’t really want to be saved.
“- – – – – – – -”

Okaa-san is saying something to me.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear what you say anymore……..

The only thing I can feel is the feeling of death spreading through my body.
I lost what I wanted to live for, I lost the power to keep living, I don’t even know how to live.

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It might be too early for me to go to where Toyotomi-kun is right now………

Will he get angry at me I wonder?

Or will he be happy that we can meet again instead?
Either way, if I can meet him then there will be no greater happiness than that.
Come to think of it, I wonder if Toyotomi-kun still remembers…….?

[[Let’s make it a penalty game. If I forget to message you even once then you can give me a punishment]]

He said that he would do whatever I say if he broke his promise.
I forgot all about it but I can clearly remember it now.

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–If, I was to be born a human again.

–I wish to be with Toyotomi-kun.

–I don’t even dare to hope that I can be lucky enough to be his girlfriend.

–But I still want to be at his side.
I will definitely find you Toyotomi-kun.


“Hey, Hideyori. What’s our first class today again?”

“First class today huh? Japanese maybe?”

“Wrong answer, it’s math.”

“Hey, Takeru. Maybe we should rethink our friendship a little?”

Hideyori? Takeru?

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Why are those names felt so nostalgic to me I wonder?

Overhearing the conversation of 2 boys who walked by me, my head was aching so much that it felt like it would burst.

The names felt so familiar to me.

I think I remember those names from [Breaking the Chain of Sadness]–……., That’s it!

“Eh!? Wait a minute. My name is Tsugaru Madoka right!?

My hair is green too!

There’s no way that green is a natural hair color right!?

“Did I reincarnate……..”

It was a casual chance meeting.

When I recognized the voices and faces of Juumonji Takeru and Akechi Mitsuhide, I realized this is the world of that game.

The only difference is that they are all much younger than they were in the game.

“………..this world was super violent wasn’t it!”

Tsugaru Madoka did not particularly get involved with any incident in the game and she was only a character that was there to liven up the scene.


Akechi Hideyori is still dangerous!………He’s a guy that deserves to die as much as that human waste that messed up Toyotomi-kun’s life.

“I will stay clear from the storyline and live through this!”

In this way, I left behind my life as Kurusu Yumi and started anew as Tsugaru Madoka

TLN: That’s the end of the 3rd Arc. Next is the Character introduction.

The 4th arc is relatively short so it might drop next week, maybe……

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