Toyotomi Mitsuhide’s Injury

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A month after I thanked Toyotomi-kun, something suddenly happened.


Toyotomi-kun had been absent from school for a while.

I thought that he might have somehow contracted my illness but that wasn’t the case……

“Toyotomi-kun, he retired from the club……..he can’t do kendo anymore…….”


Kendo was like his life’s purpose. And his body is no longer capable of doing it.

His arm was wrapped in a painful-looking bandage, and Toyotomi-kun’s usual liveliness was absent from his eyes.

“How did this happen……?”

“The official story is that he was injured during the club activity but, actually……..”

“Actually what? An injury this severe is just too strange right!?”

“The new club captain and his goons crushed his right shoulder. It seems that the captain dislikes how Toyotomi-kun always hogged all the spotlight so he intentionally slammed the door on his shoulder. He can’t lift his right arm up above his shoulder anymore.”

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Such a simple thing that even the weak me can do is now impossible for Toyotomi-kun.

How can I not be shocked by that?

“……, what’s that? It’s their fault for being weak right. Is that a reason for them to ruin Toyotomi-kun’s future? And why didn’t Toyotomi-kun say anything?”

“If this gets out then our club activities might be suspended, at worst, our club might get abolished. He’s staying silent to protect the club.”

“Just let it get abolished, a club like that……”

“I do belong in that same club you know.”


“Since I didn’t say anything either, I’m also the worst huh. But before he left Toyotomi-kun also told us [I will say that it was an accident so I want you all to do your best at the tournament in my place okay]. Because he said that, no one is saying anything.”

I’ve only seen Toyotomi-kun doing kendo a few times but he always looked so cool while he was at it.

The fact that I can’t see his gallant figure anymore was depressing to me as well.



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However, time never stops flowing.

It was little by little but Toyotomi-kun eventually regained his vigor.

He may not be able to do kendo anymore but he might have found a different path to live.
Then, spring arrived.

That spring, I was put in the same class as Toyotomi-kun.

“Take a look at this, Toyotomi! This gravure issue! Her boobs are amazing right?”

“You idiot, at this angle, you should pay more attention to her armpit instead.”


Toyotomi-kun who’s acting his age is also wonderful.

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“No, how the heck does that remotely sound wonderful!”


“Toyotomi-kun is a completely disappointing guy now isn’t he……without kendo, he’s just an otaku you know…….just where did all his coolness go.”

“Uwah, after he did all that to save your precious club, what are you saying…….”

“You, your mouth has got considerably worse ever since you fell for Toyotomi-kun you know……..”

Although we are now in the same class, I still couldn’t talk to Toyotomi-kun.

Even when our eyes occasionally meet, he would just avert his eyes away.

“Alright, we are changing seats today–!”

An idea suddenly struck me when our homeroom teacher made that announcement.

This is it!

I just need to draw the seat lottery and get the seat next to Toyotomi-kun!

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“My time has come!”

That’s right.

With this, I will be able to sit next to him!
“Sorry, Yumi.”


It was Minako who ended up getting to sit next to Toyotomi-kun.

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