Excerpt from Breaking the Chain of Sadness’s official site (The scam trial version).

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[[The type of person I like? Cute Girls of course!]]

Tsugaru Madoka

A girl who loves cute girls.

She is a mood maker who always brightens up the room with her cheerful smile.

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A short girl like Emi is especially her type.

Excerpt from Breaking the Chain of Sadness’s Visual Fan Book.

[[Eh? You boys can just date each other right? Leave the girls to me.]]

Tsugaru Madoka

A lively girl who has nothing at all to do with the serious stuff.

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If we made even this girl gloomy then the game would be too dark right (lol).

Since she mainly appears in the school life part of the game, you would see her 80 percent of the time in the trial version.

Her homosexual remarks are half-serious and half-joke

Character Introduction [For this Novel]

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Tsugaru Madoka

She ended up a completely different character from her game’s counterpart.

The liveliness her character boasts is now a total fraud.

I actually planned to have Kurusu Yumi reincarnated as one of the game’s heroines but since I want to write about the original heroines as well, I made her an entirely new character instead.

Incidentally, it seems that Yumi’s past has changed the flow of the novel too much though.

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We will return to the original flow in the next chapter.

About the current identity of Toyotomi Mitsuhide-kun…………….well, please take a guess.

(TLN: Yeah, who could it be I wonder……….I totally don’t know……)

Also, next up, the Coffee Shop Arc

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